New member
Um...you don't wanna see me. I am quite an unsightly creature. If you must, I do have photos on Yahoo...
Good Lord...I just realized how ****** up I looked in that picture......that's sad!
Its gay that i have it in my sig......OORR that you figured it out since i didnt use the chorus of the songI see your signature is from that song VIDEO KILLED THE RADIO STAR....that song is SOOO GAY, THAT.....UH...NEVERMIND...LOL
So i have it wrong by one word (a in stead of And...) course i was listning to a remake when i wrote that sig..so it is possible...but not enough to be totaly wrong
They took the credit for your second symphony.
Rewritten by machine and new technology,
and now I understand the problems you can see.
Oh-a oh
I met your children
Oh-a oh
What did you tell them?
Yupp... still gay....but I do have it in my MP3 collection... so its kinda cool..oh BTW Vortex, you got the lyrics wrong.
Well thank you. I do have self esteem. I