Single mothers equal big time idiots


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
I hate "single mothers". They always put their status in quotes like it is some badge of honor. HELLO! It's not honorable to spit out bastards. Well, frankly I could care less if you do, but you all seem to be having your hand out all the time. Plus you want to be patted on the back.

Please. You chose to eff up your life with your horrid spawn. Now you want us to help you financially, plus you want to hear how wonderful your dreadful, dull, adhd, bipolar kid is.

Yuck. Not going to hear it from me. The poor sperm donor dumped you, so why should we care. PLEASE.....Take your birth control. We have enough "special" kids!!!
Elmoish said:
I hate "single mothers". They always put their status in quotes like it is some badge of honor. HELLO! It's not honorable to spit out bastards. Well, frankly I could care less if you do, but you all seem to be having your hand out all the time. Plus you want to be patted on the back.

Please. You chose to eff up your life with your horrid spawn. Now you want us to help you financially, plus you want to hear how wonderful your dreadful, dull, adhd, bipolar kid is.

Yuck. Not going to hear it from me. The poor sperm donor dumped you, so why should we care. PLEASE.....Take your birth control. We have enough "special" kids!!!
There's a lot of names for it: "Muncheusen Syndrome" "Martyr's Complex" and others. These are people who crave attention, and want people to feel sorry for them so they will cause harm or unfortunate events to themselves to get this victimization recogognition they crave. You're right Elmoish... ****'em they caused their own problems! The ones who don't bring attention to their plight are the true victims and they should be honored, not the stupid ****s who run around bringing attention to their "condition".
Hellz yes - the fact is that actual single mothers who need the help and deserve the help aren't the ones going around parading themselves out to be single mothers. I hate that as well, "I'm a single mother, pity me and help me and love me and make more babies with me then leave me so I can have someone else pity me." ****.
yup !! I agree 1000% ,,, The ones {sinle mothers} I hate are the ones who get pregnat at 16 get a house from the fuking council , get a grant from the social to decorate and buy **** for there house , then fall preggers again , puch out another fatherless kid , leave the kids with ANYONE even there fuking cat , sp they can go out and get drunk , get shagged by some 15 yr old NED and fall preggers again.,, Getting more money of welfare to clothes these poor bastards and feed them while all the time they run around cussing and throwing brocks at cars , and there teen mothers dont do **** !!!!.
Worse than them ,,, I hate single fathers , they do the pity me drama crap so much better tham women do ,, and EVERYONE pities them!!!

fuk everyone , I gona get drunk , layed and let my kids stay out til after 1 am ,, and there only 10 and 8. :rolleyes:
Elmoish said:
I hate "single mothers". They always put their status in quotes like it is some badge of honor. HELLO! It's not honorable to spit out bastards. Well, frankly I could care less if you do, but you all seem to be having your hand out all the time. Plus you want to be patted on the back.

Please. You chose to eff up your life with your horrid spawn. Now you want us to help you financially, plus you want to hear how wonderful your dreadful, dull, adhd, bipolar kid is.

Yuck. Not going to hear it from me. The poor sperm donor dumped you, so why should we care. PLEASE.....Take your birth control. We have enough "special" kids!!!

I agree to the extent that there are stupid whores out there who ****, get pregnant, and then are left by their mate. They **** before they think, etc. etc. It's stupid, and then they wear their title like they're great people desving of taxpayers money. :mad:

However, there are single mothers out there who deserve some credit. My friend had the courage to keep her baby after she was raped. Or my aunt who's fianc
Blyss said:
errrr, Tizz aint like the ones I discribed :D .
That would been your own mother yer thinking about, :eek:
Nope, always had my dad around kicking my ass, my mom was never a welfare whore .
I will ignore the rock wannabe who prolly does wear make up and tights n everyday life and carry on with this thread.
The last poster I agree with , there is a **** load of single mothers out there who by no fault of there own have ended up with childrenand living of the state .
There is many divoriced parent who bring up there children alone and never thought when delivering there children into this world that they wouldnt be sharing the moment of there birth with there partner.And these peopel go on and do the best for there children [I am one of them} as is many .
Then there's also the children. They didn't do anything wrong. They were born into unlucky circumstances. Should they be punished because their dad died of cancer when they were little?
Should we let two year olds go without doctors or shelter because ever since their mother left their abusive father, they have had no where to live? What kind of thing is that to do?
daisypapaya said:
Then there's also the children. They didn't do anything wrong. They were born into unlucky circumstances. Should they be punished because their dad died of cancer when they were little?
Should we let two year olds go without doctors or shelter because ever since their mother left their abusive father, they have had no where to live? What kind of thing is that to do?

Puh-leeze!!! Nobody is speaking of a widow with little kids, you dim wit.

I posted my disgust at "single Moms" who get sperm infected by choice then want credit for their below average spawn.

Sad that there are 2 year olds without decent care. Guess that would be single Mommy's fault! Should keep her fat thighs closed.
Blyss said:
I will ignore the rock wannabe who prolly does wear make up and tights n everyday life and carry on with this thread.
Is that the best you can do to insult me ?? Come back with a stupid "I BET HE DOES THIS" type remark ?? Did you really think you would get a rise out of me ?? Well, you certainly did, enjoy 24... no on second thought, make that 72, hours in the idiot box for looking at me funny.. Jabroni.

Besides, we ain't idiot boxed anybody in over a week, and I was bored with carrying on in this thread.
So elmo is saying..... That instead of going it on my own, I should have stayed with the guy who ended up beating the crap out of me and more than once put my child in danger, or that I should have had an abortion at 25 years old (when I was not having casual sex)

Ya I am a single mom ,and ya it sux sometimes but there isn't a second where I regret my decision. I ask for no more assistance than state health insurance and at one point accept WIC (minimal help with food). I accept my choices for what they are MY CHOICES!!!!!! I live at home for the moment (YA THAT SUX ASS) but it affords me the ability to not only raise my own child, but to remain in the same state as my family, as i believe that family is a GOOD thing and I want my daughter to know what that is like.

Hate me if you want, I am cool with that, cause frankly, your opinion don't mean ****
Phreak, give Blyss a break. She is a fantastic person who will stand up and kick the **** out of anyone who ****s with someone she considers a friend. She is new to the site and still figuring out how things work. I clued her in as she let me know about this thread thinking that you all were being assholes (which of course you are) but we are used to a whole different kind of situation (defenses still up so to speak)

I am requesting that she be let out on account of misunderstanding (and the fact that she went over the top a little here partly on y account)

More than meats the eye with this one.
tizz said:
So elmo is saying..... That instead of going it on my own, I should have stayed with the guy who ended up beating the crap out of me and more than once put my child in danger, or that I should have had an abortion at 25 years old (when I was not having casual sex)

Ya I am a single mom ,and ya it sux sometimes but there isn't a second where I regret my decision. I ask for no more assistance than state health insurance and at one point accept WIC (minimal help with food). I accept my choices for what they are MY CHOICES!!!!!! I live at home for the moment (YA THAT SUX ASS) but it affords me the ability to not only raise my own child, but to remain in the same state as my family, as i believe that family is a GOOD thing and I want my daughter to know what that is like.

Hate me if you want, I am cool with that, cause frankly, your opinion don't mean ****

Well, smarty pants, my opinion does mean "****" to you or why the reply?

I don't particularly hate YOU. What I detest is the culture of single momhood.

And, frankly you seem to fit right in this mode. Nobody cares that you did or did not stay with your chosen boyfriend. I doubt he just started being an arse when you turned up pregnant. Bad choice on your part. Very bad. Now, your poor kid has no father.

Ever hear of birth control? I'll be a bit psychic here and tell you that you actually wanted to trap that low rent and he wasn't really happy about it. Then the beatings REALLY began.

You did suck off the teat of wellfare. Don't kid yourself by saying you didn't take too much advantage of the system. You did. Can't even feed your own baby. This is what I find disgusting. Don't have them if you can't even feed or provide medical care.

Your poor parents. They must be thrilled to have to be taking care of you and a baby.

Here is a clue to all thinking of becoming single mommies: DON'T.

This is the way it should be done:

#1 Date. Cull the herd of idiots.

#2 Use birth control.

#3 Pick an employed, decent man to marry.

#4 After a year or so...and after having saved a bit of money....THEN GET PREGNANT. I imagine if he is beating you within this year you would be smart enough to get a divorce and not bring an innocent into the mess.

But, of course you know this. Everyone does. It's why being a single mother is a sad, bad, stupid thing to be.
tizz said:
Phreak, give Blyss a break. She is a fantastic person who will stand up and kick the **** out of anyone who ****s with someone she considers a friend. She is new to the site and still figuring out how things work. I clued her in as she let me know about this thread thinking that you all were being assholes (which of course you are) but we are used to a whole different kind of situation (defenses still up so to speak)

I am requesting that she be let out on account of misunderstanding (and the fact that she went over the top a little here partly on y account)

More than meats the eye with this one.
Denied, it is a light sentence and will expire within the next day.

Not to mention, I hate her too.
Elmoish said:
Well, smarty pants, my opinion does mean "****" to you or why the reply?

I don't particularly hate YOU. What I detest is the culture of single momhood.

And, frankly you seem to fit right in this mode. Nobody cares that you did or did not stay with your chosen boyfriend. I doubt he just started being an arse when you turned up pregnant. Bad choice on your part. Very bad. Now, your poor kid has no father.

Ever hear of birth control? I'll be a bit psychic here and tell you that you actually wanted to trap that low rent and he wasn't really happy about it. Then the beatings REALLY began.

You did suck off the teat of wellfare. Don't kid yourself by saying you didn't take too much advantage of the system. You did. Can't even feed your own baby. This is what I find disgusting. Don't have them if you can't even feed or provide medical care.

Your poor parents. They must be thrilled to have to be taking care of you and a baby.

Here is a clue to all thinking of becoming single mommies: DON'T.

This is the way it should be done:

#1 Date. Cull the herd of idiots.

#2 Use birth control.

#3 Pick an employed, decent man to marry.

#4 After a year or so...and after having saved a bit of money....THEN GET PREGNANT. I imagine if he is beating you within this year you would be smart enough to get a divorce and not bring an innocent into the mess.

But, of course you know this. Everyone does. It's why being a single mother is a sad, bad, stupid thing to be.

UH when did I deny making a bad choice in the man? And ya he did turn nutso AFTER the stick turned blue. As for birth control? I will not use the pill as I refuse to purposely put my body at risk for the crap that goes along with playing with hormones and at the time I concieved I WAS using non hormone birth control :p I have NEVER applied for welfare because I would feel to guilty as I am not that far in need. I make do with what I got and that is fine with me (My job does not offer insurance and so I get that from teh state.

The wic was VERY little and only while I was getting myself together. I voluntarily took myself off it as soon as I had an income.

My mother does not CARE for me and hell, I don't even ask her to baby sit. But the truth is she would have been heartbroken if I had chosen instead to move to a state that would better suit my income. My family is VERY close and we happen to like it that way and will do what we can for eachother to keep it that way.

Parenthood has been the greatest and most fullfilling piece of my life. My daughter is smart happy and loving. Her father voluntarily backed out of her life, I can't change that. Do I wish the situation had been differentDUH YA. Do I regret any of it for a second. Not once! SO think what you will, you are entitled to that.

And phreak, you big jerkie, that's cool ;)
There's nothing wrong with state insurance. My job doesn't offer it. Am I supposed to not get prenatal care because my job won't give me insurance? I think not.
As for the birth control...I got pregnant on birth control. My grandmother got pregnant on birth control TWICE. Fertile ovaries run in my family. It isn't always 100%.
Granted, I am not a single mom (engaged) but you may hate me for using state insurance anyways. So be it.
angie said:
There's nothing wrong with state insurance. My job doesn't offer it. Am I supposed to not get prenatal care because my job won't give me insurance? I think not.
As for the birth control...I got pregnant on birth control. My grandmother got pregnant on birth control TWICE. Fertile ovaries run in my family. It isn't always 100%.
Granted, I am not a single mom (engaged) but you may hate me for using state insurance anyways. So be it.

There's nothing wrong with state insurance???? Here is one thing wrong with it: Taxpayers are paying for something you should be.

You should indeed get prenatal care. GET A JOB WITH GOOD BENEFITS, set your life up responsibly, put some dough in the bank, THEN have a child. If you are such a load that you can only get a minimum wage job, and don't care enough about your future to get a bit of education to get a decent job....DON'T BRING KIDS IN TO THE PICTURE.

As for you and your grandmothers fertility....I doubt you are telling the truth. Read the packet info on bc pills. I think it is in the 99+% range.

Why does your saying that you are engaged make you not a single mother?

Another example of the welfare class claiming middle class virtues without doing the work.

Do your child/ren and future fiances a favor and get Norplant. Can't really eff that method up unless you cut it out of your arm.
Elmoish said:
There's nothing wrong with state insurance???? Here is one thing wrong with it: Taxpayers are paying for something you should be.

You should indeed get prenatal care. GET A JOB WITH GOOD BENEFITS, set your life up responsibly, put some dough in the bank, THEN have a child. If you are such a load that you can only get a minimum wage job, and don't care enough about your future to get a bit of education to get a decent job....DON'T BRING KIDS IN TO THE PICTURE.

As for you and your grandmothers fertility....I doubt you are telling the truth. Read the packet info on bc pills. I think it is in the 99+% range.

Why does your saying that you are engaged make you not a single mother?

Another example of the welfare class claiming middle class virtues without doing the work.

Do your child/ren and future fiances a favor and get Norplant. Can't really eff that method up unless you cut it out of your arm.

Firstoff, I make more than minimum wage. Unfortunately, the center I work at is in the process of being sold, and there will be no insurance until new owner is finished taking over.
Yeah...I'm lying about getting pregnant on the pill (and my grandmother). And what would be my motivation for making that up?
And I'm not a single mother. I am engaged, we live together, and he has gone to dr. appts/ultrasounds with me. And for the record, he has insurance through his job asswipe.
I won't be able to use Norplant until after I finish breastfeeding. The only hormone birth control you can use is the mini-pill. When I am done with that I plan on discussing my options with my doctor.
Oh, and all that 'taxpayer money' I'm using up? Last time I checked, I pay taxes too.