Sony sued for $90 million

Apr 19, 2005
Sony was sued for making vibrating controllers, and "copying" nintendo's idea! sony's awsome in my opinion! well, ill give you all more updates, soon! btw im a newbie
then microsoft would get sued too.. i doubt nintendo even patented the vibrating controller, and if they did, it's a different controller model, so it wouldn't matter. it'd be like microsoft suing aol for copying the idea of internet access.
Okay guys NEWS FLASH.

Nintendo is not sueing Sony.

"The company has been ordered to pay 90 million dollars in damages to a US tech company, Immersion Corp., but it will appeal the decision by a California federal court immediately, an SCE spokesman said."

"Immersion, a California-based developer of digital touch technonogies, charged that Sony infringed on its technology that makes a game controller vibrate in sync with actions in the games being played, reports said."

Here is a link...and this story is somewhat old

So, there you have it. It is all cleared up now. But what if Sony loses the appeal? I don't think the company can survive without the PlayStation Two...
Clogz said:
So, there you have it. It is all cleared up now. But what if Sony loses the appeal? I don't think the company can survive without the PlayStation Two...
Yeah......right. Sony makes enough money on other electronics to make their way.
that's pretty stupid to sue a company for something insignificant as a vibrating controller.

but this is a "sue me" country, and the morons who sue left and right make everything harder for everyone else