Sotomayor: A liberal record _ but not entirely so



WASHINGTON (AP) -- In more than 16 years as a federal judge, Sonia Sotomayor has often sided with people claiming discrimination in education and employment. She's backed police and prosecutors over defendants. She's upheld assertions of free speech and religion....





New member
The Republicans have known for weeks that Sotomayor was at the top of Obama's list. They've had weeks to prepare their "attack," and they still can't get it together. There's a real shocker.

Will someone please step in and organize this party???



New member
It would only hurt the Repubs to bash her. She's going to get approved no matter what, and it's best just to address her overturn rate, and her other issues during confirmation hearings, just to make it record the type of person that was appointed.

I truely believe, Obama picked her, not because she was the best nominee, but he covered his base with the Hispanic vote, because he isn't going to tackle immigration reform, and the women vote, so he can go bat **** wakko left on his next pick, because he doesn't have to pander to anyone.



New member
It would only hurt the Repubs to bash her. She's going to get approved no matter what, and it's best just to address her overturn rate, and her other issues during confirmation hearings, just to make it record the type of person that was appointed.
Ohh... I fukken concur, IWS.

The more the Democrats water down the qualifications, the lower our standards will be, the easier it is to get the Supreme Court making policy instead of the Legislative branch of our Government.

I truely believe, Obama picked her, not because she was the best nominee, but he covered his base with the Hispanic vote, because he isn't going to tackle immigration reform, and the women vote, so he can go bat **** wakko left on his next pick, because he doesn't have to pander to anyone.
Ohhh... and I fukken concur here, too.

This was a power move. Plain. Simple.

I see the liberal blowhards are out in force today trying to justify how their riduculous SCOTUS candidate deserves to be confirmed. What they ignore is that the founding fathers did not intend for the three branches of government to have overlapping responsibilities. If I recall, we fought a war of independence(and won) to free ourselves from exactly the sort of political oppression idiots like on CNN and their kindred so rabidly endorse.

Imagine what we'd hear from Keith Olbermann (sp?) and his ilk if a conservative nominee was quoted as saying "I believe the richness of my experiences as a white male qualify me to reach better decisions than a hispanic female who has not lived these experiences". Oh, the outcry we would hear from those hypocrites.

In essence, what the liberals are forcing down are throats is the following:

1) Sotormayor is the essence of quotas as she meets the liberal, PC criteria set forth (female, hispanic, legislates from the bench, pro-abortion). Here's a thought, I wonder how her catholic hispanic constituency feels about her abortion stance?

2) Despite the fact that 60% of her opinions are thrown out by higher courts, meaning that she is correct only 40% of the time in her decision-making, this doesn't matter because she is a liberal and liberals reward incompetence.

3) Equality under the law no longer applies if you are a person of color--you now get preferential treatment to the detriment to those of us who happen to be white.

As she is a chain-smoking, 58-year old diabetic, my guess is we won't have to endure this despicable human being for very long.



New member
Can you say


[ame=]YouTube - Alito: Have to Consider Life Experiences when Ruling Cases[/ame]





New member
Can you say


No, but I call bullsh!t.

In your little video, there was nothing hypocritical of what Judge Samuel Alito has said, done, judged, signed, sealed, and delivered. He was merely stating what thoughts are provoked when he considers immigration and naturalization cases. So what is he being hypocritical about?

He is a citizen of the United States and he is an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States of America... a sovereign nation... I might add. Any decisions he has made that would contradict said statements in that little video are considerations of his humanity and kept to himself, his ultimate judgments are based on the Constitution and the extent of what the law will allow.



New member
Now had Justice Alito said something like, "In my opinion, since I'm a white man, I believe that my rulings could be more neutral, unbiased, and make better decisions, than that of a person of color, because I don't have the kind of background that would bias those rulings, like a person of color would", then we can talk.

Oh yea, I missed the part where he said that he legislates from the bench, in violation of the Constitution, and then giggled about it like a friggin' school girl. :rolleyes:



New member
Sure, sure, just don't wanna see the Hispanic chick in the same way. :rolleyes: Alito was being honest, the chick is being racist... sure, sure... :rolleyes:

Frikken double standards.





New member
Sure, sure, just don't wanna see the Hispanic chick in the same way. :rolleyes: Alito was being honest, the chick is being racist... sure, sure... :rolleyes:
Frikken double standards.


First, Justice Alito covered many different types of people not just race.

Second, he didn't say any of that will make him make better choices than another type of person.

Third, by double standards, you must be talking about Senate Democrats and the way they treated all the Hispanics and blacks nominated to the SC or cabinet positions, right.

Research, Clarance Thomas, Miguel Estrada, Alberto Gonzales, etc...

They targeted Estrada for the explicit reason that they didn't want the first Hispanic pick to the high court to be by a Republican, not a Democrat.



New member
Actually she would be the SECOND, try Benjamin Cardozo who was appointed by Hoover.

Trying to claim the DEMS ONLY WANT A FIRST " " is just another, as usual, GOP projection and invalid talking point meant to do no other thing but undermine Obama's decisions just because he's a Democrat.

Man, when is the GOP gonna get back to finding solutions for our countries problems instead of complaining constantly about the other side?

2010 and 2012 ain't looking too promising for them, and it's because of BS like this. The voters do notice these things ya know.





New member
Actually she would be the SECOND, try Benjamin Cardozo who was appointed by Hoover.
Trying to claim the DEMS ONLY WANT A FIRST " " is just another, as usual, GOP projection and invalid talking point meant to do no other thing but undermine Obama's decisions just because he's a Democrat.

Man, when is the GOP gonna get back to finding solutions for our countries problems instead of complaining constantly about the other side?

2010 and 2012 ain't looking too promising for them, and it's because of BS like this. The voters do notice these things ya know.


There are questions about Cardozo's ethnicity, and I have heard of him, but didn't bring it up because of the questions.

There were Senate Dems, I believe it was Kennedy and another on record saying they had to attack Estrada, because he would be too close to being a Hispanic SC appointee and he's a conservative.

You're right about the complaining from the GOP. They spent the past 6 years spending money like Dems, they shouldn't be whiners and complainers, without solutions like them, too.



New member
Words can be twisted, or taken out of contest. Judicial decisions cannot.


Sotomayor: Criticize, then Confirm

by Charles Krauthammer

WASHINGTON -- Sonia Sotomayor has a classic American story. So does Frank Ricci.
Ricci is a New Haven firefighter stationed seven blocks from where Sotomayor went to law school (Yale). Raised in blue-collar Wallingford, Conn., Ricci struggled as a C and D student in public schools ill-prepared to address his serious learning disabilities. Nonetheless he persevered, becoming a junior firefighter and Connecticut's youngest certified EMT.

After studying fire science at a community college, he became a New Haven "truckie," the guy who puts up ladders and breaks holes in burning buildings. When his department announced exams for promotions, he spent $1,000 on books, quit his second job so he could study eight to 13 hours a day, and, because of his dyslexia, hired someone to read him the material.

He placed sixth on the lieutenant's exam, which qualified him for promotion. Except that the exams were thrown out by the city, and all promotions denied, because no blacks had scored high enough to be promoted.

Ricci (with 19 others) sued.

That's where these two American stories intersect. Sotomayor was a member of the three-member circuit court panel that upheld the dismissal of his case, thus denying Ricci his promotion.

This summary ruling deeply disturbed fellow members of Sotomayor's court, including Judge Jose Cabranes (a fellow Clinton appointee) who, writing for five others, criticized the unusual, initially unpublished, single-paragraph dismissal for ignoring the serious constitutional issues at stake.

Two things are sure to happen this summer: The Supreme Court will overturn Sotomayor's panel's ruling. And, barring some huge hidden scandal, Sotomayor will be elevated to that same Supreme Court.
Tests only discriminate against the dumb and lazy. Ricci was denied equal protection under the law. His 14th Amendment rights were violated. Sotomayor upheld this violation.

From another source:

Cabranes wrote that the three-judge panel's ultimate decision "contains no reference whatsoever to the constitutional claims at the core of this case, and a casual reader of the opinion could be excused for wondering whether a learning disability played at least as much a role in this case as the alleged racial discrimination."


New member
No matter .. she should be confirmed. She's Obama's choice, and unless something criminal or truly horrendous shows up, there should be no filibuster and the Senate should confirm her. Let's hope Republicans don't act like Democrats on this one.


New member
No matter .. she should be confirmed. She's Obama's choice, and unless something criminal or truly horrendous shows up, there should be no filibuster and the Senate should confirm her. Let's hope Republicans don't act like Democrats on this one.
Yep, if ya confirmed Ruthie ya gotta confirm Sotomayor.



New member
I'm sure she just, "forgot" this racist comment...

Sotomayor Failed to Disclose to Senate Memo in Which She Argued Death Penalty Is 'Racist'Friday, June 05, 2009

By Pete Winn, Senior Writer/Editor

( – The Judicial Confirmation Network (JCN) says Judge Sonia Sotomayor failed to disclose to the Senate Judiciary Committee a controversial document arguing that the death penalty is “racist” and a violation of the present “humanist” thinking of society.

The 1981 memo, they say, should have been disclosed as required under Question 12 (b) of the questionnaire that the Supreme Court nominee turned in Thursday.

Question 12(b) requires a nominee to "(s)upply four (4) copies of any reports, memoranda, or policy statements you prepared or contributed to the preparation of on behalf of any bar association, committee, conference, or organization of which you were or are a member or in which you have participated."

JCN Counsel Wendy Long sent a letter Friday to Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and members of the committee arguing that Sotomayor had not properly complied with this requirement because she had not submitted the 1981 memo on capital punishment.

“It is . . . clear that (Sotomayor) has omitted controversial material from her past in which she asserts that '[c]apital punishment is associated with evident racism in our society' and advocated public opposition to restoring the death penalty in New York state,” Long wrote to the committee.

Long told that her group had obtained a copy of the memorandum from an undisclosed source--and was convinced of its authenticity. The copy of the memorandum attached to JCN's letter to the Judiciary Committee is signed by a three-person task force of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (PRLDEF) that included Sotomayor.

Long said that in her Senate questionnaire Sotomayor had accurately disclosed the fact that she worked for the PRLDEF from 1980 to 1992, and held high-ranking positions with the organization.

She also truthfully listed on the questionnaire an April 10, 1981 letter from PRLDEF to then-New York Gov. Hugh Carey, opposing reinstatement of the death penalty.

“But what she omitted, and what is far more substantive and revealing,” Long told, “is the underlying policy memorandum that she and two other task force members sent to the board of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund with all their reasons for opposing the death penalty, and arguing for the organization itself to take the stand that it ultimately did take in its letter to Gov. Carey.”

The memo that Sotomayor signed makes a number of “controversial, unsupported, and badly reasoned assertions” about the death penalty, Long added.

The memo, titled "Task Force on the Bill to Restore the Death Penalty in New York State," and dated March 24, 1981, states:

-- “An impressive array of highly respectable organizations have (sic) taken a public position opposed to the restoration of death penalty. All the major religious organizations have issued public statements opposed to it.”

--"In the review of the current literature of the past two years, no publications have been found that challenge the evidence and the rationale presented in opposition to the death penalty."

--"Capital punishment is associated with evident racism in our society. The number of minorities and the poor executed or awaiting execution is out of proportion to their numbers in the population."

--"The problem of crime and violence in American society is so complex, it is unreasonable to think that capital punishment will result in preventing it or diminishing it."

--"Our present perspective on the meaning of our values in the Judeo-Christian tradition, and the state of humanistic thinking in the world judge capital punishment as a violation of those values."

--“It is counter-productive; we inflict death on the offender to manifest our opposition to his inflicting death on another."

--“It creates inhuman psychological burdens for the offender and his/her family.”

The document was signed by Sotomayor and the other two members of the task force--Joseph P. Fitzpatrick, S.J., and Jorge Batista.

On Friday afternoon, a Washington story cited Fitpatrick as the "driving force behind the document," but failed to report that Sotomayor was required to disclose the document to Congress -- but didn't.

“It is certainly a significant omission from her Senate questionnaire that is clearly called for by the terms of Question 12(b),” Long added.

Long said the memorandum provides “an important data point to flesh out the picture of Sotomayor that is emerging from her other writings, speeches and judicial opinions--a hard-left liberal judicial activist, much more akin philosophically to Justices William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall, than to Justice David Souter.”

“In other words, what she’s saying in this memo is that everybody agrees with this: that the death penalty is racist, that there’s no other view, that it completely violates the Judeo-Christian position--all of these are highly controversial positions that are certainly contradicted by other evidence,” Long told

Sotomayor is President Obama’s pick to replace Souter, who is retiring from the bench.

The White House announced Thursday that Sotomayor’s Senate questionnaire had been returned “in record time” for a Supreme Court nominee.

“I don’t know if this is a Tom Daschle-type vetting failure on the part of the White House, or whether it was potentially an intentional omission to try to rush this confirmation through without such controversial documents seeing the light of day,” Long said.

“In any case, it is clear that the Sotomayor Senate questionnaire is incomplete and unreliable. It must be sent back to her and to the White House, marked ‘Return to Sender,’ with instructions that it is not to be redelivered to the Senate without complete answers and all required documents,” she added.

A spokeswoman for the Senate Judiciary Committee said only that “committee staff is reviewing the questionnaire now.”

Calls to the offices of LatinoJustice PRLDEF -- the former Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund -- were not returned by press time.

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