So he was Not a terrorist!

Mr X said:
hmmm what your saying is this"normal citizen" was picked at random by scotland yard...chased..wait..tailed..then they shot the dude 8 times for kicks?.Hmmm thats weird..jeez

Sweety,don't play the sarcastic card.Makes you look stupid.
The guy didn't do anything to be suspected.And if they actually believed he was suicide bomber,why didn't they arrest him before entering the tube station?
They waited for him to enter a train.That's either stupid or there is something sinister going on.Plus,they lied about what really happened.They told us,he ran from the police and jumped over a ticket barrier.Which was Bullshit,according to the leaked documents.

''Normal Citizen''?? what you don't believe he was a normal citizen??
Well... he must have done SOMETHING to make the police shoot him that many times... I seriously doubt they just had a b et on who could shoot someone first...
Maybe he was innocent that day.........but chances are he would have killed a lot of people at some later point in life. Preventative measures are just not yet common place in law enforcement these days. Excuse me I have to go to the high shcool and kill exactly 3.6 percent of the population so they don't turn into career criminals and psychopaths.
fullauto said:
Well... he must have done SOMETHING to make the police shoot him that many times... I seriously doubt they just had a b et on who could shoot someone first...

Please tell me what anyone could do to deserve 8 bullets to the head?
Are you deaf,he's innocent,he didn't do anything.I didn't get this from al-jazeera.The metropolitan police said it themselves.
They said it was a mistake.what? 8 bullets to the head is a mistake? what bullshit!!!I wouldn't be suprised if they targeted him cos they thought he looked like an arab.
I think he was shot because of the unwritten command from higher up in the forces to "shoot to kill".

Besides, it was even in the Australian weekend edition today. The bobbies have admitted that all their claims were fabricated, meaning he did not have a bulky jacket on, he did not try to run, he did not even get out of his seat.

He was targetted by an obviously racist bobby with too much caffeine and hype in his blood. Simple. :rolleyes:

Paranoia, combined with orders to shoot-to-kill equal one dangerous police force.
Please tell me what anyone could do to deserve 8 bullets to the head?

He could **** a 9 year old.
No! I'm just kidding, I couldn't resist it. But I guess what someone could do to deserve the 8 bullets is in the eye of the beholder.
I found it odd that now the Metro police are saying that he did not run and that he did not have on a large coat when on the day it happened, a bystander (not an officer) told of these details, of hearing the police shout to him and that he was wearing the heavy coat and he ran.
IF he did run it was later found that he was in the country illegally, he had fabricated a stamp on his passport so it would look legitmate. He wanted to stay and work in the UK.
I had also heard that shooting several times in the head is to make sure that a would be bomber would not have the time to set off a device that may or may not be strapped to his body.
I found it odd that now the Metro police are saying that he did not run and that he did not have on a large coat when on the day it happened, a bystander (not an officer) told of these details, of hearing the police shout to him and that he was wearing the heavy coat and he ran.

For goodness sake.The police told a different story.They were not counting on the truth coming out to bite them in their arse!

I had also heard that shooting several times in the head is to make sure that a would be bomber would not have the time to set off a device that may or may not be strapped to his body.

Well if you did watch the news or read the above posts,you'd have known that he never wore that bulging jacket that made the police suspicious in the first.
So this was obviously a lie.

IF he did run it was later found that he was in the country illegally, he had fabricated a stamp on his passport so it would look legitmate. He wanted to stay and work in the UK.

Yeah,and ofcourse he automatically signed up for 8 bullets to be embedded in his head right?
Sweety,don't play the sarcastic card.Makes you look stupid.
The guy didn't do anything to be suspected.And if they actually believed he was suicide bomber,why didn't they arrest him before entering the tube station?
They waited for him to enter a train.That's either stupid or there is something sinister going on.Plus,they lied about what really happened.They told us,he ran from the police and jumped over a ticket barrier.Which was Bullshit,according to the leaked documents.

''Normal Citizen''?? what you don't believe he was a normal citizen??

Just how exactly was I suppose to understand that article?

Anyway AIG,why should you care? he was'nt a muslim...just consider it
another stupid infidel bites the dust.
The moreal of this Boys & Girls is...

When the guys with uniforms, badges, and most importantly GUNS yell HALT or STOP or FREEZE at YOU...Don't try to run, don't squirm around, don't do anything AT ALL but stop and put your hands in the air and become a statue, that way, you won't get SHOT!

What a ****ing concept. :mad:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
The moreal of this Boys & Girls is...

When the guys with uniforms, badges, and most importantly GUNS yell HALT or STOP or FREEZE at YOU...Don't try to run, don't squirm around, don't do anything AT ALL but stop and put your hands in the air and become a statue, that way, you won't get SHOT!

What a ****ing concept. :mad:

You be amazed how hard that simple concept is for most people to follow...very sad.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
The moreal of this Boys & Girls is...

When the guys with uniforms, badges, and most importantly GUNS yell HALT or STOP or FREEZE at YOU...Don't try to run, don't squirm around, don't do anything AT ALL but stop and put your hands in the air and become a statue, that way, you won't get SHOT!

What a ****ing concept. :mad:

They weren't in uniform.And new witnesses say they didn't yell any warnings to him and he did not run.

Anyway AIG,why should you care? he was'nt a muslim...just consider it
another stupid infidel bites the dust.

Oh,now you've hurt my hoo hoo.
Outlaw2747 said:
You be amazed how hard that simple concept is for most people to follow...very sad.

You're talking about a police state, in a region that has not declared martial law?

That poor boy's folks would be well within their legal rights to claim five million pounds sterling for the knee-jerk reactions of that bobbie.

I hope you never find yourself in that particular situation.

You say you would reach for the sky, and submit to a body search? :rolleyes:
They weren't in uniform.And new witnesses say they didn't yell any warnings to him and he did not run.

Anyway AIG,why should you care? he was'nt a muslim...just consider it
another stupid infidel bites the dust.

Oh,now you've hurt my hoo hoo.

Bahahahahaha um..ok :D
Evidently AIG doesn't read posts completely. The first thing she addressed in my post on previous page, was completely misunderstood, maybe English is not your first language.
I said that there was a bystander that was interviewed that day, he was not in uniform nor did he claim to be a policeman, he seemed upset and taken aback by what he saw, HOWEVER he confirmed that the man ran from the police and they yelled at him prior to shooting him and that he was dressed in heavy clothing for summer in the UK. I saw this man interviewed over and over again on BBCAmerica. I of course can't say that this man in fact was not lying at the time, I was only pointing it out.
Lethalfind said:
Evidently AIG doesn't read posts completely. The first thing she addressed in my post on previous page, was completely misunderstood, maybe English is not your first language.
I said that there was a bystander that was interviewed that day, he was not in uniform nor did he claim to be a policeman, he seemed upset and taken aback by what he saw, HOWEVER he confirmed that the man ran from the police and they yelled at him prior to shooting him and that he was dressed in heavy clothing for summer in the UK. I saw this man interviewed over and over again on BBCAmerica. I of course can't say that this man in fact was not lying at the time, I was only pointing it out.

Whoops. Now you're going to irritate her. She doesn't like FACTS very much. They get in the way of an otherwise neat and tidy misrepresentation! :D
I live to irritate anyone who would have a name like Allah is great !!!
If she does'nt like it I invite her to go the **** back where her people came from.
I don't know who's news you are reading, but here's the story from our Murdoch-controlled rag, The Australian

CCTV footage showed Menezes was wearing a thin denim jacket that could not conceal a bomb, and he was not carrying a bag. Far from running away from police, he did not realise anyone was following him and even picked up a free newspaper before using his season ticket to pass through the station barrier. He began to run only when he saw his train pull into the station.

At the time of the shooting, Scotland Yard said Menezes's clothing and his behaviour at the station added to their suspicions.

It was only when Menezes boarded the train that a surveillance officer guided four armed police into the same carriage.

A man sitting opposite Menezes said: "Within a few seconds, I saw a man coming into the double doors to my left. He was pointing a small black handgun towards a person sitting opposite me.

"He pointed the gun at the right-hand side of the man's head. The gun was within 12 inches of the man's head when the first shot was fired."

And the report reveals that one of the surveillance team members had grabbed hold of Menezes before he was shot.

"I grabbed the male in the denim jacket by wrapping both my arms around his torso, pinning his arms to his side," the statement says.

"I then pushed him back on to the seat where he had been previously sitting ... I heard a gunshot very close to my left ear and was dragged away on to the floor of the carriage."

So he didn't know he was under surveillance, he used his season ticket to pass through, not over, the turnstiles, he ran for his train because he was late, and he was seated, and held, when shot at point blank range.

No ****ing wonder the cops fabricated a story and paid a "witness" to tell a falsified account. They figured they were heroes, until they realised they'd murdered an innocent bloke, of the wrong lineage, on his way to work.

Why are you sticking up for liars and murderers? :rolleyes:
Lethalfind said:
I live to irritate anyone who would have a name like Allah is great !!!
If she does'nt like it I invite her to go the **** back where her people came from.

Forgive me while I fall to the floor,hold my sides and laugh my arse off.
I'm rolling too.You're alright kiddo. ruffles hair .