SOTW: Week 16 - Discussion thread

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All we have been talking about are upcoming SOTW Themes..

and yes, Jeezy's entry is awesome ^^



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Ohhh, Mouse said for, not the next but the next, SOTW to do one where I give the render and then everyone has to use it in their SOTW entry for that week.


New member
You can pick it, first of all Im never great about finding renders, second I like a challange, so not knowing what Im gonna get stuck with is more fun. :p


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K, I will be on a look out for a good render then, or if any one else thinks they know of a good render to use, lemme know.


Active Members
O ****... I totally forgot about SOTW... O.O uh oh.
Gotta whip something up before (when was the deadline again?)...

Not to worry, you still have about 3 days to do one.



Active Members
I didn't realize it, because I have had a lot going on in my life, but the SOTW was supposed to be closed 5 days ago, but I have decided to leave it open until tomorrow due to the lack of entries, so don't forget to enter.


Active Members
Sorry guys, false alarm.. Someone messed with my date on my computer, and I thought it was the 28th yesterday, but it was only the 21st.. So you still have today and tomorrow for entries.
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