Speak English if you have a job talking on the phone in America!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2005
I am not a prejudge man by no means but it pisses me off to no end that they gotta have people that can
Conjeturo que es lo que voy a tener que para hacer.
¡la perra del dum necesita aprender inglés!
Whats so funny...I have Directv and I have never had that problem. They have always given me exemplary service, politely and efficiently.
My TIVO has more capabilities then the DVR that Dish is trying to flog as well.
By the way...in English, its Prejudice...
yes this pisses me off too..i live in australia and recently had to call my phone service provider as my phone had broken...unfortunatley i was directed to an indian call centre with some guy whos accent was so thick i could hardly understand him...it took nearly 2 hours to sort the problem out just because i couldnt understand him...i know its sorta different but the point is these jobs need people who can speak understandable fluent english
Vote fullauto for Supreme Chancellor of the World in 2008!

I will make every nation in the world CHOSE A ****ING LANGUAGE!

If you want to live in france... you will be required to LEARN FRENCH! ! !

if you want to move to Austrailia... You must learn english... and some OI! LOL
Actually if Snafu was talking to someone in a call center, the chances are the call center is not even in the US. So Fullauto suggestion would not apply.
My brother is coming home from CA next week for a short visit.
Turns out, someone in the Corp screwed up on the dates they gave him, and he had to change his plane ticket. He had to call 4 different times before he could get anyone who spoke English well enough for him to understand. He told one of them to learn how to speak English, and they hung up on him. Now, he hates sand ******s. Next week it'll be someone else I'm sure.
angie said:
... He told one of them to learn how to speak English, and they hung up on him. Now, he hates sand ******s. ...
It took being hung up on, to come to this revelation? 3000+ deaths on 9/11, Al Queda and Hamas, Afghanistan and the insurgency in Iraq did nothing, but getting hung up on somehow woke his ire? ... That is interesting.
Is australia if you right up information, you are transfered to a call center in India. They have tough them to speak with an australian accent and taught them about our cultural idiocies, I don't know what is more disturbing :confused:
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
It took being hung up on, to come to this revelation? 3000+ deaths on 9/11, Al Queda and Hamas, Afghanistan and the insurgency in Iraq did nothing, but getting hung up on somehow woke his ire? ... That is interesting.
Oh he hated them already. If it wasn't for them his ass wouldn't be getting shipped to Iraq. And his friends wouldn't be dying. I worded that improperly. I SHOULD have said "Now he can't wait to get to Iraq so he can kill some sand ******s". ;)
The reality is that call centers have a very large turn over rate. Why do you ask? Because they tend to treat their employees like ****. They expect the kind of dedication that you might give in order to make partner at a prestigious law firm. They expect to pay poor wages, they expect in short to take advantage of people who have no other choice for a job. They of course run out of the ideal people to staff these call centers and then turn to people who have a hard time finding a job, those that live in a country and don't speak the language very well.
The call center I used to work in...the Director had a Masters Degree in Psychology. I watched her choose people she knew she could dominate and manipulate into giving themselves over lock stock and barrel to her. Over the years she looked less like a short Puerto Rican woman and more like Satan. In the 3 years I worked there I was sick to see how she took advantage and mistreated her employees.
I finally called HR because of her mistreatment of people with disabilities. They read her the riot act and she was pissed.
Myself and one other person who started the same time as me had been there the longest (of non management) when I was laid off and thats only 3 years. Thats saying alot.
I quickly figured out that being part of the management team meant victimizing the employees, manipulating them, literally dominating their lives and rejected invitations to join their ranks.
In Florida when your salaried, they can make you work as much as they want...I was not up for that.
Remember that when you talk to another person from a call center. I know its annoying but think about what they deal with every day. They are thrown on the phone with probably next to no training, their boss thinking they will learn on the job. Every nuance of their work life is monitered. We weren't given breaks and were harassed about going to the bathroom if it wasn't on our lunch break (another thing I advised HR about). The length of their calls, the tone of their voice, the way their notes are typed in the system, its all a matter of close scrutiny no matter what company it is.