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Please try to read what I post, look at it, I clearly said some of the positive changes will be from new Republican policies but more of it will be because the job creaters will not be scared of the Progressives who attack them.Couldn't at all be because Big Bidniz has many Republican friends that would make them the beneficiaries of tax breaks and the like? They'll worry less when all of their friends are in high places. Don't pretend that all business only flourishes under Republicans, or that the Republicans are the magical creators of jobs.100% fear mongering to yourself.Yep. Trickle up poverty, the Progressive plan.That isn't a full term morons 1 and 2. Give the guy 8 years and watch what happens.
Can't wait.
That's why our opinions on this will never change. You believe your own fears, and parrot them like they are fact.
That is no where close to what the plan of action is.. what, f all the unemployed?
Guess I will NEVER EVER EVER hear a REAL Republican proposal for our nation. Just complaints.
While you have your own fear mongering by trying to pain business and the 'rich' as evil. You tell all your people that the only salvation is through massive Government controls and the few Elite telling everyone else what to do, what to eat, where to live, and what medical care they are allowed to have.
8 years for Obama?
He is done right now, after this election Republicans will hold the purse strings and the damage from Obama will be all but haulted. After the Republicans do take power, jobs will start to grow and unemployment will decline. Some of that success will be from new policies but even more of it will be because the job creaters will not be scared to death of a group (Democrats) that only wants to attack them.
There is a conspiracy theory among the Progressives that the "rich" are intentionally not creating jobs to make Obama look bad, now there is a huge pile of **** but it is based on one truth, the rich are not investing but it is not because they are trying to make anyone look bad, the rich are not investing because they don't know what the rules are going to be, take for example the Bush tax cuts, if they expire it will cost the rich billions on their invested money, they could actually lose money instead of make money on investments from that one tax change alone and combine that with severely increased employment costs because of things like the new healthcare law and suddenly you can see where a 'rich' guy must be very, very careful with any investment while Progressives are in power.............you never know what new tax or cost is comming next with Progressives.
The one thing Progressives have always done is raise taxes and go after business and the "rich" like they are laying golden eggs.
Ask yourself a question joker, if you wanted to start a new business, would you like the Progressives circling above like vultures waiting for you to open your doors so they can start feeding on you?