Hi..Please could you do me a sig? If you have the time?
I'm not really sure exactly what you need, so sorry if you can't do it.
You said you have the videos of Faint and Crawling on there - would it be possible to have a clip from Crawling on there? I really like the bit where Chaz is singing about standing beside his reflection and he's facing the girl through the ice. That bit would be cool, but any other bit if you like.
Metallic blue colour scheme (or any blue if you can't do metallic)
My username on it and the text "it's haunting..."
That's basically all... oh... if the sig needs a picture too (or you don't wish to use a video clip) then maybe a pic of chaz from the crawling video.
That would be AWESOME.
I hope I made sense, lol. Thank you very much, if you do decide to do it