So who's willing to admit they've had sex? V2

Have you had sex?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • No

    Votes: 15 34.1%
  • Dont remember :\

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters
I think we need a new thread, this one's lost its novelty already

like, who's willing to admit they've had gay sex
or anyone have any other ideas? lol
i am a firm believer in holding off in the sex department until marriage :) i guess that's where my religion comes in

i refuse to give myself to someone else in that way unless i am going to spend my life with them. especially since girls get attached easier than guys, whether they admit/realize it or not. its just a fact. i don't want to even test that for me for fear of the emotional attachment i might carry
just cause i have nothing better to do

yes ive had sex

and actually, when i think about it, because i'm a pagan, it's like a 'prayer' or a 'celebration' to some of the goddesses....

ok, that was random on my behalf...

have fun

chat it away
Does Virtual Sex count? I've got like way too many virtual kids now, I'm assuming that's cause of Virtual Sex... maybe not to be confused with having sex with Robots or the computer tower or something. Hmm. Now that's just nasty. I know you can get VTDs - virtually transmitted diseases, stands to reason it has to stem from somewhere...?

'Tis the silly season innit? :p
i am a firm believer in holding off in the sex department until marriage :) i guess that's where my religion comes in

i refuse to give myself to someone else in that way unless i am going to spend my life with them. especially since girls get attached easier than guys, whether they admit/realize it or not. its just a fact. i don't want to even test that for me for fear of the emotional attachment i might carry

I totally respect your opinion, as it is my habit to always respect people's opinions even if I don't wholeheartedly agree. I just wanted to clear this up before I give my own reasoning on why I think sex before marriage may not be as bad as some may think.

Setting aside matters of impatience, urges that can't be controlled and stuff like that I will focus on something else. I have heard many women as well as guys say that their other half seemed perfect untill they got to sleep together. Then they realised that their partner was either too kinky for their tastes or (to another extreme) unwilling to have any form of sexual contact or, even worse, on their very first night as a married couple they realised that their partner was gay and just got married to them to cover it up! Some girl I knew really well unfortunately found that out on the first day she was married to a guy, when he told her quite insensitively that "Ok, now we are married cause that's what people like, but I want you to know that I'm gay so we will have separate bedrooms and I will sleep in one of them with my boyfriend." She was so shocked that she just stormed off, took the car and disappeared. Found out she had been killed in a road accident a couple of days later. Ok, that was rather extreme but my point is that sex is something important in a marriage and, in my humble opinion, one has to make sure they and their partner are compatible EVEN in that aspect before they decide to get married. A lot of people have discovered many unpleasant things about their sexual partner when it's too late to think twice (that is after marriage). So, the bottom line is IN MY OPINION ALWAYS that like people spend time together and maybe even live together as a test to see if they can spend their life together, they should also test if their sexual habits and preferences coincide before they take the big step. My two cents anyway. Like I said, I am just making conversation, each person is free to have their own beliefs, I totally respect them. :)
haha, cool man. thanks. most people think thats pretty lame, why do you respect it?
I do respect it to!
I mean its ur decision :)

If you ask me you're not really missing anything if you don't have sex. Ok Imma be honest and say that beside of that fun side its also a way to get into the relationship with your partner even deeper and stuff but that's only if ur partner is in some way "the right one".
You can actually see it from so many points of view. In some way its the urge of us humans to make babies and stuff haha but that's not the only reason for having sex anymore.
Whenever someone asked me how it is/was I'm sayin that its fun etc but you dont really miss anything if you do it when you're older or even married (if thats what you want).
I think everyone decides for him/herself when the time is right :thumbsup:

Does Virtual Sex count? I've got like way too many virtual kids now, I'm assuming that's cause of Virtual Sex... maybe not to be confused with having sex with Robots or the computer tower or something. Hmm. Now that's just nasty. I know you can get VTDs - virtually transmitted diseases, stands to reason it has to stem from somewhere...?

'Tis the silly season innit? :p
intresting question haha
does it?
Does Virtual Sex count? I've got like way too many virtual kids now, I'm assuming that's cause of Virtual Sex... maybe not to be confused with having sex with Robots or the computer tower or something. Hmm. Now that's just nasty. I know you can get VTDs - virtually transmitted diseases, stands to reason it has to stem from somewhere...?

'Tis the silly season innit? :p

If I said yes to your first question, you would be the town/forum bicycle. Knowing your perverted mind that has somewhat contaminated my mind over the various talks we've had this past year alone (I was innocent until then!! Now I'm all filthy and dirty with the crap you put in my head at times), I should've expected that question from you before now.
I totally respect your opinion, as it is my habit to always respect people's opinions even if I don't wholeheartedly agree. I just wanted to clear this up before I give my own reasoning on why I think sex before marriage may not be as bad as some may think.

Setting aside matters of impatience, urges that can't be controlled and stuff like that I will focus on something else. I have heard many women as well as guys say that their other half seemed perfect untill they got to sleep together. Then they realised that their partner was either too kinky for their tastes or (to another extreme) unwilling to have any form of sexual contact or, even worse, on their very first night as a married couple they realised that their partner was gay and just got married to them to cover it up! Some girl I knew really well unfortunately found that out on the first day she was married to a guy, when he told her quite insensitively that "Ok, now we are married cause that's what people like, but I want you to know that I'm gay so we will have separate bedrooms and I will sleep in one of them with my boyfriend." She was so shocked that she just stormed off, took the car and disappeared. Found out she had been killed in a road accident a couple of days later. Ok, that was rather extreme but my point is that sex is something important in a marriage and, in my humble opinion, one has to make sure they and their partner are compatible EVEN in that aspect before they decide to get married. A lot of people have discovered many unpleasant things about their sexual partner when it's too late to think twice (that is after marriage). So, the bottom line is IN MY OPINION ALWAYS that like people spend time together and maybe even live together as a test to see if they can spend their life together, they should also test if their sexual habits and preferences coincide before they take the big step. My two cents anyway. Like I said, I am just making conversation, each person is free to have their own beliefs, I totally respect them. :)

right on! you have great logic in that post. and, like you, i totally respect your opinion. thanks for being open and honest about it. i would agree with you, EXCEPT i believe that testing someone's ability/willingness to have sex is limiting love. if you TRULY love someone, sex will not be the deciding factor in the relationship. and seriously, i think you will be able to tell if there is mutual, love between you and another person to tell if they are gay or not. i dont know about you guys, but i want to love my future mate unconditionally. sex or no sex. greatest looks, or least looks. best body, worst body. 'test driving' is conditional. although, i do believe that you should have standards and you should not settle. if sex is something you consider important in a relationship, you need to be with someone who values sex as much as you do. but if your partner is 'bad' as sex, that's where i see the problem. limiting your love for that person based on the quality of their sex.
I just love it when we keep our conversations on such an admirably democratic level! I see where you're coming from and I can't say your logic is wrong either. And I think we have just made a lot of people think. That's very important! :)
Lol, I tend to express myself in a rather complicated way at times. All I meant was it's rare to read a convo between two people who respect each other even though they might disagree at some point. Hence the "admirably democratic" comment lol It's the art of knowing how to converse without fighting ;)
Yes, I've had sex, I'm having sex...

The interesting thing is...
KMII, I used to have similar "who needs sex?" and stuff...till you actually do it...that's when you realise how much it actually is important...of course, if you do it with the person you love and who loves you back...than that's when the magic happens...

Otherwise, you two, KMII and Jojo, got me thinking for sure...great opinions...:)
you are right. My ass is still a virgin. well something you can't say:p

I think we need a new thread, this one's lost its novelty already

like, who's willing to admit they've had gay sex
or anyone have any other ideas? lol

Seriously guys, you need to mature up. You guys say you want these forums to be more interesting and thriving with quality members but comments like those just push people away... I feel as if comments like those are disrespectful to others, whether or not you are just joking around.

right on! you have great logic in that post. and, like you, i totally respect your opinion. thanks for being open and honest about it. i would agree with you, EXCEPT i believe that testing someone's ability/willingness to have sex is limiting love. if you TRULY love someone, sex will not be the deciding factor in the relationship. and seriously, i think you will be able to tell if there is mutual, love between you and another person to tell if they are gay or not. i dont know about you guys, but i want to love my future mate unconditionally. sex or no sex. greatest looks, or least looks. best body, worst body. 'test driving' is conditional. although, i do believe that you should have standards and you should not settle. if sex is something you consider important in a relationship, you need to be with someone who values sex as much as you do. but if your partner is 'bad' as sex, that's where i see the problem. limiting your love for that person based on the quality of their sex.
I see your point and I respect it. :)
Here's mine: I believe the physical aspects are just as important as the emotional aspects in a relationship. I don't see it being conditional. People should naturally mesh together and gravitate towards one another. Not to be shallow but I think that in the back of everyone's head that you guys have to have the whole package. I'm not saying that I'm expecting a supermodel to jump in bed with me but everyone has different standar.... no, preferences. I'm not saying people need to have sex before getting married, but I don't see premarital sex being an issue. The physical part of a relationship is essential and if people can't work out their troubles under the covers, it's time to move on.

And to answer the question: Yes, I've had sex. And yes, I've had both straight and gay sex. You're free to ask questions, just no ignorant/stupid comments. I'd rather you guys ask me any questions on gay sex than for you guys to assume certain things.
well i dont know about all these other mofos, but i think its actual sexual intercourse. as in penis [insert] vagina

i hope we're all mature enough to view those words without giggling or being offended
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