Slap or ****


New member
I don't find him attractive but I like his voice.

Omfg. Bam Magera = little teenage schoolgirl's crush material. yuck. slap him to kingdom come.

Toumas Holopoinan (keyboarder off Nightwish)



New member
you and your nightwish obsession - it's unhealthy ;)

as for Bam... little peepee but me likee very muchlee haha

B D Wong (actor)


crazy robster

New member
****, though I don't think he'd appreciate it since he prefers guys to chicks...Well, each to their own! Amazing musician though! <3

Benji Madden



New member
slap. overrated. majorally.

i would **** darren hayes but only in savage garden's first album days (which I am currently listening to)

Rupurt Murdoch

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