Should Mike really be rapping?

What would you like Mike to be doing permanently?

  • Rapping with LP?

    Votes: 38 100.0%
  • Rapping without LP?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rapping without rock music?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not rapping at all?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
In tHe daRK...
I dont know what you guys think, so i'd like to know. I love Mike Shinoda, no doubt, and Fort Minor didnt suck at all, its actually quite good. But would you rather see him rap with LP and Chaz, or just do plain simple and boring rap?
Yeah he should definetly rap with LP. I love the mixture of rap and rock in LP!
Mike belongs together with LP! that's a fact!
But I don't think that he shouldn't be allowed to do side projects... of course he should be allowed to rap aside of LP, but I hope he doesn't decide to leave the band because he wants to rap without the other guys.

Without Mike's rap it just wouldn't be LP! I really don't care if ALL the guys made side-projects... as long as they just stuck together and continued to be LP!

Anyone that agrees with me???

// Love, Freida ^^
he can have all of the side projects he wants, gives me something to listen to besides LP, as long as he stays in LP i dont care...:)
That's rather a loaded question.
My answer is - whatever he feels like.
If he did eventually decide to leave LP one day, and one day eventually they will go their separate ways, that's the reality of life, then he'll be just as suited to whatever else he picks up as he is with either LP or FM and so forth. Just because he's an integral part of LP doesn't mean he should limit himself to strictly any particular genre of music - say rock OR rap. Mike's a creative force to be rekonned with, there's no arguement there. Whatever he does, be it rap, rock or pure mash-ups for his own amusement he's a master at what he does.
I'd hate to see his creativity stifled for fears of putting a few people's noses out of joint. I didn't respond to the poll because there's no 'third' option.
Short answer to should he be rapping - yes. With who or how is not my place to say.
-Rav :D
I enjoyed Ravs responce :) I agree whole heartedly =]

Mike should be doing whatever the hell he wants :D Although rapping in Linkin Park permanently would definitely make me one happier bunny. I'm really missing their music a lot lol. I mean I do like Fort Minor, as it's his style and it comes off like that and it sounds good, but Linkin Park is where it all is (personally for me), and it's his roots, so I hope he stays with it for as long as possible :D I would probably follow his music whatever he chooses, he's a great man and is excellent at what he does.
He should stay rapping with LP even though it easily fits with FM to me he seems to rap better when he's with LP cause he has a better flow and with FM most of his stuff seems to be forced and out of place.
Stenners said:
Mike cant carry an entire album so he should stick with LP :)
I think he could, just if he writes and produces an album, for others to rap on. Mike's way better at that than rapping, I think he'd make an excellent producer in a rap band, for example.
^ I agree wtih Fri. Mike is like Pharrel to me. They both are great music producers, and are masters at that craft. But as rappers, I'm not so sure. If Mike want's to be on his own, then that's his choice. I just don't think he'd get good enough resuluts to stay solo. LP in all reality doesn't have to make another album, considering how many theve allready sold, so funds wouldn't be a problem. But I think the total album sales if Mike stayed wtih FM would'nt come close to his sales with LP, if he want's to to look at it that way. Joe Hahn is also a decent prodcuer, so LP wouldn't be lacking in that department if he left, but if Mike left then LP would be ur basic run of the mill rock band, without Mike's raps. If that happened my intrest in them would defintaly go down, but I'd still listen to them.
What the hell is wrong with you, titling a thread like this?

Have you listened to Get Me Gone? You sound exactly like the dude that he's talkin about the whole song.
