Snake's crappy Journal


New member
no offense or anything snipervirus....i can't tell u...u weren't on the list of ppl who convinced me not to kill myself...

i still feel lyk **** in any case



New member
Thats ok. *dissappointed look* Im still drunk though. My question, why kill yourself over your ex? He wont care if your dead.


New member
no offense sniper, due to our past ****** history, i don't open up to many ppl....Im sorry that it means u

but u can have a hug...I need a hug anyway and josh isn't on :(


Solid Snake

New member
^What she said............

My day has been rough....................Anywho........Vash has gotten better..........I'll get some pics up.....

Song of the Moment:

I'm Watching Angel>_> The 5th season, with Spike^_^ Spike is so ****** awesome^_^

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