So much for women's rights!

I personally don't think any document can really set down a complete truth, so I don't really feel too strongly about it. I can see how people who follow the major religions can fall into trusting laws/documents/bills, though.

The UN is a nice idea, but when has it ever really done anything THAT important? I think it's going down the same road as the old League of Nations - people are just too selfish to work together on that grand a scale.
The document was set up to insure that ALL UN nations held themselves and eachother to a certain standard of human rites. Al nations of the UN have signed and agreed to it. This is teh kind of thing that Un nations are supposed to come together and fight for (IE Saddaams treatment of Quwait) It is the responsibility of every nation to uphold the ideals heald with the document. It is as imprtant to the world as the costitution is to the US
At least it's SUPPOSED to be as important to the world as the constitution is to the US. As far as I see it, the UN is dying. It's sad, and the universal human rights would be a nice idea if we could get it together that much, but we CAN'T. The only reason we made the UN, and the league of nations after WW1, was to try to prevent world war. It failed miserably the first time, and we almost made it this time - but I doubt it's gonna last much longer.
Even without te UN each nation has an obligation to uphold the ideals they signed on for
I feel this is going nowhere...

But no, in the simplest terms, each country has an obligation to do whatever the **** they want. That's what they've been doing, UN or no. Genocide, gender-biased laws... they're going on everywhere, and the UN hasn't done anything about it. We're only caring because we have troops in there right now.