Small or Large forum?

Does size matter? (Forums-wise, XD)

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I like a medium forum... which I believe, this is one. Small forums, there is never much to talk about and it takes people forever to get back to you. (Alot of the time) And on big forums you get tons of n00bs, spammers, and about 13 of the same exact thread. Thats why Ive stayed off the FM Boards for a while... its too big, too much spam, and too many n00bs. Have you ever seen when Holly or Mike posts or something? Following that there are about 20 "HI MIKE!" posts.

...and no one even cares.



New member
Medium forums definatly =) LPF is awesome. I don't feel like I've missed that much if I'm not here for a couple of days, but there's enough posts and topics to keep me going. Plus everyone knows everyone practically. It's really a cool thing, not many forums have that =)

I have the same problem as Dave with larger forums. The amount of no0bs, spam, same topics repeated a gazillion times and many pages of useless information and **** just makes me wanna leave the place. You don't get to know anyone properly on them, and I always feel un-noticed or insignificant amongst everyone =) And lame fights start easier as well on them :p

Smalls one are fine =) I quite like them, but not as a regular everyday thing. It can get boring and there are only a limited amount of members and posts.



New member
There's ups and downs for both. When you're part of a really large forum, there's constantly someone replying to threads, and it's always active, which doesn't happen to often in smaller forums. But, with larger forums, barely anyone knows eachother and there's really no sense of belonging like there is in smaller forums. I've been a part of both small and large forums, and it's really hard to choose which I like better.

Edit: I decided to choose medium sized forums, like LPF.



New member
i voted medium, because small forums get pretty boring, and its had to really talk 2 people on big forums. so mediums r just right


Active Members
Although I prefer medium forums, I will say that it really isn't about the size of the forums, but a person's involvement. You know what I mean?

I've just as many friends here on other forums twice this size, just because I spent waaayyyy too much time on there.

But I like this site. And all the other forums I've posted on have banned me.




New member
i'd prefer a large forum. where i'm known. medium are overall better, but i chose large. cuz i'd choose a large forum (being better known) over a medium forum
Medium...too large ones **** me off (like Gaia) it's easier to spam and harder to make friends and stuff. Also, I hate it when a post intercepts yours ><. But too small ones are annoying because there aren't enough people to make it have a variety of topics and stuff.


New member
I like medium as well. When it's small things get boring becuase threads take forever to get responses...when u go to a place like gaia or gamerenders your thread lasts about 3 seconds before its on page 3


New member
Small, because then you can really get to know eachother, but the members have to be active though.


New member
Medium definatly...just for the reasons that evrybody else is saying...Its easier to make friends, and less spam and stuff on smaller forums, and on big ones its kinda chaotic (sp?). But this site is perfect! I love this place! :D
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