Song that made you an LP fan...

for me it was defintaly in the end, i saw it on Video hits, and i was like WHOA, crazy vid, crazy song, madass band, theyre playing in da rain! lol
it was a gr8 song but i didn actually listen to LP til Meteora came out. i didnt know ITE was played by linkin park, but i saw meteora and i was like LINKIN PARK...hmmm...thats a kick ass name for a band, i ll buy the album xD
long story short, i now own all da albums and alot of live stuff, and im da biggest fan at my skool =D
It was Papercut. I popped the CD into my CD player after borrowing it from a friend, and it was the first song on the disc. After the song was over, I thought to myself...
"I didn't know anyone made music this awesome..."
So yeah, needless to say I'm a fan from that one song.
this is so incredibly friend got hybrid theory before i even heard of LP....he must have played one step closer 100 times by the end of the night...from that moment on i was instanly hooked
Breaking the Habit for me. I really wasn't a fan, but I was listening to Kerrang TV in bed and didn't know who it was and loved it. Then I was hooked! :D Great video too! That didn't hurt! :cool:
I would have to say In The End and Somewhere I Belong got me into LP.

In The End was the first song that I realize that Linkin Park was different from all the new bands out, because when I heard OSC and Crawling I thought ‘not other rock band’. And when I learned that they weren’t, I stole my brother CD since at the time he liked them and burnt a copy so now I have the original and the copy, hehe. After listen to Hybrid Theory so much, I had stopped listening to LP because I was listening to the cd when I learned my grandpa had a heart attack and it kept remeinding me of what happen. Luckly it didn't last long and when Meteora came out and I heard Somewhere I Belong instantly pick their music back up and never put them down.
I know, I don't know why I don't like it. I like every aspect of it... but I don't like it as a whole.

I mean, for a Linkin Park song, ya know?
The first LP song i heard was In The End,i saw the video on MTV.Some days later i saw Crawling on MTV as well,since then i've been "obsessed" with LP.
God bless!