SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!


The political description that
fits you best is...



Your PERSONALissues Score is 80%.
ECONOMICissues Score is 30%

generally embrace freedom of choice in

personal matters, but support central decision-making in

economics. They want the government to help the disadvantaged

in the name of fairness. Leftists tolerate social diversity, but

work for what they might describe as
I have know for awhile now....but I was surprised when I discovered I was...


LIBERTARIANS support maximum liberty in both personal and

economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one

that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence.

Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose

government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate

diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties
I have a theory that most of us are more Liberal then we think, but there is probably at least one social issue that makes us believe we are conservative, but then lets just see everyone elses answer here, I think this calls for a poll on top When you get your answer, mark it in the poll. And uh NO CHEATING,I'm not gonna let viewers see who voted what. Lets keep it honest just for arguements sake, and you know we all LOVE to argue !!!

You don't have to announce your results in a post if you don't wish. Just Take the test, and VOTE !!
Spleefman said:
by the way PW...I wasn't sure where to post this.....thanks for moving it to the right place! :D

I usually move most POLLS in here. Polls are usually niether a Debate or anything that pisses people off...uh unless your CES. :p
The political description that

fits you best is...


Your PERSONAL issues Score is 90%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 60%

This does not surpirse me at all.
phreakwars said:
I usually move most POLLS in here. Polls are usually niether a Debate or anything that pisses people off...uh unless your CES. :p

Ha ha ha... Keep it up bright boy, I'll get you and your little dog too! :p
I seem to be the only one of this breed in here...

CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government

control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on

the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention

and sometimes support individual freedom of choice.

Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind,

tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what

they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.

I looked closer at the little maping chart and found that I tend to be more toward the Conservative side of the Centrist diamond. That sounds about right.
Hubby scored conservative. He was supprised that he was more conservative than me.
Your PERSONAL issues Score is 80%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 60%."
That was cool.
John Stewart's new book had a neat political quiz in it but I don't remember what exactly was in it. Anyway, good stuff.
The political description that
fits you best is.... CENTRIST
Your PERSONAL issues Score is 40%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 40%

We believe strong leadership involves a bold mix of views drawn partly from the right and partly the left.

On the one hand, we embrace an economic agenda focused on growth and fiscal responsibility. We believe in free trade, fair competition, and limited government
Politics is about who you are and what you believe, not what party you belong to.

The political description that
fits you best is...



LIBERALS usually embrace freedom of choice in personal

matters, but tend to support significant government control of the

economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net"
to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation

of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations,

defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action

to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles.

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 90%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 40%.
well i seem to be yet another new one..sorta in the middle of two


You fall exactly on the border

of two political philosophies...




Your PERSONAL issues Score is 90%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 50%.

not that much into polictics till Dubya...but here ya go!
Interlocutor said:
The political description that
fits you best is.... CENTRIST
Your PERSONAL issues Score is 40%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 40%

We believe strong leadership involves a bold mix of views drawn partly from the right and partly the left.

On the one hand, we embrace an economic agenda focused on growth and fiscal responsibility. We believe in free trade, fair competition, and limited government
Politics is about who you are and what you believe, not what party you belong to.
Wow. Another Centrist. And I thought I was the only one...
Libertarians are a growing party! Look at that poll!!!!

Maybe one day..........**** I can dream can't I????? :D
So far my theory holds true (at least member wise anyway).

Something to think about come election day when your right wing conservative trys playing a social card to get you to vote for them.