So.. This is Christmas..


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2006
Well boys and girls, it's that time once again when families get together, eat like pigs, and abuse the credit system.. Have a great Christmas..

And Merry Christmas to everyone in the world no matter who your "God" is.. the important thing is.. it's all the same "God" no matter what people think/say/do..

I am you and you are me
Whys that such a mystery?
If you want it you got to believe
Who are we? were who we are
Riding on the great big star
We've got to stand up if were gonna be free yeah

If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself
cause its all just a game
We just want to be loved

The son of God is in our face
Offering us eternal grace
If you want it you've got to believe
cause being free is a state of mind
We'll one day leave this all behind
Just put your faith in God and one day you'll see it

If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself
cause its all just a game
We just want to be loved

The futures in our present hands
Lets reach right in
Lets understand
If you want it you've got to believe yeah

If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself yeah
cause its all just a game
We just want to be loved ~ Lenny Kravitz

[ame=""]YouTube - believe - Lenny Kravitz[/ame]

Happy B Day Jesus! Even though you were mostly likely not born on this day as I'm pretty sure that Dec. 25th had some significant meaning in Paganism long before Christianity stole your identity, locked you in a confusing book that causes people to want to kill each other and provides them with the moral superiority to think it's ok to do so... You da man.

So.. any ya'll get any cool gifts?

I got some much needed new boots, a sweatshirt and carbon monoxide detector.. life is good.. yay me
I got a Wii, a sweet new digital camera and some Family Guy sets on dvd.

Pretty amazing considering I was a bad girl this year.
Ali said:
I got a Wii, a sweet new digital camera and some Family Guy sets on dvd.

Pretty amazing considering I was a bad girl this year.

I got a fukken turtleneck sweater.

My aunt bought me corduroy slacks. She still thinks I'm 7 years old.
RoyalOrleans said:
I got a fukken turtleneck sweater.

My aunt bought me corduroy slacks. She still thinks I'm 7 years old.

Do they at least match the sweater?
Hell, all I got was a photo of the grandkids, a new wallet (empty, of course), and a cooling pad for my laptop.
Old Salt said:
Hell, all I got was a photo of the grandkids, a new wallet (empty, of course), and a cooling pad for my laptop.

I got a pic of the grandkids too. I also got a wireless keyboard and mouse. I can see a wireless mouse cause your always pulling on the cord but I can't see far enough to take my keyboard anywere. :D

I'm buying myself some ram. AND IT'S NOT HERE YET! DAMN!!
RoyalOrleans said:
The corduroy pants are greyish blue, but the turtleneck sweater is black and came from my oldest sister.

Black goes with anything. I'm sure you'll look dashing in your Christmas attire.
Ali said:
Black goes with anything. I'm sure you'll look dashing in your Christmas attire.

Ohh.. there's no doubt that I'll look good enough to bury in my new get-up. Though, I don't wear blue and black together, however dark denim is not out of the picture (not black jeans... tre white trash). Nor do I wear brown and black together; nothing tackier than a nice pair of black slacks with brown loafers (redneck).

I have this thing about things around my neck. So the black turtleneck sweater will be relegated to gatherings, in the colder months, and when my eldest sister will be present. I'm a sweetheart like that.
RoyalOrleans said:
Ohh.. there's no doubt that I'll look good enough to bury in my new get-up. Though, I don't wear blue and black together, however dark denim is not out of the picture (not black jeans... tre white trash). Nor do I wear brown and black together; nothing tackier than a nice pair of black slacks with brown loafers (redneck).

I have this thing about things around my neck. So the black turtleneck sweater will be relegated to gatherings, in the colder months, and when my eldest sister will be present. I'm a sweetheart like that.

Ahhh, how nice.

I don't like turtlenecks either. Even in the dead of winter, I'll still choose to wear a v-neck.
Ali said:
Ahhh, how nice.

I don't like turtlenecks either. Even in the dead of winter, I'll still choose to wear a v-neck.

I have some 300+ t-shirts and two-thirds are v-neck. I like to show off my cleavage.
RoyalOrleans said:
Ohh.. there's no doubt that I'll look good enough to bury in my new get-up. Though, I don't wear blue and black together, however dark denim is not out of the picture (not black jeans... tre white trash). Nor do I wear brown and black together; nothing tackier than a nice pair of black slacks with brown loafers (redneck).

I have this thing about things around my neck. So the black turtleneck sweater will be relegated to gatherings, in the colder months, and when my eldest sister will be present. I'm a sweetheart like that.

A sweetheart huh? No argyle...WTF!? walks away muttering
RoyalOrleans said:
I have argyle boxers shorts.

Go nuts!

Careful...emkay's argyle fetish may cause her to tear off your boxers and then run off to have sex with them, leaving you all alone with no underpants.
Ali said:
Careful...emkay's argyle fetish may cause her to tear off your boxers and then run off to have sex with them, leaving you all alone with no underpants.

That's where you come in...
RoyalOrleans said:
That's where you come in...

I'll talk dirty to you in my Fargo Margie accent and get you sooooo revved up.

"Brrrr! I think I need to make some hot cocoa. I'll put a peppermint stick in it. Does that turn you on? Yah, you betcha it does..."
Ali said:
I'll talk dirty to you in my Fargo Margie accent and get you sooooo revved up.

"Brrrr! I think I need to make some hot cocoa. I'll put a peppermint stick in it. Does that turn you on? Yah, you betcha it does..."

Oooo... baby. Tell me more!
RoyalOrleans said:
Oooo... baby. Tell me more!

"That cocoa is pretty hot, so don't burn your tongue. And we're supposed to get another 6 inches of snow tonight, don't ya know? Gad, it just won't let up! You wanna do it?"
Now if you dress up like an orc, slobber profusely, and quote lines from Lord of the Rings...he'll be putty in yer least that's what he made me do...*******!