Should TorrieAllan be de-moded.

smutt butt

New member
Who is Torrieallan?

Toriallen knows better to box me because i will pull her britches down, bend her over my knee and give her a spanking.



New member
Ok. Lets have some peace. Please disregard this poll.
It was made out of anger.

Classic TH. Something didn't go his way, so he apologizes for doing it. If it had gone his way, he would be stomping on the Mod grave of TA.

******* *****.



New member
Maybe she just likes to abuse him. He should turn around, take the abuse and not complain about it...did that sound right?


New member
I spelled "psychology" wrong because I was reading that extremely vivid post about you masturbating with both hands...
Am I going to have to get a restraining order?

How were you typing a response and reading a post at the same time?



New member
Am I going to have to get a restraining order?How were you typing a response and reading a post at the same time?
1. Well, I don't plan on stalking you anytime

2. It is possible to read and type at the same time. Try it.

BTW Cool_Dude...that was pretty good.

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