SOTW: Week 19 - Disscussion Thread

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Freaking A!

Lol, I hate doing car/vehicular entries. They are the hardest things in the world for me to do. It's either I will do one that will win lol (not to be ****) or I just wont enter one. Haha, because I really can never pull off a good car sig.



New member
cool i like next theme!!!so my idea of cars were too hard? -_-
Cars, actually should be pretty easy. Just for me it's like...I try so hard to usually to things different that when it comes to cars its really hard. Because there isn't much you can do with a car in a creative out of the box sense. I mean there is but not sig wise. I have some ideas but lol theyd just take up to much time and just to much for my little mind! :D



New member
How can the be "euro-retro" when we use American Cars? :confused:
It felt that way.

If u droppped a body kit on a chevy colbalt added some red and white to the BG put a rising sun id feel asian-esk. car doesnt matter its the look.

still looks fine though

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