What seems strange to myself, is if push comes to shove, I'll vote Republican in the next election, as long as Cheney isn't running as the Republican Candidate.
I'm actually kind of hoping Tom Osborne (Dem):
of Nebraska does like some will predict and run for presidency. Not that I'm trying to Hi-Jack the topic, but the general philosophies<sp...phew> I hold are pretty much his too. Particularly, this issue:
This conservatism bullshit gets to a point where it will **** the average person off, and I like to view myself as average. And from what the GF polls show, ain't too many **** conservatives around these parts.
Top Ten Things
Tom Would Do
As President Of
The United States
By G. Thurston Howdy,
#10 - Change Alan Greenspan's name to Alan Redspan.
#9 - Appoint Charlie McBride as Secretary of Defense
#8 - Change all those Xs and Os on his chalkboard to little nuclear missiles.
#7 - Launch an all-out first strike against America's biggest enemy: the state of Florida.
#6 - Paint the White House - yes - red.
#5 - Change the national slogan from land of the free home of the brave to Go Big Fed.
#4 - Ask, "Who won the coin toss?" at his Inauguration.
#3 - Call up a joint session of Congress and order all members of the House and Senate into weight training programs.
#2 - Learn to talk faster.
#1 - Reappoint Kent Pavelka as the Voice of the Huskers! Where Americans Want Him!
Edit: On a side note, do you think the higher number of Libretarians on THIS site has to do with the fact conservative ******** getting rich off us, having nothing to ***** about.