

Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2006
i don't care if no one reads this, i just need to get it off my chest.

so. i'm still in love with my first girlfriend.

we started going out march 17th, of this year. she broke up with me exactly one week after our one month anniversary. i thought i'd be able to get over her, and just move on. i sort of did, but my feelings never really went away. i just ignored them, thinking it was totally over, no chance, i might as well move on with my life. so i did, and since then i've had 5 other girlfriends. none of them meant what she meant to me.

a bit of information, she goes to my old middle school, which i live right next door to. so, after i get home from school, i'll sometimes go over and hang out on the playground, where everyone is. including her.

so on friday, after about a week of mental torture caused by suddenly thinking about her a lot more, i finally told her that i still love her. (this is over instant messanger, btw. i don't get to see her much, so i chat with her) she said that she was in a threeway tug-of-war with her heart; two guys both named adam, and me. turns out, she was still in love with me too. so after talking for a while, i asked her to go out with me. she said yes, and i was happier than i've ever been. i was happier than when we were first going out. i was more than in love with her.

so we chatted for a good while longer, and then i had to get off. saturday was the same, i woke up, got showered and dressed, and then got on the computer and chatted with her for a good long time. i then had to leave to go to my friend's house, for a band meeting. we got there mid-afternoon, and spent the night until noon today (sunday). while i was there, i thought about her so much. we (me and the guys from the band) took a walk at night, and went to this open area and looked at the stars for a while, and i couldn't stop thinking how much better it would've been if she'd been there, in my arms.

at about noon, my mom came to the house i was at and picked me up, and i came home. i got on the computer as soon as i could, because i really wanted to talk to her. i get on, and sign on to AIM, and she's online but not there. so i waited until she gets back, and then after a few IMs, she told me that she still likes one of the adam guys. after that, we chatted for a little while, just trying to not make it awkward. after a while (and a long silence), i told her that i had to get off, and i signed off, and that was it.

i haven't cried in a very long time (years), but right now, i feel like crying for an hour or two. i don't think i'm gonna, but that's how ****ed up i feel right now.

even after being heartbroken by her twice, i still love her more than anything.

ok, i'm done now.
hhmm...I have no good advice all I have to say is....
Don't make someone your everything cause when they leave you
you'll have nothing....and also nothing last's forever..
I know you'll disagree... but thats all I got to say.
By_My-$elf said:
hhmm...I have no good advice all I have to say is....
Don't make someone your everything cause when they leave you
you'll have nothing....and also nothing last's forever..
I know you'll disagree... but thats all I got to say.
yeah but keep that in mind! ^^^^^^^
i don't need to say anything else now
thanks guys... i'm doing better now, i'm still dealing with it a little though.

@ Shaun - yeah, i know, but i can't help being in love with her.

@ Lyson - i did end up crying a bit actually... i cried a few times last night. it helped.
Oh yes understandable I had a prob just the same but....
Mine ended up with losing a couple friends...but I Don't guive a **** =p
This will just be a month or so or somthing...
but trust me even if you end up friends it'll be the same
but with you still havin feelings sometimes those feelings will get in the way with tlakin to her
So just take it easy and slow don't rush yourself on Gettin over her
it'll take some time..
didn't really have anyhting to say before case was really tired. =_=
Dude I know EXACTLY what you mean from the last sentance in your post.

Theres this girl who I still like, I've known her all my life, most of the times we're good, but sometimes she treats me like ****. And we've had so many rows and fallouts. But at the end of the day, It still comes round to me still liking her...It sucks sometimes, but theres nothing I can do to stop my feelings..
Guys are very different to girls...or maybe just me...or maybe its because you guys are 'in love' with these girls.
When i wanted to get over my first boyfriend all i did was make his life miserable until i knew he couldn't stand me...and i was happy. But everyone deals with it differently and its nice that you still find nice guys like you guys.
Wish you all the best waiting4thesun, acezorz and shaun.
waiting4thesun said:
i don't care if no one reads this, i just need to get it off my chest.

so. i'm still in love with my first girlfriend.

we started going out march 17th, of this year. she broke up with me exactly one week after our one month anniversary. i thought i'd be able to get over her, and just move on. i sort of did, but my feelings never really went away. i just ignored them, thinking it was totally over, no chance, i might as well move on with my life. so i did, and since then i've had 5 other girlfriends. none of them meant what she meant to me.

a bit of information, she goes to my old middle school, which i live right next door to. so, after i get home from school, i'll sometimes go over and hang out on the playground, where everyone is. including her.

so on friday, after about a week of mental torture caused by suddenly thinking about her a lot more, i finally told her that i still love her. (this is over instant messanger, btw. i don't get to see her much, so i chat with her) she said that she was in a threeway tug-of-war with her heart; two guys both named adam, and me. turns out, she was still in love with me too. so after talking for a while, i asked her to go out with me. she said yes, and i was happier than i've ever been. i was happier than when we were first going out. i was more than in love with her.

so we chatted for a good while longer, and then i had to get off. saturday was the same, i woke up, got showered and dressed, and then got on the computer and chatted with her for a good long time. i then had to leave to go to my friend's house, for a band meeting. we got there mid-afternoon, and spent the night until noon today (sunday). while i was there, i thought about her so much. we (me and the guys from the band) took a walk at night, and went to this open area and looked at the stars for a while, and i couldn't stop thinking how much better it would've been if she'd been there, in my arms.

at about noon, my mom came to the house i was at and picked me up, and i came home. i got on the computer as soon as i could, because i really wanted to talk to her. i get on, and sign on to AIM, and she's online but not there. so i waited until she gets back, and then after a few IMs, she told me that she still likes one of the adam guys. after that, we chatted for a little while, just trying to not make it awkward. after a while (and a long silence), i told her that i had to get off, and i signed off, and that was it.

i haven't cried in a very long time (years), but right now, i feel like crying for an hour or two. i don't think i'm gonna, but that's how ****ed up i feel right now.

even after being heartbroken by her twice, i still love her more than anything.

ok, i'm done now.

I went through the same thing once, man...and let me tell you...its rough. It will get worse. Just get through it, because you can!
"Dames man...they are all crazy. And they know how to kill us. And that girl in there...she's killing you."
If she won't commit, you have to move on...because this is the way it will always be with her. You will be better for it.
- words from a survivor of a 1.5 year long "the love that never was" crush.
thanks again you guys, it's really helped me to have all this support from you guys, and my offline friends. i'm still dealing with it some (things constantly reminding me of everything we've been through, etc), but i'm doing better. so thanks :)
"love hurts" tehehe have you tried hitting her with a sponge :p anyway maby you should put some rat poisen in adams food.. if you know what i mean.. :D anyway good luck man hope you get her!!
Oh pore you *hug* I hope you fell better soon....well if it means something,I would date you but I think I am a bit
But I know what you mean......I am druling for the asistent at my graphics class for a year and so (not dateing any one for a year *bashes her head aginst the wall*)........and he doesn't even see sucks.......
i know exactly how you feel. except i never got together with my ex and we barely tlak anymore:[ hold on to her tho and let her know that you will always be there for her no matter what.