I knew it, I already knew it... I already ******* knew it!
If you have low expectations of something you love, then why do you love it?
u know what?!
sometimes i wonder myself same thing... why i still love them? do i still love them?
to be honest, i don't know... i mean, it has dissapointed me so badly... i guess i'm getting tired of all this!
it's hard to me saying all this cause i really was an hardcore fan, always have been... but now i'm getting sick. Since MTM came out, LP have never been the same, that's a fact. And I'm not talking only bout their music...
i think we, true fans, don't deserve to be treated like that, even if it's all Warner's fault or ****, i don't care.
This is all bullshit and I'm not saying anything else. I'm done.