So.. This is Christmas..

Chi said:
I know all guys are not pigs. Just like all girls are not bitches. I think if a guy doesn't want to get used, he should first talk to the girl to see if she's interested in him before asking to buy her a drink. But a lot of guys just take the easy route and ask right away "Can I buy you a drink?", "Do you want a drink?" Chances are of course she wants a drink if she's at a bar or a club.

I guess I don't know.. I've actually never tried to pick up a stranger in my life.. at a bar or anywhere.. But I think if a guy offers to buy a girl a drink he shouldn't have any expectations with it.. If she accepts and says thank you and doesn't even wanna talk to him.. that should be fine.. and wouldn't make her a bitch in my book..
Chi said:
Doesn't necessarily mean she's interested in him though...

That's kinda the thing about bars too.. How can you be interested in a stranger with anything but their looks? And if I were to ever offer to buy a strange girl a drink and she accepted, I wouldn't assume she was interested in getting to know me.. much less have sex with me.. .. hahaha..

No wonder successful bar relationships are few and far between....

I can't ever see myself having sex with a stranger.. or even wanting to.. rather have sex with Rosie... Least I know what I'm getting.. and not catching.. hahahaha.. Guess I'm just not cut out for casual sex with women I don't know..

Woe is me.. or yay me.. you decide...
emkay64 said:
I guess that's why I gotta buy all my own drinks.

Awww, I'll buy you a drink, too. I'll even let you do a shot out of my cleavage.

As far as men whining about women not being interested after buying them a a man "not interested" can be interpreted as "I didn't get sex from her". I can't feel too sorry for a guy who cries ghey salty man tears just because he didn't get a piece of ass after a $3.50 initial investment.
Ali said:
Awww, I'll buy you a drink, too. I'll even let you do a shot out of my cleavage..

I'll buy a case of booze and emmy can do shots off me anyday... anywhere she wants.. I wont let her... I'll beg her! sigh :x

Ali said:
As far as men whining about women not being interested after buying them a a man "not interested" can be interpreted as "I didn't get sex from her". I can't feel too sorry for a guy who cries ghey salty man tears just because he didn't get a piece of ass after a $3.50 initial investment.

Hahahaha... yeah.. gotta agree... Any man that would whine and cries ghey salty man tears about that aint no man.. :D

Ya know.. I'd love nothing more than to get together with you guys/gals for a night out.. be a f cking blast..

Well.. maybe I'd love one thing more.. but I aint tellin'..
Ali said:
Awww, I'll buy you a drink, too. I'll even let you do a shot out of my cleavage.

As far as men whining about women not being interested after buying them a a man "not interested" can be interpreted as "I didn't get sex from her". I can't feel too sorry for a guy who cries ghey salty man tears just because he didn't get a piece of ass after a $3.50 initial investment.

You're right about how things are now, and anyone who finds someone who will screw you for a few drinks just found a slut with low self esteem and the guy probably has some kind of complex too.

Years ago offering to buy a lady a drink was two fold. One it was an ice breaker and two etiquite was that if she accepted it she wouldn't mind having a conversation, maybe get to know you and you might get her digits, if she wasn't interested she had the manners to politely decline the drink.
I'm not fukking for a beverage, but if I can't stand to talk to them or look at them...then i won't accept the drink. I can't see accepting one, then turning around, and ignoring the guy....ehhh...yeah I can...never mind.
emkay64 said:
I'm not fukking for a beverage, but if I can't stand to talk to them or look at them...then i won't accept the drink. I can't see accepting one, then turning around, and ignoring the guy....ehhh...yeah I can...never mind.

How'bout a samich? would'ya do it for a samich?
snafu said:
How'bout a samich? would'ya do it for a samich?

Well...maybe a BIG sammich! It'll cost more than 3.25....more like 7.00 cause I'm a big that's like 2 dates really. Yep...I'll do it!!
emkay64 said:
Well...maybe a BIG sammich! It'll cost more than 3.25....more like 7.00 cause I'm a big that's like 2 dates really. Yep...I'll do it!!

She's gone up from $5.
Emkay is a bad economist.

You should be lowering prices now. Restructure your business to get new customers that, if your product is good, will stay customers when you raise your rates.

johns are hard up for cash. Now is not the time to raise rates.

</pimpin 101>
eddo said:
Emkay is a bad economist.

You should be lowering prices now. Restructure your business to get new customers that, if your product is good, will stay customers when you raise your rates.

johns are hard up for cash. Now is not the time to raise rates.

</pimpin 101>

I'm hoping for a little quality...not quantity :p