Should Sex in videogames be banned?


Active Member
Sep 1, 2005
I think that just because of the whole Hot Coffe mod for GTA:San Adreas doesn't mean that they should take out Sex in videogames,besides we already have sex tapes like the ones of Paris hilton or Pamela Anderson :D Why should they take out Sex in games when people would even do it in front of their parents as far as they're concern.Man **** this **** up government,they should worry more about those poor victims of New Orleans or the War on Terror. :mad:
Sex in video games that are rated mature should not be gotten rid of. I don't see the point of it, but if some nerd wants to get off to some computerized porn, more power to him...
I don't know about you but have you ever played a:Dead or Alive game.If you haven't well then check it out at least once.But if you already played 1 of the games from that series well then I can already figure that out of all those chicks you'd **** it would be Kasumi or Tina,or both :D Nice comment for the last reply.And thanks for being brave enough to post something when no 1 else would ;)
I see nothing wrong with it. The games are rated Mature for a reason. If people don't want their children playing them maybe they shouldn't buy them of them. Common Sense. :D

Anyways, most places check your I.D. before they allow you to purchase this type of game... :cool:
That's why I have my parents with me evertime I go into a gamestop,or EBgames,etc. :rolleyes: Just about everyone I know owns about 5 M rated videogames,especially my friends. :D
cynthiaa89 said:
I see nothing wrong with it. The games are rated Mature for a reason. If people don't want their children playing them maybe they shouldn't buy them of them. Common Sense. :D

Anyways, most places check your I.D. before they allow you to purchase this type of game... :cool:

This is one of those areas where the government needs to stay out of. This type of restriction is nothing more then censorship. I will not allow the government to tell me what I can see and what I cannot see.

Sons of bitches
The answer is NO. If anyone is that perverted or flat out messed up that computer porn will get them off or warp their minds, perhaps THESE dipshits are the problem rather than the games.
I think the video games can have whatever they want it them as long as they are rated correctly...IT took them long enough to rate GTA San Andreas to rate them AO...ADULT ONLY! I mean mature could be 16/17 yrs least that is who they are sold to at Rhino here.
But AO is what those videogames should be rated and if parents let their kids play well...we cant do nothing about that. But if someone who has no problem with the nudity or sexual content....have at it
Gray~Gal said:
I think the video games can have whatever they want it them as long as they are rated correctly...IT took them long enough to rate GTA San Andreas to rate them AO...ADULT ONLY! I mean mature could be 16/17 yrs least that is who they are sold to at Rhino here.
But AO is what those videogames should be rated and if parents let their kids play well...we cant do nothing about that. But if someone who has no problem with the nudity or sexual content....have at it
GTA has always had a M rating and it should have stayed liked that from back then,to now,and so on.It doesn't deserve to get a AO rating.The government has alot more things to worry about such as:the war on terror,the destruction of New Orleans,high gas prices,etc.If you can rate the news well then if you would ask me it would get a:NKA...Not for Kids and Adults.Srew all of you who disagree with me.L8r
I dont think some 14 yr old need to be playing GTA...I dont care if it has M on it....mature to some isnt always right. AO just basically says only 18 and over can buy it. And things like that need to be rated higher...I dont my sister or my kids to have access to **** like that even if its a game...and by the way..I OWN THE GAME
Yes,sex should be allowed in games as long as they are rated,and children can rent or buy them.I think we have seen worse,how about you people?
sixes said:
Yes,sex should be allowed in games as long as they are rated,and children can rent or buy them.I think we have seen worse,how about you people?
I completely agree with you.Thank God someone that thinks a bit like me :rolleyes: .
sixes said:
Yes,sex should be allowed in games as long as they are rated,and children can rent or buy them.I think we have seen worse,how about you people?

You think children should be able go rent games like that where they can have sex with hookers and kill people for being on their block?
If a child is allowed by the parents then they (parents) need to be the one buying it for them because that means they would be responsible for it.
Screw you guys.You just don't get it don't you.Nobody that plays videogames would actually do what they see in games unless they were crazy,unlike me.I don't really know why people that play this game just go insane and go kill everone they see.But still I think that even us teens should use a little bit of our freedom of speech in this category.And I'm not just talking about sex in games but the violence to.I seen alot of worst thing that anyone can do with any weapon in movies,ok.But still they also have a rating system there.Hell I've seen more than enough R rated movies,add another 1 for the government to complain about.L8r :cool:
You know, if people payed a little bit more attention to what they were buying, it tells you on the back of the case why the game got its rating. For instance "Rated M for violence, sexual themes, language".
Anyway, it's the parents fault for buying that stuff for their kids. "Hmm...lemme see. this game is called GRAND THEFT AUTO... with M FOR MATURE ON THE FRONT. I think this is ok for my kids."
Why don't people shut the **** up and pay attention to what they're handing to their kids.
They do know what they're letting their children play.But still there are people that don't like to play by the rules such as myself.I most of the time get what I want,and I would give back...when i'm not so broke :D .By the way if not so blind it also has the rating in the front,but in the back thats where they show why it has that rating.I know a...well you can call him a special friend of mines...His parents don't let him play M rated games,and he turn out to be a retard,LITERALLY :eek: !And sometimes we let him play GTA,and when he starts playing he never stops.If you ask me since he doesn't play to many M rated games he ends up a retard.Add another reasons as to why the government should complain about that involves videogames.L8R
I think alot of people don't understand that adults play games as well. I don't feel like the content of my viewing or gaming should be rated down so its all good for children. I'm not a child, I'm an adult. If I want to see porn, death blood gore then thats my choice. The government should not involve themselves in issues that are like this. Of course there should be a rating system like with anything else.
If you have children its your responsibility to make sure your kids don't see things like this. I resent the government trying to be my ****in mother.
I moved out of her house for a reason !
I think alot of people don't understand that adults play games as well. I don't feel like the content of my viewing or gaming should be rated down so its all good for children. I'm not a child, I'm an adult. If I want to see porn, death blood gore then thats my choice. The government should not involve themselves in issues that are like this. Of course there should be a rating system like with anything else.
If you have children its your responsibility to make sure your kids don't see things like this. I resent the government trying to be my ****in mother.
I moved out of her house for a reason !

I agree. They should not just completely take it out because that's not fair to people that play them that are of age. If kids are playing the games, and their parents are getting pissed about it, maybe the parents should watch what they buy/rent their children. AND! If their kids are getting them from other kids, maybe the parents should have raised their kids better than that. :cool:
Originally Posted by sixes
Yes,sex should be allowed in games as long as they are rated,and children can rent or buy them.I think we have seen worse,how about you people?

You spoke my mind..

Yeah kids are roaming the net and d/l pr0n and trading on p2p networks freely...what difference would it make if games had sexually explicit graphics.

hmmmm would be interesting if Metalgear solid 4 had secret levels incorporated

I often stopped in the middle of missions in MGS1 to take snapshots of my female colleague hahaha she really was bemused with "what?"

If you don't know what I'm talking about...nevermind