Should WHATEVER be Idiot Boxed.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2005
For some reason her post in the GF thread "Why There Are No Black Nascar Drivers" just flew the **** all over me. In fact, it made me angry.

WHY are so many of you fools racist?? THAT is the damn question! Why do you say blacks have to bring shotguns to the race? - why do you say blacks can't drive on the streets? And why the f%ck do you ask why blacks should be "allowed" to drive fast with bla bla bla??-as if blacks are not allowed to. Sickening! You racist, envious, hateful idiots are so sad.
Blacks should be "allowed" to do WHATEVER the hell they want - including nascar driving if they choose to.
Your so ignorant and egotistical that you would think that having a different shade of skin makes you less of a that is some dumb s-h-i-t if I ever saw it.
Hmmm, we call that kind of outburst "frothing", as in what happens when you shake the **** out of soft-drink cans, and open 'em up.

Is there a reason why Negroes are not represented in motor sports?
I knew there was a reason I chose to stay far away from a thread withthe word "nascar" inteh title YIKES. Time to switchto decafe deary
There are no Arab, Korean, Japanese, Jewish... ah the list is long drivers for Nascar but the reason white males are associated with Nascar is because it was based on a southern white man's tradition during the alcohol pro hibition of running illegal liquior. If blacks had been caught running illegal booze at the time they would have been put under the jail.

They don't have Nascar races in Africa.

Give'em time most blacks were born with a lesser god and an instinct to follow the money so they will show up soon and take over the sport.

Negroes **** up everything... why didn't we use Thia's to pick the cotton?
I had to go research the original thread to make a decision... and I voted "YES". for the following reasons.

1) She was answering one poster, and addressed it to "many rascist fools" without prejudice.
2) She asks why "some people say blacks are not allowed" when the post said nothing of the sort.
3) The post was obviously a joke (a stupid and humourless joke, but a joke nonetheless). And she went off on a tirade... like a ... well an IDIOT!
4) Even if she did believe she was confronting rascism, her argument is not very compelling... it is the same old anti-rascist rhetoric (which I believe in ... it is just tiring).

Yes, she should be idiot-boxed, but not for too long. The punishment should fit the crime.
Well damn, if the post she was responding to was a funny than idiot box for sure. Damn someone who can't see a funny around here!!!! :p
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Anyone who cant take a joke gets the box in my opinion

And what have you been getting your panties in a bunch over lately??? So should I call you pot or kettle?
But she is right with the allowed... Negroes are allowed to do stuff... a Chinese can open a resturant any place in the world and no one will even challenge the credit... Negroes are allowed to do stuff because they were born to a lesser god. They are superstitious and can't lose their roots in Africa. Put one root over each gate at professional football stadium and lose the black customers... they have a lesser god unless they accept Christ.
I voted NO, but all things concidered, she IS black so that does explain alot of her linguistic reasoning... slow down girl, your making yourself look like an I-SORS (Ignorant Social Order Racial Stereotype) :D

And RO is cheating by not allowing names to be shown here, and not putting this poll in the PREMIUM LOUNGE first, so "THE PEOPLES MODERATOR" declares this poll VOID (for now).

Were not gonna BOX anyone till after we have our new MOD, RO must not have read the note.

Has she even been here long? Sure she made some points that weren't expressed in the post but she didn't mean any exact harm. She was merely defending a race, plus she couldn't see the joke. Some people are not as "joke oriented" as the rest of us. I vote no, she wasn't being blantantly hostile and stupid...she thought she was doing the right thing.
GOD DAMN! That was one short poll!!!!! LMFAO I didn't think I voted on that one damn you made me think I had lost it for a second
Whatever is black? Splains a lot! Bet she knows what the deal is with the roots... People's ethnic reputation can be explained by origin and introduction to God... African's were heathens when taken as slaves and until they accept Christianity and practice it they will be shunned for that reason.

Haiti is a good example of African slaves without American government programs where the vodo is still the main religion... Why don't we welcome Hatian's to the shores of Ameica? Lesser gods! They suck!
tizz said:
And what have you been getting your panties in a bunch over lately??? So should I call you pot or kettle?

It sure as **** wasn't jokes. It was people NOT GETTING OFF MY CASE AND TRYING TO **** WITH MY HEAD
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
It sure as **** wasn't jokes. It was people NOT GETTING OFF MY CASE AND TRYING TO **** WITH MY HEAD

OK it's obvious you don't even get what I am talking about which makes it all the funnier for me :p
tizz said:
OK it's obvious you don't even get what I am talking about which makes it all the funnier for me :p
Does ANYBODY ever get what the **** your talking about... my guess is, even YOU, don't understand your own rants.
Oh in my world it's all funny as hell! LOL You have NO idea

But then if you saw what he got his panties in a bunch about earlier you would laugh to. You are more warped than me!
tizz said:
Oh in my world it's all funny as hell! LOL You have NO idea

But then if you saw what he got his panties in a bunch about earlier you would laugh to. You are more warped than me!
I rest my case.
But if you could be in my world you would be laughing and happy and looped!! It's all fun (when I need it to be) :p
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