Am I the only one who gets that joke? LOL good stuff, Josh.Okay, Seeing as how it's getting more & more popular these days, instead of saying stuff like, "WTF?!?!!?!11 STFU Nub"
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4: ?????
5: PROFIT!!!!
LPF Staff
I dont know what its originally from, but Ive seen it all over the place...Am I the only one who gets that joke? LOL good stuff, Josh.
Nice to see some action is being taken against the spammers...also nice to know there will be some new staff on the boards...we have needed it for a while.
'ChannerGET?Am I the only one who gets that joke? LOL good stuff, Josh.
Nice to see some action is being taken against the spammers...also nice to know there will be some new staff on the boards...we have needed it for a while.
I HAVE to know what that is... it sounds freaking A M A Z I N G!Isn't that also in an episode of.. **** i forget where. But with the underwear gnomes and they go around stealing underwear. And they have this board that's like..
Step 1. Steal underwear
Step 3. PROFIT!!
and then someone changes it to
Step 1. Steal underwear
Step 2. ????????
Step 3. PROFIT!!
I could be wrong lol.
1. <3