Sotomayor: A liberal record _ but not entirely so


New member
HA-HA, She's still gonna be confirmed :D Just keep the "SHES A RACIST" projections coming. :p The desperation in the party is reaching a new low.





New member
HA-HA, She's still gonna be confirmed :D Just keep the "SHES A RACIST" projections coming. :p The desperation in the party is reaching a new low..

I don't think she's a racist at all.

Again, it's the only tactic leftists have.

Exaggerate what is said, make it seem to be what it isn't and blow it out of proportion.

I just don't think she should be a SCOTUS because she believes she should make the law, not interpret the law, as applied to the Constitution.

Keep telling yourself it's something other than that. It's what statists do to justify actions that are unconstitutional.



New member
Yeah yeah, she wants to make her own laws, shes this shes that. Quite honestly I really don't care what the right wingers wanna make of her, as long as they don't agree with her, that's good enough for me. :D Yet another nail goes into the GOP party. Soon they will be the next WHIG party. Gone the way of the dinosaur all because all they can do is ***** and complain about everything. And it gets turned against them in the end. Every time...

The market recession is OVER, the number of unemployed is declining, the world is actually starting to respect America again, things are coming together nicely, and still, the GOP ******* and complains, throws out more fear and paranoia and is in the midst of being bat crazy insane.

The GOP platform has become so unglued that people don't even wanna hear the complaints anymore, unless your in the base of the party. They were down to 23%, I hear it's more like 19% now. Pretty soon they'll catch up....

Catch up to Rush's number... 10% HEHE. :D I love Rush for spewing the **** he spews. He's the best hidden Liberal the party could have planted.





New member
Yeah yeah, she wants to make her own laws, shes this shes that. Quite honestly I really don't care what the right wingers wanna make of her, as long as they don't agree with her, that's good enough for me. :D Yet another nail goes into the GOP party. Soon they will be the next WHIG party. Gone the way of the dinosaur all because all they can do is ***** and complain about everything. And it gets turned against them in the end. Every time...
The market recession is OVER, the number of unemployed is declining, the world is actually starting to respect America again, things are coming together nicely, and still, the GOP ******* and complains, throws out more fear and paranoia and is in the midst of being bat crazy insane.

The GOP platform has become so unglued that people don't even wanna hear the complaints anymore, unless your in the base of the party. They were down to 23%, I hear it's more like 19% now. Pretty soon they'll catch up....

Catch up to Rush's number... 10% HEHE. :D I love Rush for spewing the **** he spews. He's the best hidden Liberal the party could have planted.

GOP Faces Party ID Deficit Among All Age Groups



And there shows more of your ignorance. I couldn't give two sh!ts whether she was left or right, but she not only openly advocates against everything the founding fathers meant for teh judicial branch.

Keep up your left wing ideaology.

It'll destroy the meaning of the US because of people like you. Those who think like the non jews in Germany.

Destroy the rights of those who aren't us. I don't mind. I'm sure it won't happen to me.

Just like you all still believe the are only going to tax the rich, not a VAP or tax health insurance or a carbon credit.

Keep drinking the Kool-aid.



New member
Obama should start selecting positions with a very simple formula... just ask the GOP if they like this person or not, if not... SEND EM ON IN. With Frankin to soon be sworn in, they'll be up to 60 in the Senate and the GOP party will be there just to fill space and *****.





New member
Obama should start selecting positions with a very simple formula... just ask the GOP if they like this person or not, if not... SEND EM ON IN. With Frankin to soon be sworn in, they'll be up to 60 in the Senate and the GOP party will be there just to fill space and *****..

There you go again. Usual left wing Dem tactic. Take it to the extreme, marginalize it, and make it a charachature of the real thing.

Funny how the White House tried saying she only misspoke and would take back her words but found four more times she said the same line about a latina woman making a better choice.

You know a white person in the same situation would be driven out of contention, but can't admit it because you're wrong.


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New member
Man, I told you all the GOP has left is fear and paranoia... look at that, your even doing it yourself.

My rights will get taken away, the constitution destroyed, economy is gonna collapse, destroy the meaning of the US, and the funniest one of all.... RACISM..FEMINISM

Holy Christ since when has any white person EVER cared about someone being racist?

What, when the usual ***** and moan don't work, go back a few more hundred years in the thinking, pretend your now the oppressed, blame it on minority's?

How convenient... like I said before, it's all projection.. projecting the exact same thing they are, and claim it's the other guys being racist.

White's have always talked about how it's so "Absurd" for minorities to say or think they are being racist, but when they do it... how do you think they look?

And now you know why the complaints are just plain foolish. It isn't the whites claiming racism, it's the GOP, and since they are a smaller chunk of the population, they are REALLY REALLY making themselves look like quite the fools with that stupid projection. Even alienating more people from the party... Keep up the good work... no really... keep it up!!





New member
Ask yourself a question. What questions could be in a fire department promotions test that could discriminate against blacks?


New member
Ask yourself a question. What questions could be in a fire department promotions test that could discriminate against blacks?

When entering a burning building what do you do first?

a) Look for any people.

b) Look for white people.

c) Look for black people.

d) None of the above.

Many people would answer "a".

The test said the correct answer is "b", "look for white people" first. They're easier to find in a dark, smoke filled room and therefore are the better odds for saving.



New member
Tests discriminate against the stupid and lazy.

Dumbest Generation Getting Dumber

by Walter E. Williams

The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international comparison of 15-year-olds conducted by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that measures applied learning and problem-solving ability. In 2006, U.S. students ranked 25th of 30 advanced nations in math and 24th in science. McKinsey & Company, in releasing its report "The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America's Schools" (April 2009) said, "Several other facts paint a worrisome picture. First, the longer American children are in school, the worse they perform compared to their international peers. In recent cross-country comparisons of fourth grade reading, math, and science, US students scored in the top quarter or top half of advanced nations. By age 15 these rankings drop to the bottom half. In other words, American students are farthest behind just as they are about to enter higher education or the workforce." That's a sobering thought. The longer kids are in school and the more money we spend on them, the further behind they get.

While the academic performance of white students is grossly inferior, that of black and Latino students is a national disgrace. The McKinsey report says, "On average, black and Latino students are roughly two to three years of learning behind white students of the same age. This racial gap exists regardless of how it is measured, including both achievement (e.g., test score) and attainment (e.g., graduation rate) measures. Taking the average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores for math and reading across the fourth and eighth grades, for example, 48 percent of blacks and 43 percent of Latinos are 'below basic,' while only 17 percent of whites are, and this gap exists in every state. A more pronounced racial achievement gap exists in most large urban school districts." Below basic is the category the NAEP uses for students unable to display even partial mastery of knowledge and skills fundamental for proficient work at their grade level.

The teaching establishment and politicians have hoodwinked taxpayers into believing that more money is needed to improve education. The Washington, D.C., school budget is about the nation's costliest, spending about $15,000 per pupil. Its student/teacher ratio, at 15.2 to 1, is lower than the nation's average. Yet student achievement is just about the lowest in the nation. What's so callous about the Washington situation is about 1,700 children in kindergarten through 12th grade receive the $7,500 annual scholarships in order to escape rotten D.C. public schools, and four times as many apply for the scholarships, yet Congress, beholden to the education establishment, will end funding the school voucher program.

Any long-term solution to our education problems requires the decentralization that can come from competition. Centralization has been massive. In 1930, there were 119,000 school districts across the U.S; today, there are less than 15,000. Control has moved from local communities to the school district, to the state, and to the federal government. Public education has become a highly centralized government-backed monopoly and we shouldn't be surprised by the results. It's a no-brainer that the areas of our lives with the greatest innovation, tailoring of services to individual wants and falling prices are the areas where there is ruthless competition such as computers, food, telephone and clothing industries, and delivery companies such as UPS, Federal Express and electronic bill payments that have begun to undermine the postal monopoly in first-class mail.

At a Washington press conference launching the McKinsey report, Al Sharpton called school reform the civil rights challenge of our time. He said that the enemy of opportunity for blacks in the U.S. was once Jim Crow; today, in a slap at the educational establishment, he said it was "Professor James Crow." Sharpton is only partly correct. School reform is not solely a racial issue; it's a vital issue for the entire nation.

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