single or taken

I'm single looking for a Woman aged 17 - 45 and living in the area must enjoy cleaning, cooking and ironing......... carrer woman optional but not neccesity looking for heights 3'10 - 7'10. Ginger, Blonde, Brunette or Blue Rince perferd....... breasts not essential but would be nice.

Okay FINE! Im single n looking :D
Double LOL Matt!!! *ROTFL hysterically* Well, I'm single at the moment and I must admit I don't really like it... No, I DON'T like it AT ALL!!!! I can only hope for the best...*shrugs*
I'm single.. and like someone. Well I actually kinda like more than one person.. hmm.. and someone likes me but I don't like them.

How's that for confusing?! XD