So who's willing to admit they've had sex? V2

Have you had sex?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • No

    Votes: 15 34.1%
  • Dont remember :\

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters
^ shoe throwing was funny, i got a big lol out of that

umm im still a virgin? though it hasnt been that long since the other thread was in existencce either...haha

i had a "lol@" moment when i saw that there were people who "didnt know" or "dont remember" haha
Well i haven't had sex but idk why i haven't had sex. Not only have i not had sex i never had a girlfriend not a kiss on the cheek or the lips. I don't question why i never had sex or why i don't have a girlfriend. I have more important things to worry about like my job and school. And I'm trying to save money too. I have also question the samething tho. What is the purpose of sex. IDK cuz well...i'm still a virgin. I have no problem if I'm still a virgin or I'm still single. Now about gay sex, and I have no problem about gay ppl having sex, i just care little for it. If I saw them having sex with me their or just seeing it on T.V. then thats a problem, and it includes lesbians also. I have no problem with gay men or lesbians. I have one lesbian friend and one gay friend and we talk and that is it.

Now back to me the question....I haven't had sex. I probably might stay that way for a long time maybe, idk i even might die like a virgin. I think the reason is my fault cuz i over analyze things to much. So i guess it is my fault. (Sorry fot the long post).
At the same time I'm kinda scared tho. I don't wanna change the way i act after sex. Or does sex change the way you act. And can we even live without it if your a virgin?????
At the same time I'm kinda scared tho. I don't wanna change the way i act after sex. Or does sex change the way you act. And can we even live without it if your a virgin?????
Well...I guess you can live without it if you're a virgin and single for the rest of your life...but once you've done way, man...=)
Also, curiosity is a big thing...;)
Sadly, I've been planning on having sex with my on/off boyfriend.
But when I'm thinking clearly and seriously, he's an asshole and I don't want to give him one of the most valuable things I have.

Ugh. But I want to so bad!!