So what's my verdict?

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Gray~Gal said:
Yeah FREEDOM OF SPEECH...But some things should be ALLOWED to say. Its ok....I can deal with her little hits here and there....She might have been a pioneer here but she still is an aggrovating teen i use teen not to be an insult.

shes an annoying little bitch that needs to burn in hell, so what? i deal with those people every day, you adults have gone soft if you cant talk to her or about her without going insane with anger (but make no mistake, i want her dead) or at least in a grate deal of emotional pain
You know, people, you make a very grave and insulting assumption about me when you suggest that I don't think about what I say. The reason I'm here, the reason I say ANY of this, is because I've been observing the world in silence for a long time. Now I'm speaking out about what I've seen--I don't say **** for the sole purpose of pissing people off. I'm not a loser with no life; I say what I say because I believe it. I don't understand how you guys can begrudge someone their honest, thought-out opinions. I'm not pulling **** out of my ass here! Just because I believe something you DON'T doesn't mean I haven't thought it through.

PS: msixty, because you bring it up and I feel I should inform you--NOT for the purpose of appearing angsty because, if you recall, I never asked for any pity--I AM in a great deal of emotional pain. That doesn't mean I'm not still thinking and it doesn't mean I'm an idiot. Maybe for once in your short, petty lives (all lives--ALL--are short and petty) you should take a moment to LISTEN to a new opinion instead of discarding it. You might learn something.

And I thank you for this lesson: I do realize that I do sometimes discard. I will make an effort in the future to take my own advice as well.
Silver_dragon87 said:
You know, people, you make a very grave and insulting assumption about me when you suggest that I don't think about what I say. The reason I'm here, the reason I say ANY of this, is because I've been observing the world in silence for a long time. Now I'm speaking out about what I've seen--I don't say **** for the sole purpose of pissing people off. I'm not a loser with no life; I say what I say because I believe it. I don't understand how you guys can begrudge someone their honest, thought-out opinions. I'm not pulling **** out of my ass here! Just because I believe something you DON'T doesn't mean I haven't thought it through.

PS: msixty, because you bring it up and I feel I should inform you--NOT for the purpose of appearing angsty because, if you recall, I never asked for any pity--I AM in a great deal of emotional pain. That doesn't mean I'm not still thinking and it doesn't mean I'm an idiot. Maybe for once in your short, petty lives (all lives--ALL--are short and petty) you should take a moment to LISTEN to a new opinion instead of discarding it. You might learn something.

And I thank you for this lesson: I do realize that I do sometimes discard. I will make an effort in the future to take my own advice as well.

i simply am aggravated because of what you said about the troops deserving what they got
I'm aware that what I said wasn't 'nice' and I certainly can't blame anyone for taking offense to it. I am simply aggravated because people think I said it just to piss them off, just because I'm a hateful moron. It was an opinion based on more thought than went into the starting of this stupid war in the first place! (At least as far as the HE is concerned.) I expected that people would understand that others might simply have a different, though still valid, opinion from theirs. Obviously I expected far...far too much, and that's my own fault. You insult someone's dead soldiers, you're not going to be received very warmly. Lesson learned, eh? c(o:
Silver_dragon87 said:
I'm aware that what I said wasn't 'nice' and I certainly can't blame anyone for taking offense to it. I am simply aggravated because people think I said it just to piss them off, just because I'm a hateful moron. It was an opinion based on more thought than went into the starting of this stupid war in the first place! (At least as far as the HE is concerned.) I expected that people would understand that others might simply have a different, though still valid, opinion from theirs. Obviously I expected far...far too much, and that's my own fault. You insult someone's dead soldiers, you're not going to be received very warmly. Lesson learned, eh? c(o:

you should know by now that our military is our pride, and soiling that no matter how well thought out the reason will get you supremely bitched at

i apologies for jumping to the conclusion that your simply another annoying immature anti-war pansy ass bitch **** teen from Canada that doesn't understand what the hell is going on in the world because you have no exposure to death or tragedy such as that beyond a picture or two, but you just made it too damn easy to think that, and you know still do
8_BALL said:
Not to challange you or anything but I personally set up my network for my system and we had PROFESSIONAL hackers try to penetrate it. Not possible and even if by some sick twist of fate it was actually pulled off, you would screw yourself harder. Im sure you can pull info off proxy, thats actually simple with the right programs. Heres a better question, can you pull info from a secure tunnel? Like I said, I'm not challenging your ability. I enjoy my job and my job is network security.
Yes, proxys are simple (try it sometime) I think that you are correct, there IS software available for ADMINS to use, secure tunnel.. hell no..I wouldn't even bother trying, thats beyond me.

The guy here at GF was too easy, I won't reveal WHY of course, but it only took me less then 1/2 an hour.

I will admit though, its not as easy as it used to be in the good ole' days. And alot of times, it's more headache then its worth.
Originally Posted by Silver_dragon87
You know, people, you make a very grave and insulting assumption about me when you suggest that I don't think about what I say. The reason I'm here, the reason I say ANY of this, is because I've been observing the world in silence for a long time. Now I'm speaking out about what I've seen--I don't say **** for the sole purpose of pissing people off. I'm not a loser with no life; I say what I say because I believe it. I don't understand how you guys can begrudge someone their honest, thought-out opinions. I'm not pulling **** out of my ass here! Just because I believe something you DON'T doesn't mean I haven't thought it through.

Ok brainiac
8_BALL said:
Then why exactly were you put in the IDIOT box?
You didnt think about that did you?
I dont remember anyone voting on your behalf either.
If you would like I will start a new poll.

Well correct me if i'm wrong,i think she was put in the idiot box cos she pissed off some americans that like insulting other people's cultures and beliefs but just can't hack it when the tables are turned.
I like SD,where's that poll at?!
SD how on earth could you be silently observing for such a long time when you are just barely out of diapers. See if didn't say stupid crap like that, someone MIGHT take you seriously. Qeit trying to be some great philosopher and simply accept that the best you can do is give an account of your limited perception and quit making it sound like there is some point of enlightenment that you have reached above all others. Shut up and ACTUALLY observe and you might learn something
I again find myself agreeing with Tizz here. You make some decent points but you often present them in a whiney mannor, you're like M60 just a leftest Canadian version.

And as for RandE's comments about her being Michel Moore, i think not. Yah he is a BS propigator but don't think for a second that he is some kind of idol amoung the activist communities. He poors out stright propiganda, and although entertaining, it is no way to present an argument (This is percisely the tactic used by extremist right wingers as well)

If you truly are educated then you would know that there is a whole world outside the mainstream that isen't a brainwashed mass for the left or right. Just good people with good arguments. Just because soembody has a different opinion form you dosn't mean that they're un-informed, it means they're a different person.
I've said it once I'll say it again...

It's not what she said. It's the context in which it was said.
If it had been any other thread in, say, the Off Topic Forum board, then yeah the post is fair game and I couldn't give a **** less what she said.
However, let's all take notice where she did post it.

The thread: Real Heores Of The War

Ok, first of all this is a war she has nothing to do with. WTF?
Gray~Gal says
I dont know if there was ever a thread about this but i want to put down who i think are some of the heros of this war and any others people may think about on a day to day basis.

My Heros are....
My Husband-Purple Heart Recipient
Sgt. 1st Class Victor A. Anderson, 39, of Ellaville, Staff Sgt. David R. Jones Sr., 45, of Augusta, and Sgt. Ronnie L. Shelley Sr., 34, of Valdosta.
Army Pfc. Anthony S. Miller
Army 1st Lt. Jeffrey J. Kaylor
Army Staff Sgt. Lincoln D. Hollinsaid

This isnt many and i will post more but i have to run. But please keep in mind these people all served there country well and all on here are dead but my husband.

So this is obviously something very serious and meaningful indeed.

SD says
Any idiot can get a medal--people who **** your country over get medals from your president. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. The last thing we need is more 'warriors'--and more politicians. Try congratulating people who do important ****--like teachers and surgeons.

Fighting for your country IS important, you tool.

From there on out, Americans get pissed. SD continues to downplay the war, as if it was on the same level of some kid falling down in a sandbox.

THAT is why people got pissed off at you, SD. Have you ever had a relative have to leave home to go fight a war? Do you know what it's like to wonder every day if your loved one is dead or alive? Do you know what it's like to have a loved one die away from home, when you haven't seen them in 6 months as it is?

These people aren't pissed off because you insulted America.
These people are pissed off because you're a disrespectful bitch. They're pissed off because you're an arrogant teenager acting like you know everything.
What you did in that thread would be like me coming to your father's funeral and spitting on his coffin as I give the bird to all your family members.
Oooh we wouldn't like that would we?

Now stop posting your bullshit threads about you, which have nothing to do with anything but some stuck-up teen's angst.
people getting medals for ****ING OVER!?

Sorry SD, But I'm getting a little bit pissed off.

These men and women are going off to fight a war because they were TOLD TO DO SO. The soldiers are doing a job. If you want to blame someone for ****ing someone over, blame the corrupt politicians who start the wars. The military aren't the ones ****ing people over. The soldiers didn't get together and say "hey let's bomb the middle east." They are trained to TAKE ORDERS from their superiors.

If anything people should RESPECT military personell. They're doing a job that so many people don't want to do, and they probably aren't praticularly fond of either. Yea sure they signed up and they know what the military is all about, but that doesn't mean they want to go pick up a rifle and start shooting people, let alone having people shoot at them. MILITARY PERSONELL AREN'T PSYCO SHOOT EVERYTHING THAT MOVES NUTJOBS. They're really quite sane actually (well, from what I've seen and heard) And like Parasite pointed out, their families have to put up with immense stress of them being in a distant country for a long time, and not knowing whether they're going to come home alive, in one piece or in a bodybag. No one wants to see their loved one for the first time in months at their funeral.

I don't support the war either, but I respect the courage of the people over there.
So your math teacher is a chick huh? Ya in my experience very few math teachers have a sense of humor that would appreciate that.
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