Slutty Teens and their stupid parents

angie said:
I see a BIG problem with 12 and 13 year olds having sex. They're still kids. They have no business having sex. Maybe if their parents weren't so goddamn lazy and actually RAISED their kids there wouldn't be such a problem.

I never said 12 and 13 year old kids having sex is a good thing. But dressing "slutty" and having sex are two COMPLETELY different things. What I have a problem with is parents sheltering their children, so when they finally get away from mommy and daddy they're 18 year old babies. Learning about safe sex, and maybe even experimenting a little at 12-13 is a hellova lot better than being completely clueless about it, going away to college, and getting knocked up or some other such **** because you never learned about that kinda **** from your parents or in schools.
Gotcha. I thought you meant sex, not the clothing.
And yes, sex ed should be tought. But they still shouldn't be "expirimenting". Unless you're referring to making out, because that is as far as it should be going at that age. And they still shouldn't be dressing like hookers. What the hell is that teaching them? Not self respect, that's for sure.
angie said:
Gotcha. I thought you meant sex, not the clothing.
And yes, sex ed should be tought. But they still shouldn't be "expirimenting". Unless you're referring to making out, because that is as far as it should be going at that age. And they still shouldn't be dressing like hookers. What the hell is that teaching them? Not self respect, that's for sure.

Well it depends, if it makes them feel better about the way they look, then all the more power to them. I guess it depends on the person wearing it.
Right, teaching teens that they have to dress like their dingbat peers in order to look "good" is a great idea. That'll do wonders for their self esteem. How about teaching them self respect, and that they don't have to show 90% of their body to look good?
angie said:
Right, teaching teens that they have to dress like their dingbat peers in order to look "good" is a great idea. That'll do wonders for their self esteem. How about teaching them self respect, and that they don't have to show 90% of their body to look good?

Like I said, it depends on the person. Someone wearing those kinda close and thinking they look "hot" will have a hellova lot better self esteem than the girl in the back of the class wearing sweatpants and an old navy fleece because she thinks she is ugly. And just because they choose to show some skin, they automatically have no self respect? So by that reasoning, girls who cover everyinch of their skin have as much self respect as possible? Guess what, I know plenty of girls who cover just about as much of their body as possible and have next to no self respect (Cutters anyone?).
No one wants to see some kid's jail bait body hanging out. They are NOT J-Lo And they are NOT sexy. It's gross as hell.

But I'm sure the Kid****ers love it...
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
No one wants to see some kid's jail bait body hanging out. They are NOT J-Lo And they are NOT sexy. It's gross as hell.

But I'm sure the Kid****ers love it...

It's easy to avoid looking at. I don't particularly like looking at the morbidly obese, or disfigured people, but I can deal with that, I can look away if it bothers me that much. It's not about what you think is sexy or not, if it makes the person wearing those clothes feel sexy and better about themselves then I'm all for it.
I don't see why in the name of hell a ten year old would want to feel sexy. THEY'RE TEN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. "Sexy" shouldn't even be an issue for them yet
angie said:
Right, teaching teens that they have to dress like their dingbat peers in order to look "good" is a great idea. That'll do wonders for their self esteem. How about teaching them self respect, and that they don't have to show 90% of their body to look good?

Exactly....Unfortunately this ideal may have backlashed a bit. I cant tell you how many "larger ladies" come into the club wearing a shirt that is too tight, and comes about 1 or 2 inches above their jeans giving them a nice little life preserver around their waist. Now is that because their self esteem is high that they walk around looking like that? or is it the need to be sexy nature showing (gack)....Or the Just turned 18 little fags who come in showing thongs in their low risers and cutt off t-shirts...body glitter on (and probably in) every orafice...their hair perfectly quaffed (and some with better bodies than most men...that irks me).....Then going through more men in a month quicker than a brittney spears marriage....its quite disturbing to watch.

We live in an era where talent doesnt count anymore....People are stars that have no business being stars....Brittney spears, Denise Richards, Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson, Jennifer Lopez, and as much as i hate to admit it Gwen Stefani...

Since none of the aforementioned stars have the talent to back their star status up...They all show as much skin to shock your or titilize you (see also Madonna). All have mediocre talent and shoulda have all been destined to perform their "craft" at a theme park....SO they just show skin..and more skin....And since a large fan base of many of them are young they all want to be like them...SO now they dress all nasty because thats what Brittney would do.....WWBD?

You can go back to the 80's and blame Whitney Houston. She sorta started the trend. Afterall she doesnt seeem to hold a note, so she hovers around it. Now thats the norm in all music......and thus society.

You dont have to be good at what you do anymore, you just have to LOOK sexy....Self Esteem/Respect be damned....Welcome to the new mellinium....

The question is..whats next?
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I don't see why in the name of hell a ten year old would want to feel sexy. THEY'RE TEN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. "Sexy" shouldn't even be an issue for them yet

I believe the people in question were 13, not 10.
13 year olds arent exaclty that much more developed either. Anyone who thinks it's ok for a freakin' teeny bopper to look like a sex kitten is a pervert
angie said:
Look at who they have for idols: Britney Spears UNTALENTED SKANK, who if you ask me, isn't that good looking to begin with
Christina Aguilera
Those two bitches dress like hookers. I don't understand what guys see in them. I had a flat belly damn pregnancy and have NEVER worn a belly shirt. And I hate the shorts they sell most places now, cause' your ass hangs out the bottom. And this is what twleve year olds wear? **** that. If I have a daughter, she will NOT be wearing **** like that. Or be wearing eyeliner at 12. Totally unnecessary. You can't even tell the difference between a 13 year old and a 17 year old anymore!!
BRAVO for you. The teenagers out there are pushing the limits that their PARENTS allow them. Seems these days parents want to be friends with their kids. In the old days - I'm not that old but... - kids listened to their parents. Of course there are the good and the bad parents. Parents who are so wrapped up their own life - they could give a **** what their kids are doing. THOSE are the kids that get into trouble. If you plant the seed of morality - doesn't matter what religion if any - your kids WILL follow your example. Parents - STOP swearing, don't steal, DO NOT talk bad about ANYONE - race or religion, neighbor or friend! If a cashier gives you too much change - TAKE IT BACK. Be a good example for your kids - before it's too late. Yes - keep the lines of communication open. Let them feel free to talk to you about anything - without you getting pissed off. LISTEN to them. They tell you they did something bad - DON'T FREAK. Tell them, in a calm voice, it wasn't right. Tell them what they could or should have done instead. Give them a hug - tell them you are proud that they talked to you. They look up to their parents more than we realize. Be a "role model" - God I hate that word. But it is true. How many times I have told my son things and I thought it wasn't sinking in. Then suddenly out of nowhere - he's saying HIS words that came out of MY mouth. WOW! It all paid off! He's a great teenager. NEVER give up on your kids. You may think you're talking to a wall - the eyes roll. But ONE DAY - WOW!
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
13 year olds arent exaclty that much more developed either. Anyone who thinks it's ok for a freakin' teeny bopper to look like a sex kitten is a pervert

Well yeah, but what is the acceptable age for people to dress the way they want? 15? 16? Thats only 2-3 years older. I've seen 15 year olds that are more mature, mentally and physically, then 20 year olds. Personally, I have never been attracted to the whole Britney spears look and I never will be, but it's not my decision to make for what they chose to wear. I's not that I think it's ook for early teenagers to look like a sex kitten, more of a I don't give a ****, it's their body, their choices not mine. I have enough self control to not chase after pre-pubescent women, those who lack that self control are the ones with the problem, not these girls. What I think is funny though, is how so many of you call for freedom, but only think that freedom should apply to those who share the same views as you. You don't like the way they look? Don't look at them then. It's not your choice, it's theirs. Freedom is a double edged sword, being accepted for what you believe and agree in means you also have to accept people who share other views as well, even if those choices clash with yours.
What they wear is not so much the problem,but it's their parents' washing their hands of all responsibilty that's the problem.It's not so much the kid's fault,I mean kids need guidance and if it's not given to them by their parents,they look for it elsewhere.
But sometimes they just follow their parents footsteps.
Crazywumbat said:
Well yeah, but what is the acceptable age for people to dress the way they want? 15? 16? Thats only 2-3 years older. I've seen 15 year olds that are more mature, mentally and physically, then 20 year olds. Personally, I have never been attracted to the whole Britney spears look and I never will be, but it's not my decision to make for what they chose to wear. I's not that I think it's ook for early teenagers to look like a sex kitten, more of a I don't give a ****, it's their body, their choices not mine. I have enough self control to not chase after pre-pubescent women, those who lack that self control are the ones with the problem, not these girls.
Those girls are giving everything the "people with no self control" want on a silver platter

What I think is funny though, is how so many of you call for freedom, but only think that freedom should apply to those who share the same views as you.

Nobody has to share the same views as me. But freedom is definately limited and should be. I'm sure there's people who think rape, murder, grand theft, bio-terrorism, KID****ERY are perfectly fine. Should people be allowed to do those just because they think it's ok in their views?

You don't like the way they look? Don't look at them then. It's not your choice, it's theirs.
It's becoming harder and harder to leave the house and not see this bullshit

Freedom is a double edged sword, being accepted for what you believe and agree in means you also have to accept people who share other views as well, even if those choices clash with yours.

Once again, it's not about my views, it's about things that PEOPLE JUST SHOULDNT DO for obvious reasons
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Those girls are giving everything the "people with no self control" want on a silver platter

Yeah, but why should they be held accountable for the crimes of someone with a sick mind?

Nobody has to share the same views as me. But freedom is definately limited and should be. I'm sure there's people who think rape, murder, grand theft, bio-terrorism, KID****ERY are perfectly fine. Should people be allowed to do those just because they think it's ok in their views?

Yes, and I think most people draw the freedom limit at the point where someone is getting hurt. Wearing clothing that shows skin however, doesn't hurt anyone. I mean, comparing rape and murder to wearing revealing clothing is absolutely absurd.

It's becoming harder and harder to leave the house and not see this bullshit

And? It's harder and harder to leave the house and not see the morbidly obese, I don't hold anything against fat people but it isnt exactly something I like seeing around every corner, but I can look away, or just deal with it. It's harder and harder to go outside, turn on the radion or television without seeing or hearing some Conservative ass preaching about the evils of <insert non Christian organization here> but I can change the channel, or ignore it. You aren't helpless. If you see something you don't like, don't look at it.

Once again, it's not about my views, it's about things that PEOPLE JUST SHOULDNT DO for obvious reasons

People just shouldn't do things like murder, rape etc, etc. for obvious reasons. However, something as harmelss as wearing the clothing you like is far from falling into this category. Just because you thing its wrong doesnt me it is. It's no different than the Shmucks in the midwest, New mexico and such, and the numerous cases that come outta there every year of kids being forced to remove religious symbols, such as pentagrams, because it doesn't fit into what those in charge want to see.
Heh, women finally recieve the ability from society to make the decision to be what they want to be rather than being forced into the role of dependant breeder, and pop culture goes out of its way to make sure that the decision is to become a dependant breeder anyway. Pffft.
angie said:
Here is something that pisses me off beyond belief.
My cousin is 13 YEARS OLD! She wears belly shirts, gets manicures and pedicures (has for over a year), goes tanning, has her bellybutton pierced, and has been dying her hair since she was NINE!
What the hell ever happened to being a kid?? She looks like shes 17. You should see the hoochie mama clothes she wears! AND MY STUPID ASS AUNT AND UNCLE ALLOW IT!!!!
You know what my parents did when I pierced my bellybutton in the sixth grade? Told me to take it the **** out or it was getting ripped out. Now I understand why. No wonder kids are getting knocked up at 12. Their parents allow them to act like they are much older. My family always thought she would be the first to get knocked up (which is sad, because she is one of the youngest of the cousins. I, the oldest, am 23. Ten year difference, and I am just having my first child in January). She's gonna end up being a crackwhore with ten kids at the rate she is going.


You are exactly right! Your aunt and uncle are not beging very good parents! Children and young teenagers have no business dressing in hoochi gear.

If she were 17 or 18 it would be a different matter entirely, but she's not. It certainly sounds like she's on the fast road to "Sluttyhoville", but remember that she's only 13 and children and teens tend to go through phases. In reference to the hair dye, this is not a big deal. It's perfectly normal for a child to make changes, even those we might consider drastic, to thier appearence.

The belly ring on the other hand .... is another story entirely. Belly rings are ok for middle/late teens (16-19) and up. A 13 year-old has no business wearing one. It makes a statement that a child that young does not need to be making.

Talk to your cousin, explain the statement she's making by dressing in that fashion. Make her aware of the kind of attention she'll be getting and whom she will be getting it from. You cannot force her to change, but you can educate her.

I wish you luck in getting her to realize the error of dressing in such a fashion.

Stupidamoeba and AIG just got through posting on another thread that it is OK for a 56 year old man to **** a 9 year girl as long as society is OK with it... go figure!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Stupidamoeba and AIG just got through posting on another thread that it is OK for a 56 year old man to **** a 9 year girl as long as society is OK with it... go figure!

Way to go,you win first prize for twisting people's words.I said that society in the past was not against it.Christians in the past did the same thing!! It may not be OK in the 21's century but it was in the 7th century.Your rules were not around back then.So change the record,you whiny BITCH!!! And it's You who deserves the idiot box.Why do you attack crazywumbat?He ain't muslim.You've prooved my point that you hate anyone that disagrees with your views.
