Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****


New member

Do you people, day in and day out rant and rave about the same ol **** religion, politics, religion, politics, religion, other **** happens in our world besides religion and politics, speak your mind on something other than that.... lost interest :eek:


Crispy Critter

New member
So what's your position on medical marijuana?

Would you support prisons that punish bad guys?

Would the space program better managed by private companies?

Solar power and alternative energy could be interesting?

How about divorcing the government and refusing to use a SS #, pay no tax and live without the governments knowledge? Keep all your cash and freedom.

Pick someting and I'll talk with you.



New member
So what's your position on medical marijuana?
it should be used in a controlled way to the benefit of the people using it.

Would you support prisons that punish bad guys?
yes, they need harsher sentencing

Would the space program better managed by private companies?
this is Politics...

Solar power and alternative energy could be interesting?
yes, but i still wont sacrifice a Chevy suburban for a hybrid (did you know that every time one of those things crash, a hasmat team is required to come in? and the ambulance and police personnel cant touch the wreck till its been OKed by the hasmat team)
How about divorcing the government and refusing to use a SS #, pay no tax and live without the governments knowledge? Keep all your cash and freedom.
more Politics...


New member
Do you want to talk about ducks?

What about elves?

Does Santa exsist?

Guess phreakwars ***** size and win a prize!

*****? Good for the heart?

Sperm...does it really soften your skin?

Shaving your to avoid looking like a pubic version of Grizzly Adams!

**** ***....can it cause impacted molars?

Big Women...Warm in the Winter, Shadey in the Summer!

Oral *** it a good pain Remedy?

There ya go with them! :D



New member
Is it just me and Msixty, or is everybody else having problems with mosquitoes?

These are the most vicious bugs on the planet? **** there driving me nuts!!

What were we talking about now?

Oh yea Kerry Sucks! I think he



New member
Do you people, day in and day out rant and rave about the same ol **** religion, politics, religion, politics, religion, other **** happens in our world besides religion and politics, speak your mind on something other than that.... lost interest :eek:
Kinda funny, how, if your not a member, the main page says specifically, that this is a page to debate politics, religion. Or did nobody, and by nobody I mean SoNyaThEBiTcH, since shes the closest thing to a NOBODY I can think of, not notice.





New member
here are a few...

We can discuss;

-Teens in bars. should 18+ nights be banned? or should they get their own clubs?

-Scented candles, whats your favorite scent?

-Why do so many sitcoms have a fat guy lead with a beautiful wife he could have never got in real life anyhow?

-My genital piercing?

-Is white zinfandel actually a wine....or just a large wine cooler?

-what stereotypical thing to you hate about each kind of person the most?

-******** and what point does a conversation crosss the line in either direction?

-Why every shopping mall in this country is pretty much exactly the same?

ok im tappped...for now



New member
haha your too funny you know what, you always critisize people for WHATEVER they do and i mean whatever they do, why dont you just find a way to say something, that doesnt discust anyone, everytime i ever make a post in here, all i think about is what the "*******" is going to say about it, your not the only one speaking on this **** thing, and its no wonder people who come here you yell at for not "becoming" members because once they hear your dumbass mouth you intimidate them and they dont want to sign up for this bullshit, you never have anything good to say at all to anyone ever, your always negative, yuou never speak to someone to agree, not even on topics that i post respecctfully, not this one bcuz yes i was kind of joking, just because the site is for politics and religion dont mean thats ALL people can talk about, just like singers, there job is to sing but everyday we hear about their *** life, at home life, take tours into their homes, and watch them brush there ******* teeth, all i said was politics and religion arent even that great anymore, and your just...A) an ******* and B) to arrogant, stuck up, full of yourself think your right jerk...who particularly, not just me but im sure alot of people can say they think the same..and im SURE alot of people think im a *****, including me, exceot i am able to say sorry, i admitwhen im wrong, i sometimes agree with people, i dont shoot people down with every word that comes out of my mouth, you mut have REALLY low self esteem or be a ******* fat *** lazy *** ******* who dont think to highly of himself and has to spend his time putting down teenagers, who have just started their lives, i wanna be just like you dude...


New member
when i was a little girl, santa was my hero, now i sometimes accidentally sell my soul to him...**** ***, um...eww thats just degrading, sperm good for your skin, i wouldnt know because i dont lotion my body with the nasty gooey

"stuff", oral *** goood pain releiver, sure if your suffering emotionally, physically, if your in pain, it might make you forget about it for a minute, but its still there afterwards...



New member
Is it just me and Msixty, or is everybody else having problems with mosquitoes?These are the most vicious bugs on the planet? **** there driving me nuts!!

What were we talking about now?

Oh yea Kerry Sucks! I think he


New member
Oh yea!

Their the most vicious ******* birds on the planet!

I don't think the rest of you know just how bad these ******* are!



New member
when i was a little girl, santa was my hero, now i sometimes accidentally sell my soul to him...**** ***, um...eww thats just degrading, sperm good for your skin, i wouldnt know because i dont lotion my body with the nasty gooey "stuff", oral *** goood pain releiver, sure if your suffering emotionally, physically, if your in pain, it might make you forget about it for a minute, but its still there afterwards...

I am a little tipsy tonight...but im having either MAJOR deja vu...or some vertigo...or i am not done eating my ill just cut and paste

um...Sonya...u okay?

your posting a little crazy? Granted i enjoy downing a beer or 30 and then comming home and posting things that the next day i regret, dont remember, or (thankfully) remember and they are gone because of a mod (thanks for whoever has been doing that btw) Im just glad that the GF gods (and the w stands for WHAT not WHO) realizes that too and hasnt smacked me with some sort of bad penalty...

anyhow..whats up..your a tad agitated....

We can talk **** ***....thats fine...ive had **** *** many a time....but lets talk happy times...shall we!

Breathe.......All is well i promise!



New member
hahaa im so happy that i said all that and you had no dumbass comebacks, or no nasty *** comments, haha you must have really knew that that time i was right...yes!


New member
im glad your everyc omeback is to call me a *****, haha a 17 year old *****, dude your so ******* sick, switch whatever you may like on this site...this site is not my life, your only comeback is to **** with peoples pics, words, or quotes, you do that, hope it makes you feel 100% better you low life piece of garbage


New member
Just what in the Wide, Wide, World of ******* Sports was all that about?

I thought she said she was basically joking in her first post of this thread. Isn't that what we were doing as well?

And who in the **** is she specifically talking to anyway?

Godamn....and I thought I was reactionary! :eek:

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