So is Obama a Muslim?


Active Members
Odds are better than what?
He already confessed and asked to be executed. What more can they hope to accomplish by trying him in a civilian court?
Exactly, in fact in a civilian court the confessions are not admissable so you have less evidence to use against him in a civilian court. The military court was a slam dunk, in a civilian court there is a real chance of them getting off.



New member
Odds are better than what?
He already confessed and asked to be executed. What more can they hope to accomplish by trying him in a civilian court?
If it only were that easy. You know how many criminals ask for that (their victims wholly agree) and they still have to go through the whole process whether they want to or not?

Exactly, in fact in a civilian court the confessions are not admissable so you have less evidence to use against him in a civilian court. The military court was a slam dunk, in a civilian court there is a real chance of them getting off.
Again, we shall see.



Active Members
If it only were that easy. You know how many criminals ask for that (their victims wholly agree) and they still have to go through the whole process whether they want to or not?
In a civilian court I agree, those statrements can be tossed out easily. But not in a military court. That is why c9onviction is guranteed in the military court due to being able to use his confessions.

A civilian court is not guranteed because most of the evidence against him was gathered without him being given miranda warnings or a lawyer. It is called coerced testimony and not admissable.

Again, we shall see.
I would rather save the 300 million dollars it will cost to have the trial and instead do it the easy way. And if we spend 300 million just to seem him found innocent, then what?



New member
If it only were that easy. You know how many criminals ask for that (their victims wholly agree) and they still have to go through the whole process whether they want to or not?

That's in a civillian court, not military tribunal.

The German sabatours in WWII caught in the US, for example, from capture to execution, eight months.

And that's with a hang up for the Supreme Court to review the constitutionality, and it was deemed constitutional, almost unanimous. There was a slight dissenting opinion by a couple of the justices on minor details of the wording of the opinion written, not the constituionality of the tribunals.



New member
If it only were that easy. You know how many criminals ask for that (their victims wholly agree) and they still have to go through the whole process whether they want to or not?
Those criminals are US citizens and thus entitled to due process- according to the laws of their country.

This dirtbag does not deserve any of that, and should be drawn and quartered by 5 ****** off pigs.

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