

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
siblings are ****ing annoying, incase you dont know what a sibling is, its your brother or sister.

everytime i dont lock my door, my little brother turns the volume on my alarm radio clock down, then i dont wake up and dont go to school, AAHHHRRR, that little dipshit should get his ass beat, even worse, he denies it

thats not all, that little ****er gets away with anything and my parents dont disipline him becuase hes the younger one, hes ****ing 16, he ****s up more than two rabbits in winter trying to keep warm. he loses my things, blames me for his ****, steals from me, and becomes completely unfair and expects me to be very nice to him, i swear, the next time that little runt mistreats my stuff or me, im going to beat the **** out of him so bad, his friends would forget how he looks.

its not just him, my sister goes in the same catagory, but im not pissed at her as much as i am with my bro, although, she has lost two of my razors, there 10 dollars each, with tax included, this is the third razor i bought and im sure as hell am not going to let her use it...without me knowing, its my sister, what can i do.

at least its not like my little bro. he leaves hair on it, eewww, you try to shave with a razor that has hair on it, you dont know where it came from, at least i can change the razor heads

my big bro is in jail, so no problems there, hmm, i should write him a letter
Being a pain in the ass is in the job desription that goes with being a younger sibling. Take comfort in the fact that they do grow up......eventually.
Feckless Wench said:
Being a pain in the ass is in the job desription that goes with being a younger sibling. Take comfort in the fact that they do grow up......eventually.

You wish. :rolleyes:
Or they occasionally emigrate younger sister is now being a pain in the ass all the way from the USA. Damn technology for making communication so easy! LMAO!
Siblings are great. My brother and I had so much fun as children. We had our share of fights, but we also made a great team. As opponents we were bad, (he stuck candy wrappers on all of my posters and I sprayed floral perfume on all of his clothes), but as a team we were horrible. We tortured my grumpy grandfather, took revenge on the bullies at school, and scared his friends into believing in ghosts. He was my best friend and I can
ToriAllen said:
Siblings are great. My brother and I had so much fun as children. We had our share of fights, but we also made a great team. As opponents we were bad, (he stuck candy wrappers on all of my posters and I sprayed floral perfume on all of his clothes), but as a team we were horrible. We tortured my grumpy grandfather, took revenge on the bullies at school, and scared his friends into believing in ghosts. He was my best friend and I can
kokorosenshi said:
siblings are ****ing annoying, incase you dont know what a sibling is, its your brother or sister.

everytime i dont lock my door, my little brother turns the volume on my alarm radio clock down, then i dont wake up and dont go to school, AAHHHRRR, that little dipshit should get his ass beat, even worse, he denies it

thats not all, that little ****er gets away with anything and my parents dont disipline him becuase hes the younger one, hes ****ing 16, he ****s up more than two rabbits in winter trying to keep warm. he loses my things, blames me for his ****, steals from me, and becomes completely unfair and expects me to be very nice to him, i swear, the next time that little runt mistreats my stuff or me, im going to beat the **** out of him so bad, his friends would forget how he looks.

its not just him, my sister goes in the same catagory, but im not pissed at her as much as i am with my bro, although, she has lost two of my razors, there 10 dollars each, with tax included, this is the third razor i bought and im sure as hell am not going to let her use it...without me knowing, its my sister, what can i do.

at least its not like my little bro. he leaves hair on it, eewww, you try to shave with a razor that has hair on it, you dont know where it came from, at least i can change the razor heads

my big bro is in jail, so no problems there, hmm, i should write him a letter

Sounds like you all need to grow up.
I am the oldest of 3.. I was the one doing the all tormenting.. And still do to a certain degree. Being the oldest had its draw backs. I always had to break the ice so to speak.. I went through it first, then they just simply followed.. Although, I believe my parents coddled them alot more than me.. Which would explain why I am the only one who has her **** together.. My sister married a drug addicted worthless piece of ****..Took her 10 years to finally get the nerve to divorce him..And my brother, well he is the town whore..Simply put, he literally has 5 or 6 girls stringing along right now as we speak.. neither of them have a pot to piss in, nor a window to throw it out.. And they are in their early 30's.. yeah they are annoying.. But no matter what they are blood..
I am 39, my brother is 51 and my sister is 56...they are SO much older then me, its not even like their siblings...thats in my adopted family.
In my biological family, I have two younger brothers but since we didn't grow up together its not like they really are my siblings.
My daughter is an only child...we'll see how that works out. I think it was for the best since she and I have been on our own. I think things would have been much harder on both of us if there were multiple children.
wow, its been a while since ive been on, i umm...busy, thats right, anyways

things have gotten better, got a key door knob and made my computer (that i built) hard to configure. that will keep those assholes from messing with my things......for now (enter dramatic music here)
Kokorosenshi, I got you beat. I got two brothers, four sisters and their families to deal with on a daily basis. I'm the eldest of the lot. And the sanest. My mom's worst nightmare.:eek:
I'm the middle child. I got an older brother and sister and a younger sister and brother.

We're all Irish-Italian Catholic ****tards.
I've got three younger brothers. One is full blood brother, and the other to are half brothers. Mom had 4 C-sections... at least we weighed less each time... went from 10lbs 9oz, to 9lb 12oz, on down from there....
I have one brother..He's great. Probably one of the smartest guys I know, and he's only 15. I sure am glad I don't have a lame ass family.:)
I have one older brother who likes to refer to himself as my flaming homosexual sister. He's my buddy.