Smoking... please read!

True, True, true yes it is the people smokings choice but if they quit selling those damn Ciggarets yes there would be lots of Nicotine fits but who the hell cares... lol I actually enjoy watching those commercials. lol
jomama10691 said:
if how long shes been smoking for, is the reason why she can't quit, then get what spike mentioned ^^ that smoke away stuff. looks pretty legit.

i dunno, she gets like really mad when i try n get her 2 quit already, i dont even wanna think how mad she'll get if i did that (dreeds the thought) she juz dont care what happens i guess
fire_witch_monkey said:
i dunno, she gets like really mad when i try n get her 2 quit already, i dont even wanna think how mad she'll get if i did that (dreeds the thought) she juz dont care what happens i guess

email email email. email her. its what i did. be all gushy mushy and stuff. that it pains you to see her like that (i dunno if thats true, but for me it was. i remember crying myself to sleep at times.). hit her with the facts. somethin like every cigarette takes like 7 minutes from your life. sorry. im bein all dr philish. you dont have to listen to me.
Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever said:
I agree with the whole smoking is bad stuff, but you cant just take their drugs and throw it away, they have to step down gradually till they quit. Also some people don't want to quit and are quite aware of the side effects.

some people CAN quit right away. thats what cold turkey means (i dont really know WHY its called that), and thats what my mom did, and a lot of other people i know did. but yeah, for some people, its a good idea to take slow steps so their bodies wont have bad reactions to a sudden change.

moral of the story: if you really want to quit, its possible
One thing I have to say about this thread:Smoking is so damn bad and drugs are worst,so my advice is DON´T SMOKE OR TAKE DRUGS!!If u want to suicide just take a gun and shot yourself(sorry for being rude,but I hate smoker or ppl who takes drugs),my mother´s mum used to smoke all day and it was so annoying,and I hate ppl who smokes and it´s near of me,ewwww I can´t stand it.!!!
So plz guys,if some1 in here smokes,U MUST START QUITTING NOW,SMOKING IS NO GOOD TO U!!!The more u smoke the less u can breath,so think about it,guys.
Btw Spike,my congrats to u for making a thread like this,I´m so totally agree with u and the ones who are againts smoking.
Well I've never smoked... never drank... never done any drugs.... but must of my friends do, and they pertty much stold all my **** so they can fund this habit.... oh my Mom also did the same... except she is a pill popper..... I believe it is there choice.... but once they start stealing from me, i forget they exist...
i know wat u mean spike it pisses me off so much to see my friends smoke about all of my friends smoke its horrible one of my friends smoked since he was 8 now he is 15 and 3 of my friends say it relives stress and 2 of them have freakin athsma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dad used to smoke but he stoped and my ex-boyfriend does drugs (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK) and my friend brian does drugs and smokes and drinks so much he is such a messed up little kid