So does this mean we're all Satanist!?

lol...this is really funny.....if you listen to marilyn manson than you are a satanist? my mum is a satanist? and i'm a satanist too?....damn..... :D

whoa this relly made my day.....i was laughing so hard :D
You know what, I say screw St. Mary's. I am a goth and a skater and I am damn proud of it. I'd say about 22 of those apply to me. When I get a job I can buy own goth clothes. My parents wont do it as they are a expensive ( parents go figure). God, I miss the comfortable feeling the clothes gave me. Just b/c one is goth and listens to rock music doesn't mean we all worship satan.

*Nothing against the teens that go to St. Mary's. I am just against this e-mail in general and I find offensive.*
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Wow. Watching cable TV, playing video games, wearing band shirts, being homosexual or bi, or EATING TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE, could mean you're a satanist? Do you know how many Christians I know that masturbate or are very interested in sex?

Well, I'm guessing EVERY SINGLE KID in the US is a satanist. Am I right? (About 12 of those apply to me... so obviously I have to be a satanist, and I need mental help.)

This is why I'm starting to dislike religion and have almost gone agnostic.
This is hilarious to me. I'm an atheist & don't believe that there is a "devil". Yet more than half apply to me. Here I was thinking most of the stuff said is teen rebellion & some is just a rock and roll life style. I have to comment on each of these. There's no need to read futher, I'm just going to comment on it for my own amusement.

Frequently wears black clothing. (Doesn't everyone ro some degree? Black goes w/ everything.)

Wears band and/or rock t-shirts. (So do the metal kids. It's promotion for the band, & it's an expression of the individual's taste.)

Wears excessive black eye makeup, lipstick or nailpolish. (What's excessive? & how can you have excessive black nail polish...which I saw on the Today show as being 'in fashion' for the's classic)

Wears any odd, silver jewelry or symbols. Some of these
reversed crosses, pentagrams, pentacles, ankhs or various
other satanic worshipping symbols. (An ankh isn't satanic... it's Egyptian meaning life, a variation of the Christian cross. Does this include H.I.M.'s heartagram b/c that's a symbol meaning the unity of love/hate & life/death.)

Shows an interest in piercings or tattoos. (I have 10 tattoos & a few "exotic" piercings. It's my body. My temple. So what if I wish to decorate it? I have a heart, an angel that is memorium to my grandmother, & Alice In Wonderland characters to symbolize the duality of life. I don't see how that can be construed as satanic. The piercings are mearly, in no order: A) a barbaric custom among females 2) fashion C) a feeling of momentary pain to realize that I'm still alive & D) Sexual. So what?)

Listens to gothic or any other anti-social genres of
music. (Marilyn Manson claims to be the anti-Christ, and publicly speaks against the Lord.) (If this is "anti-social", it wouldn't be some of the top selling albums & concerts. Most of which don't talk about the "lord". Many rock groups are religious, such as Black Sabbath, who doesn't go on stage w/o crosses. & doesn't anyone realize that Manson is our generations' KISS & Alice Cooper? He puts on a great show & wants to grab our attention, which apparently he's doing a hell of a job. They appeal to the dark side that all of us have.)

Associates with other people that dress, act or speak
eccentrically. (Eccentically? That's what kids do. Kids have talked slang, baffling adults for generations. Does this mean that the rap kids too, are goth?)

Shows a declining interest in wholesome activities, such
as: the Bible, prayer, church or sports. (Sports are wholesome? Aren't they more violent than anything? People argue for sports b/c of the teamwork. Well, there's no violence in Drama or any other school sanctioned club. & in my family just bringing up the Bible (& its contradictions) is enough for a fight. Half my family is one religion & the other is another. Again, I'm an atheist. Church in general around here is a hot button issue. If it works for you, great. But it doesn't for me. & what about Temple for the Jewish community? Temple isn't church. It's similar but not the same thing. & what about "non-practitioners"? Just b/c someone doesn't show interest in those 'activities' doesn't mean that they aren't wholesome, moral people.)

Shows an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic,
the occult, witchcraft or anything else that involves Satan. (Death involves everyone. We're all gonna go sooner or later. We all have thoughts on it. Ask these people if they have a way to go that they would prefer. They'll most likely say, peacefully in their sleep. They've thought about it & cared enough to think about it long enough to answer. Vampires aren't goth, so to speak. They've been romanticed over the years. Magic is just not believing everything you see. What's so terrible about that? The occult refers to "knowledge of the secret", the supernatural. Mormons believe in ghosts. Are they satanists? No. Ghosts mean that there is life after death. How religious is that? Wicca is a nature based religion. Worshipping gods & goddesses. It's called the Old Religion. It's been around longer than Christianity. It's Paganism with hints of the Kabbalah (which is spun out of Judism) This is just more discrimination again a religious sect. Would their god really aprove of that? Highly doubtful. Plus, a lot of Wicca portrayed in the media, such as in the movie The Craft, are for entertainment purpopses. I think we're old enough to see that.)

Takes drugs. (Teen rebellion. Everyone takes drugs, whether it be legal or not. A lot of these preps today get high, so do many other people from different walks of life. I don't condone it, but it's out there. And let's not forget, before manufactured to the general public, drugs were legal & some (like LSD) were originally created to help people.)

Drinks alcohol. (Many people do. teen rebellion. a glass of wine with dinner is good for the heart, it contains anti-oxidents. go to a college campus thursday night, there's a lot of alcohol. Not all those people are goth.)

Is suicidal and/or depressed. (isn't everyone depressed at sometime? I'm not gothic but I was depressed when I lost my grandmother. Maybe I should have been happy that she wasn't in pain anymore. & for that I was happy. Maybe I was selfish to want to keep her around longer. But it hurts when you loose someone you love. Some people very much religious gets suicidal. There are chemical imbalances. That has been in many scientific journals. Show me the person who has never been depressed & I'll show you someone who hasn't lived.)

Cuts, burns or partakes in any other method of self-
mutilation. (This is a Satanic ritual that uses pain to detract from the light of God and His love. Please seek immediate attention for this at your local mental health enter.) (SIB is not goth, nor satanic in the least. There are many people out there who injure themselves - 1 in every 1,000 Americans - & they all have different reasons for it. Yes, many people do need help. But most likely not from a mental health center. They'll find a way out of it. These kids aren't crazy. & unfortunately it's becoming more common. Look it up before you do anything drastic. Talk to the kids. When their ready they'll talk to you. They need someone to listen to them. Maybe they don't know what else to do, maybe it is psycholgical. but don't punish the kids. It's not satanic, nor goth.)

Complains of boredom. (who hasn't a one time or another? we all get bored. some more easily than others. sorry if I can't sit in a chair listening to a monotone voice for hours on end & be amused by it.)

Sleeps too excessively or too little. (we all need sleep. we all have our internal clock. some may need to recharge like that. some may not. it's only a problem if it takes a toll on our daily lives. how sleep, or lack thereof, can be goth or satanic is beyond me.)

Is excessively awake during the night. (again, it's our internal clock. we all keep to different hours. sorry if that's an inconvience to these people. if we didn't, there'd be no midnight shift to keep these people feeling safe during the night now would there?)

Dislikes sunlight or any other form of light. (This
pertains to vampires promoting the idea that his light is of no use.) (Some peopple are light sensitive. I have tattoos, a lot of sunlight is bad for that as it fades them quicker. some people are night owls. see retort above.)

Demands an unusual amount of privacy. (what's so unusual about a teen wanting their privacy? It's human nature to want privacy Who are they to deem what's an 'unusual amount'? Some people enjoy their own little quiet time. These kids are also trying to figure out who they are & what they wish to become. So for crying out loud, stop meddling & maybe they'll want to talk to you.)

Spends large amounts of time alone. (isn't that the same thing as above?)

Requests time alone and quietness. (This is so that your
child may speak to evil sprits through meditation.) (people like quiet time alone. do they have to constantly be around people? how selfish & narcissistic can they be? who are they to tell these parents what we may or may not be doing? are they in there with us? some kids may do that, but generally, we're good kids. again, same as above. it's not satanic. who knows, they might even be praying)

Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied
by an adult. (what teenager doesn't? we choose our friends, not our families. who wants to be watched all the time? nobody. we can be ourselves around our friends, more so than our parents. that's how we grow as individuals.)

Disregards authority figures; teachers, priests, nuns and
elders are but a few examples of this. (It's called teen rebellion for a reason, folks. all those people mentioned don't know everything. they're human, too. and when a teen is told what to do, it's natural to disregard some of the things said to us. nobody likes being told what to do, say, think or what not to.)

Misbehaves at school. (kids like to have fun. did we forget what that is over there? & a lot of kids are violent b/c they're bored or are seeking attention or approval of their peers. it's teen rebellion.)

Misbehaves at home. (ditto to above.)

Eats excessively or too little. (maybe it's a disorder. maybe they're not/hungry. maybe it's the parents fault. the way I eat is none of their damned business.)

Eats goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an
example of this. hehe (It's a chocolate cereal for pete's sake. Originally marketed around Halloween but stayed on the market due to popularity. at least they have breakfast. how the hell is can a food be goth?)

Drinks blood or expresses an interest in drinking blood.
(Vampires believe this is how to attain Satan.) (First off, folklore states that vampires drank blood to replenish themselves, to stay young - look at Elizabeth Bathory. Many were Christian. I think at some point we've all wanted to know the taste. we get hangnails & suck on them to stop the blood. Way back when & even now, blood was a symbol for one's life force & their energy...their all-around being. Shared, it communicates a bond.)

Watches cable television or any other corrupted media
sources. (Do I need to dignify this with a response? Really now. We don't live in a hole. all media is corrupted. its entertainment. hey, at least we're not complaining we're bored. hehe)

Plays videos games that contains violence or role-playing
nature. (role-playing? right. okay. do these people read? it's basically the same thing. stepping out of our hum-drum or exhausting lives for a moment. being, for just a second, something or somewhere else. would they rather us go out & do these things or take it out in a controlled atmosphere of make belief... which is also smiled upon with young children to help them grow. we need our "recess" as much as they do.)

Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time
for the computer. (look at the world we live in. technology is everywhere. we get connected to people far away. we do research for school. some people abuse technology, but mainly we try to use it for good.)

Makes Satanic symbols and/or violently shakes head to
music. (What satanic symbols? \m/? In Italian culture, that's to ward off the evil eye. Ask Ronny Dio who brought it to the mainstream of rock. & by "violently shakes head to music" do they mean headbang? we're keeping in tempo. expressing ourselves joyously. we're not dead dammit.)

Dances to music in a provocative or sexual manner. (Has Elvis gotten to their little worlds yet? I don't particularly like him, but look at the history books there little ones. music can be sexual. it's okay to be sexual. it's healthy even. sex isn't just for reproductive use. haven't they had sex w/ their partner & not have it result in pregnancy? have they had an orgasm? looks to me like the kids are the scapegoats again.)

Expresses an interest in sex. (we all do after puberty. it's a natural healthy thing when precautions are taken. see above, yet again)

Masturbates (everyone does, though still taboo. it's sex with somebody we love. it's good for us, physically & mentally)

Is homosexual and/or bisexual. (Have they knocked us back a few generations or what? how is that goth/satanic? i can't go on. i can't dignify this utter crap with a response other than to grow up & stop disciminating against the fellow human being.)

Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism,
Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism. (Satanism, yeah...if parents are looking to this garbage, don't think they already know about that. anyways, satanists then have to believe that the devil fell from the left hand of "the father". Therefore, it's roots are in Christianity. Chew on that for a moment. Scientology, a religion based on a SCI-FI NOVEL! I don't understand it, dont want to. I don't se the danger in it other than to the pocketbook. Philosophy... so I can't ask questions? I can't study, oh I don't know, logic & what makes things right & wrong? What is so terrible about that? Paganism & Wicca I went over. So what if I'm not Christian, Muslim or Jewish, or don't worship the God of Abraham. There we go w/ the derogatory names. Hinduism & Buddhism? Are you freaking kidding me? I'm laughing so hard I'm about to cough up a lung. Just b/c someone doesn't believe the same way you do, doesn't make them evil.)

Wears pins, stickers or anything else that contains these
various phrases: "I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "woe is me", "I'm a goth". (A.) duh but not satanic. 2.) they're kids & C.) woe is me is a popular quote)

Claims to be a goth. (umm...duh but not satanic.)

If five or more of these apply to your child, please
intervene immediately. The gothic culture is dangerous and Satan thrives within it. If any of these problems persist, enlist your child into your local mental health center. (5...joking right? most 'normal' kids fit at least 1/2 of that. & by normal i mean not brainwashed by this crap. satan thrives w/in goth culture...funny. if there was/is a satan, don't you think he/it/they/she/whatever would thrive b/c of this garbage they're peddling. they gave it a name, they say "he's" there. yep, that's forcing something to thrive in my book. mental health center my ass. they might want to go for a CT scan themselves. WE'RE KIDS!)
you got a good point there renee. i just gave up after answering some of the questions. so what if i do some of that ****? who ****ing cares? free world so live in it. the stupid church needs to get off their asses and actually go into the real world and do some serious reasearch.
yea sure we do most this stuff
but it doesn't mean that we're doin that **** (some of you may but who cares t's your decision)
Even if we did do that kinda stuff they shouldn't be tellin us what to do in the first place.
yea we need most of those cause usually
We need our space we need practically everything on that list.
and most us don't even believe in god so if we don't believe in him
why should we believe in theirs a devil
I find that theirs is no point to this.
Goth dosen't not equal Satanist.....big misconception....I'm not even goth and I realise that....

and "Woe is me" is from an Edgar Allen Poe poem....schools teach us that so if you go to school you are offical "Goth"/Satanist....**** this ****...
Has anyone in this thread heard of religious emtremenists and radicals?

You know like the muslims that lw into the towers
the crazy white lady that says Thank God For Dead Soldiers

Well same thing applies here. Their called extremenists. Saw a few posts saying damn churches which is a general statement which is taking shots at my church which somewhat(not really becuase i dont care what people say) offends me so I thought id clear that up.

Anyways I dont believe in that letter(as being true in its statements) but im glad you guys are proud to be a gothic satanists.
Just shows you where generation X is headed.
azemkamikaze03 said:
Has anyone in this thread heard of religious emtremenists and radicals?

You know like the muslims that lw into the towers
the crazy white lady that says Thank God For Dead Soldiers

Well same thing applies here. Their called extremenists. Saw a few posts saying damn churches which is a general statement which is taking shots at my church which somewhat(not really becuase i dont care what people say) offends me so I thought id clear that up.

Anyways I dont believe in that letter(as being true in its statements) but im glad you guys are proud to be a gothic satanists.
Just shows you where generation X is headed.

Babe, it's called a joke. Chill out. At least it was to me. I'm not damning churches. You believe what you will. I have my beliefs & you have yours. I know I wasn't trying ot offend anyone, just trying to lighten things up a bit. Take their views & add my comment to it, nothing more. I'm not gothic or a satanist. I'm an atheist, I've said this many times. I don't believe in a devil or a god. & if you talk to different people i'm different labels. But I will always be another human being. Oh and by the way, Gen X kids are in their 30s. This is Gen Y. & for a reason it's called that. So don't roll those pretty little eyes just yet.
i showed this list to my mum, and she cracked up laughing. then she asked if her and me should be in a mental health center because she was like that when she was a teen too! LMFAO