Show Me Your Shoes!


Live. Love. Laugh.
Jan 8, 2004
Under Your Bed (or Orlando, FL)
well, somehow, i have alot of pairs of shoes (for a guy), because everytime my mom goes out of town, the only thing she ends up bringing me back, are shoes... but i was just wondering what kind of styles of shoes you guys wear.... post em...

i only picked a random few, the are kinda dirty.. but yeah...
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I have four pairs.

My Vans, my dress shoes, a pair of generic shoes, and then my band practice shoes - a pair of Adidas basketball shoes that are coming apart at the seams. :p
Nice shoes guys... I have 2 pairs of shoes... Pink and grey DC shoes and red and white And1's... I only wear the And1's for sports and stuff and the DC shoes everywhere except sports
I have shoes but i dont wear them they are new untanted they cannot be worn .. as a matter a fact they cant be looked apon with all of your eyes . .. yea so u cant look at them just dont even breathe near them yea ...
hmmm.. I think all my shoes are dirty, I hate cleaning them :p but I have those like SS1 only then darkblue, some sneakers, yellow boxingshoes and some more but I have no idea how to translate or describe them lol.



boots and chucks. ^^



pink <3
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i have like 30 pairs of shoes, i dont' think they would fit in one pic, the ones i wera most often are my black and pink skull and cross bone vans
I only have like 2 pairs of shoes, and I only wear one of them. My favorites are my army print Chucks. Then I have red Dickies shoes that I dont wear anymore.

^ the only pair I ever wear.. but I have 1 other pair of vans and sandals.. and thats about it..
Mike Shinoda's Gurl said:
Awesum picys guys! ^_____^

>.< I have like over 30 pairs of shoes. lmao it's sad cuz I get new ones every month. >.>

wow thats alot of shoes, i wishi had that much lol...i dont have a way of getting my pics up, but the only shoes i wear are my vans...
nice shoes victim *steals*