Slutty Teens and their stupid parents

BTW,The only men suckin' little dick and ***** in this day and age are your priests.Maybe you should reflect on the present not the past!!!
Crazywumbat said:
So I'm a sex crazed teen now because I don't think women should be forced to wear Burka's, hrrmmm?

I think this problem wouldn't be as much of a problem if we taught these kids better safe-sex habits. And yes, 12-13 is a little young, but as long as they aren't on the corner then I don't see much of a problem with it.

12 and 13 is a tad young for me but I agree better sex ed needs to be taught and it needs to be taught at home first. I don't see what the big deal is with "having the sex talk". My parents never did with me and I had to learn all on my own from videos and friends and that was only the sex part. What I really needed to be taught, even if it were from a movie, was about sex ed, STDs and condom use.
It's your ****ing kid. Parents say they want to protect their kids no matter what but if they're not having the sex talk, then they're not really doing the best job of protection that they can be.
Parenting is a big part of the problem. Most are too busy with their careers to raise their children. If you don't have time for it, DON'T HAVE KIDS!
angie said:
Parenting is a big part of the problem. Most are too busy with their careers to raise their children. If you don't have time for it, DON'T HAVE KIDS!

Not to mention punishement of wrong behavior is a thing of the past.
Parents these days would rather go to a bar and talk to a bottle of Samuel Adams or Gordans London Dry than talk to their kids. If you're going to have kids, BE A ****ING PARENT, EDUCATE THEM AND STEP IN AND TELL THEM "NO" when they do something stupid.

I refuse to have kids, but on the other hand I think I would make a damn good parent. The little **** comes home with their legs, feet, undeveloped **** and stomachs hanging out for the world to see, They can expect to find their **** outside in a box. Wanna dress like a hoochie, well **** off and move to the street corner with the hoochies. Want to do adult things like **** around? Guess what. Adults don't live at home with their parents. Move the hell out and get a job if you think you're an adult. Oh so you little shits want to give me mouth? Well you won't be lipping off after I burn your ****ing lips off with a hot element. Ok maybe that's a bit too extreme. Instead I'll just smack the little ****er in the mouth with a baby seal bat and swell that ****ing thing shut. Same thing will happen if the little ****er is caught bullying or picking on other kids. Think you're some tough guy? WELL EAT THIS ****ING BRICK TO PROVE IT! And no I'm not going to buy your asses the coolest brand name clothes that everyone else has. Like brand name clothing so much? well get your ass to work in the sweatshop, then we'll see how much you like materialist bullshit like that. Want to listen to some crappy top 40 music? I DONT THINK SO. You bring that **** into my house and you'll be ****ing eating it. I pay the goddamn rent, so there is no ****ing way in hell you shits are going to annoy me with that drivel. you little sacks of **** will listen to music that I deem acceptable. And there will be NO TV or Internet for these ****s either. Want to sit on your ass and watch drivel, talk to pedophiles and become a ****ing fat ass in the process? Glad to hear it!l Now eat this block of lard. It will get you there faster. And by the way, that fat middle-aged guy named Vladimir who drives a van, wears a grey trench coat and hangs out by the elementary school just loves clueless kids who talk to strangers. So why don't you get off the ****ing chatroom and go meet him? After all he was probably that "Princess_Angel13" you were talking to all those months. And once you meet him, you shits will NEVER go back. On those ****ing chat lines that is.

You people think that I'm a "***** liberal faggot girlie commie pinko wimp." But hey, I still know how to make kids learn some tough lessons that they will never forget.
I think you SHOULD have kids. We'd be better off having a few kids raised by people like you setting a good example.
mikewriter said:
Crazywumbat said:
So I'm a sex crazed teen now because I don't think women should be forced to wear Burka's, hrrmmm?

I think this problem wouldn't be as much of a problem if we taught these kids better safe-sex habits. And yes, 12-13 is a little young, but as long as they aren't on the corner then I don't see much of a problem with it.

12 and 13 is a tad young for me but I agree better sex ed needs to be taught and it needs to be taught at home first. I don't see what the big deal is with "having the sex talk". My parents never did with me and I had to learn all on my own from videos and friends and that was only the sex part. What I really needed to be taught, even if it were from a movie, was about sex ed, STDs and condom use.
It's your ****ing kid. Parents say they want to protect their kids no matter what but if they're not having the sex talk, then they're not really doing the best job of protection that they can be.
Whats this? 12-13 being too young, I beg to differ.

Where i went to school we started Sex Ed in grade 4, We had 1 teenage pregnacy during my whole tener in the education system. Why is this? Becasue we knew from the get go, before even our hormones started locking peoples hips together, but because they had somebody told them honestly the simple facts of the situation they folks knew how to handle themselves. You teach a kid 2+2 then they'll know the math, when tought WEAR A CONDOM then they know contreception. Whatever influences them to start being active at whatever age is beyond the system and won't change regardless wityher of not they are taught how to deal with it safely. Its not sex-ed that makes youngins' have sex, its comes down to 2 major factors: Testosterone and Britney Spears.

People form anygeneration know what its like to be a horny litttle 14years old, thats a big one. The BS factor comes into what Angie said before about ehr little cousin who is doing what little boys and girls have always done, immitating their idols. We are in the throws of a sexually charged MTV western world (European as well) which makes **** loads of money from us university idiots and some idiot parents that feel its ok for their kids to be 'Bootylicious'. Jr-High aged kids are pretty much the most ****ed up people on the planet (Think back, you know you were too) and they're just being pushed by marketers who orignally targeted the 20-oughts, but then realized the young hoe market who are screwed in the head and have access to their parents money.

Well the point i think i was trying to make was that by educating them while their young and impressionable you saved them in the future. Sex dosn't have to be taboo people (and i'm not encouraging 'Free love') but for christ sakes, treat it reasoanably and it'll be treated reasonably. And if it turns out that your little 14 years old Janey is going out for a good time now and then then atleast she's safe about it. I know guys, thats a tuff thing to think of but its makes the most sense, bute the bullet people.
eisanbt said:
mikewriter said:
Whats this? 12-13 being too young, I beg to differ.

Where i went to school we started Sex Ed in grade 4, We had 1 teenage pregnacy during my whole tener in the education system. Why is this? Becasue we knew from the get go, before even our hormones started locking peoples hips together, but because they had somebody told them honestly the simple facts of the situation they folks knew how to handle themselves. You teach a kid 2+2 then they'll know the math, when tought WEAR A CONDOM then they know contreception. Whatever influences them to start being active at whatever age is beyond the system and won't change regardless wityher of not they are taught how to deal with it safely. Its not sex-ed that makes youngins' have sex, its comes down to 2 major factors: Testosterone and Britney Spears.

People form anygeneration know what its like to be a horny litttle 14years old, thats a big one. The BS factor comes into what Angie said before about ehr little cousin who is doing what little boys and girls have always done, immitating their idols. We are in the throws of a sexually charged MTV western world (European as well) which makes **** loads of money from us university idiots and some idiot parents that feel its ok for their kids to be 'Bootylicious'. Jr-High aged kids are pretty much the most ****ed up people on the planet (Think back, you know you were too) and they're just being pushed by marketers who orignally targeted the 20-oughts, but then realized the young hoe market who are screwed in the head and have access to their parents money.

Well the point i think i was trying to make was that by educating them while their young and impressionable you saved them in the future. Sex dosn't have to be taboo people (and i'm not encouraging 'Free love') but for christ sakes, treat it reasoanably and it'll be treated reasonably. And if it turns out that your little 14 years old Janey is going out for a good time now and then then atleast she's safe about it. I know guys, thats a tuff thing to think of but its makes the most sense, bute the bullet people.
I don't know what kind of sex ed classes you had in 4th grade but the one I had in 5th grade taught us the biology of the human body and the basics of how the sex organs work. They certainly were not up in front of the class with a banana and a condom teaching contraception. The contraception talks did not come until 8th grade, which is 13-14 year olds.
eisanbt said:
mikewriter said:
Whats this? 12-13 being too young, I beg to differ.

Where i went to school we started Sex Ed in grade 4, We had 1 teenage pregnacy during my whole tener in the education system. Why is this? Becasue we knew from the get go, before even our hormones started locking peoples hips together, but because they had somebody told them honestly the simple facts of the situation they folks knew how to handle themselves. You teach a kid 2+2 then they'll know the math, when tought WEAR A CONDOM then they know contreception. Whatever influences them to start being active at whatever age is beyond the system and won't change regardless wityher of not they are taught how to deal with it safely. Its not sex-ed that makes youngins' have sex, its comes down to 2 major factors: Testosterone and Britney Spears.

People form anygeneration know what its like to be a horny litttle 14years old, thats a big one. The BS factor comes into what Angie said before about ehr little cousin who is doing what little boys and girls have always done, immitating their idols. We are in the throws of a sexually charged MTV western world (European as well) which makes **** loads of money from us university idiots and some idiot parents that feel its ok for their kids to be 'Bootylicious'. Jr-High aged kids are pretty much the most ****ed up people on the planet (Think back, you know you were too) and they're just being pushed by marketers who orignally targeted the 20-oughts, but then realized the young hoe market who are screwed in the head and have access to their parents money.

Well the point i think i was trying to make was that by educating them while their young and impressionable you saved them in the future. Sex dosn't have to be taboo people (and i'm not encouraging 'Free love') but for christ sakes, treat it reasoanably and it'll be treated reasonably. And if it turns out that your little 14 years old Janey is going out for a good time now and then then atleast she's safe about it. I know guys, thats a tuff thing to think of but its makes the most sense, bute the bullet people.

You can bet your ass when my daughter is that age she will NOT be wearing mini skirts, tube tops, and getting body piercings anywhere except her ears. And she will NOT be having sex. I will make damn sure of that. The problem is most parents are too goddamn lazy to be involved in what their kids are doing, know who they hang out with, where they are... I hated my mother at that age because she always wanted to know who I was with, if I was at a friend's house she wanted to know the parents, know who was driving us around, and taught me morals. She was involved in my life and kept my ass in line. It's idiots like you who think "As long as they use a condom it's ok"
If I ever decide to have children and I even SUSPECT my kid having sex at a young age like 13, mark my words there are going to be some serious issues. I have NO FAITH in today's so-called "youth of America". Sure, I been an adult for only about two years but I will tell you one thing, I was a lil bit more ambitious and "wise beyond my years" than your average teenager. Adults in their 40s and 50s have even told me so. I didn't like teens when I was a teen. And the worst part? The teens living today are WORSE than the teens of my time, which may have been a few years back, BUT alot of things can happen in such a time period.

It is ridiculous. Like someone said before, KIDS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SEXY!!! I seen 13 year old girls dressed like street whores. And their parents CONDONE THIS!! They think "Awww she's so cute!" NO SHE IS NOT. She looks like a dirty lil slut that's what the hell she is. And even worse is when that behavior is displayed at that age. Either parents are oblivious as to what is going on or they don't give a damn. It makes me SICK. Stupid ass little girls having kids at ****ing 15 years old and think they are totally independant and grown up. Yet they bitch about getting raped or saying it was unexpected. BULLSHIT. They are old enough to know that having kids at such an age is wrong (or maybe they don't because their parents are incompetent). The point is IT IS EXPECTED when you open your STILL DEVELOPING legs and the stupid teenage boy doesn't wear a condom. So that excuse is NULL and VOID.

I feel sorry for the few good teens out there who are struggling in this ****ed up society to make something good out of themselves. They are surrounded by SCUM (yes these teens are SCUM) and have to wade through the cesspool of **** to get somewhere. I, for one, will not be proud to have this tailgating generation to take our place in society, even if they are less than 3 years apart. In fact, having anymore children like that should be considered a severe act of cruelty. May someone help these children...
I couldn't stand teens when I was one either. The only thing my peers did was sit there and bull**** about the latest party (which seemed to change every five minutes) and other such drivel. I swear I had about half my peers wanting to ****-kick me because I couldn't shut up about how STUPID and sickening these ****s sounded.

And yea I agree that they are NOT sexy. Anyone who thinks minors are sexy is either a pedophile or a FLAT OUT SICK ****ER. People, WHAT THE **** is so sexy about some undeveloped CHILD!? Nothing? That's what I thought. No one (who's sane) wants to see some undeveloped jail bait body hanging out for the world to see.

And while tomorrow's generation is probably going to screw the world up royally (I hope I'm long gone before I see it), I DON'T EVEN WANT TO KNOW what the offspring of these horny boys and skanky girls will be like.

Call me old fashioned but kids today make me sick.
I say keep the slutty teen and their parents.

I want my daughter to goto a good school, live a good life.

she needs an example of what happens when she ****s up.
SLutty little girls have no place in society. Is it the parents fault completely or is it the numerous marketing execs around the country that make all those "sexy" clothes look "in style". Some of this has to blamed on the stores for even selling it. Off of that point though, several users made the point that this is the reason all of these girls are getting knocked up and having kids at 13 and 14. Little do those girls know how hard it is to be grown. They're parents should not let them be partially grown. I'm only 20 and am for the first time strting to realize how incredibly hard it can be to "start" your life and get out on your own. I'm sure others can relate. THese girls have a hard time a head of them and hopefully they will actually mature and help society instead of just feeding off of it once they hit the real world!
The thing that gets me the most, is these ****ing kids HAVING kids. And guess who usually has to take care of the baby. THE GRANDPARENTS!!! Now if that isn't some crock of ****, I have no idea what is! Then to hear this stupid teen say "Oh I am proud to have this kid, I take good care of people don't know anything.". That's hilarious...I mean granted that some of these poor teens get raped, the slutty ones regret it in the end. Most of them anyway. And for them to think they are special is an atrocity in its own right.

In fact when I went to Cincinatti the last weekend, I got hit on by 3 sluts (the ice cream store worker who I was chillin' with told me they are regular sluts that come by everyday and get boned by every type of guy you can imagine). They said and I said hi back. Then they kept staring and wanted me to come to them but I just simply laughed at these little ****smokers. Do the parents even know what these little bitches are doing? And one of them looked like they was doing drugs (crack is common in that Cincinatti suburb). Sickening. I seriously wish someone would prevent these stupid ass people from breeding.
Outlaw2747 said:
The thing that gets me the most, is these ****ing kids HAVING kids. And guess who usually has to take care of the baby. THE GRANDPARENTS!!! Now if that isn't some crock of ****, I have no idea what is! Then to hear this stupid teen say "Oh I am proud to have this kid, I take good care of people don't know anything.". That's hilarious...I mean granted that some of these poor teens get raped, the slutty ones regret it in the end. Most of them anyway. And for them to think they are special is an atrocity in its own right.

In fact when I went to Cincinatti the last weekend, I got hit on by 3 sluts (the ice cream store worker who I was chillin' with told me they are regular sluts that come by everyday and get boned by every type of guy you can imagine). They said and I said hi back. Then they kept staring and wanted me to come to them but I just simply laughed at these little ****smokers. Do the parents even know what these little bitches are doing? And one of them looked like they was doing drugs (crack is common in that Cincinatti suburb). Sickening. I seriously wish someone would prevent these stupid ass people from breeding.

Damn Outlaw I've never heard you go here before. Thats one hell of a rant.
Yeah ,it sucks when the grandparents spend thier retirement taking care of the grandchildren. Thats why I have booked first classic tickets to mars! 2035 ..see you guys there! lol
sixes said:
Damn Outlaw I've never heard you go here before. Thats one hell of a rant.
Yeah ,it sucks when the grandparents spend thier retirement taking care of the grandchildren. Thats why I have booked first classic tickets to mars! 2035 ..see you guys there! lol

Hahaha...actually I was quite reserved on that rant. You haven't seen alot of my other posts have you? Like the one before this one? (a few posts back) I can be quite lethal and I tell it how it is...and it is all ****ed up to hell.
Speaking of knocked up kids...people look at me funny in public once in a while (you know those straight edged old hags) because they think I'm like 18 and pregnant. I got carded for booze last year and the guy swore I was only 16. It was hilarious!
In November I will officially be 'Sixteen And Never Been Kissed'. I'm damn proud of that. Through my life I've had three relationships because: I'm picky and have high standards, I'm not a slut, and dating so young is just plain idiotic.
What's with dating in high school? What's "going out?" You hold hands at school, say meaningless **** into the phone for hours, and spending all your time with that person, if you've gotten to the point that you're that lame. That's encouraging little girls that they need to start looking for someone, because they aren't spending Friday night with someone, and that they're not cool without that one accessory.
A girl I know got her first kiss in Kindergarden. Another in fourth grade. I know at that age they have no idea what they were doing, but-- God, when did everything have to be this way?

In the store during 'Back to School Season' I saw grown girls shopping in the little girl's section in Target. That means one of two things:
1) They're shopping for their daughters (sex at a young age), which is unlikely, OR
2) They're shopping for THEMSELVES.
How disgusting is that? They were flipping through the "skirts". Throughly disgusting.

When I was a kid I hated and feared my dad. I used to beg my mom to divorce him. But, more and more I began to understand as I grew up that he had high standards-- his kids weren't going to be brats, they weren't going to be uneducated hillbillies, they weren't going to talk back, and they were under no circumstances going to be lushes, and players.
My little brother has a dirty mouth. Of course, my parents doesn't have those high expectations as they did with their first three children. If I were caught talking like he does when I was a younger kid, I would've gotten welts all up and down my backside so that I couldn't lie or sit down for a week.
Those are the standards parents need to have today. If I were going to be a parent, I sure as hell would have them (high standards). I can't stand kids these days long enough to even entertain the idea of ever having my own.