SpongeBob Square Pants GAY?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2005
Ok i just want to bring up this little factor cause i was having an argument with my neighbors about this...
I think the little cartoon character is a little gay sponge running around in love with his best bud patrick. I am not saying its bad for children to watch i just personally detect "GAYNESS" coming from the little guy. :confused:

I just thought I would bring that up...
you detect gayness....yet there really isnt any actual gayness going on?

exactly how much of the media are you buying into?

and if there was any gayness going on.........how is that going to hurt your children!???!

trust me.......kids dont become gay, they just are

i know...........
SpongeBob ain't gay.

What is gay is the ****ing snivel libertarians pointing accusatory fingers at popular icons.

One of the popular series of books and cartoons that was de riguer in my childhood was banned because the two main characters were male.

Noddy and Bigears were great, but the books have now been banned.

What the snivel libertarians fail to appreciate is, at a young age, it is natural for boys to associate and play with boys, and vise versa for girls.

Nothing "gay" about that at all.

Here's those "gay" bastards, Noddy and Bigears.
Gray~Gal said:
Ok i just want to bring up this little factor cause i was having an argument with my neighbors about this...
I think the little cartoon character is a little gay sponge running around in love with his best bud patrick. I am not saying its bad for children to watch i just personally detect "GAYNESS" coming from the little guy. :confused:

I just thought I would bring that up...

Did you not watch Sesame Street as a child..Bert and Ernie..HELLOOOOOO.
Same difference. There's no "gayness" coming from them. Trust me, I have lived with a gay man, I have good gaydar (as my gay friends like to call it) and it doesn't go BEEP BEEP when I watch SpongeBob. I don't like the show because it seems a bit crude for young children to be watching. Not because he may or may not be gay.
And so what if he was gay ?? Like Vortex said, one does not turn gay, they are always gay. I really can't imagine any kid growing up to suck dick and saying it was spongebob's fault.

OK he is a sponge that looks like a cereal box, and his best buds are a starfish dummer than homer simpson and squirel from texas that lives ina bubble under the sea. Ya I can see where knowing if he is gay makes a difference in life and in the show. Man if you are watching it enough to get that involved in thinking about it.... you might want to consider taking up a hobby
spongebob is not gay, the purple telly tubby tinkie winkie is gay, a guy carrying a purse, you all know spongebob wants to tap sandy...dont try and deny it, spongebob is the ****, hop off his spongy dick
I cant get into the Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy episodes. But the Flyin' Dutchman, now there is an awesomely ruggid character!

.........come to think of it, there was that one episode where SB & Patric walk off holding hands. I remember hearing my friend bitch about it. I dont really think the "gayness" is intentionally created by the writers or animators.

I just love the fact that someone who used to be on "Mr. Show", is now the voice of one of the most popular characters on a children's show.
the purple telly tubby tinkie winkie is gay,

Seriously, everyone ****ing one of them are gay. ESPECIALLY the purple one. I think I read somewhere that the guy that does his/its voice is gay. I don't know for sure though...Odd..
cynthiaa89 said:
Seriously, everyone ****ing one of them are gay. ESPECIALLY the purple one. I think I read somewhere that the guy that does his/its voice is gay. I don't know for sure though...Odd..

UUMMM They aren't human!!! Poeple just have too much need to label EVERYTHING in life in order to accept or deny it. I cannot believe people lable non-human characters on stupid kids shows that make no sense to begin with

(OK I do watch SB with my kid but the tubbies are finally just about over inteh house THANK HOLY GOD!!)
The Teletubbies need to be executed with a M28A1 .50 cal sniper rifle to the head and fed to tiger sharks.
Outlaw2747 said:
The Teletubbies need to be executed with a M28A1 .50 cal sniper rifle to the head and fed to tiger sharks.

LMAO!! whoa! someone is upset. hey, if you ever need someone to lend an ear for any unresolved problems, I'm always here.
chartreusechick said:
LMAO!! whoa! someone is upset. hey, if you ever need someone to lend an ear for any unresolved problems, I'm always here.

I am in quite the happy mood. I just don't like those abominations of imagination. And believe me, any problems I have now, you would not be able to solve my friend...I'm as complicated and complex as an algebra book in front of a 1st grader.
It gets really easy to tune out the tubbie, and I have to admit my daughter learned some neat stuff from that show (never thought I catch myself admitting that" It's the sesame street of teh under three's. I have hiddent the tapes though (out of sight out of mind I hope) As with all things, when you see the smile on your child's face or here them learn something new you get over it (or invest in good earplugs I do still have to deal with "Campfire Barney")
Outlaw2747 said:
I am in quite the happy mood. I just don't like those abominations of imagination. And believe me, any problems I have now, you would not be able to solve my friend...I'm as complicated and complex as an algebra book in front of a 1st grader.

not trying to solve anyones problems here, I just like to listen....or I guess in this case read. What is it about the show you hate so much? Although, I must admit, mindless babbling amoung creatures with televisions on their bellies is hardly stimulating. Yea, I guess I can see your point. I'll rally up the sharks.
chartreusechick said:
not trying to solve anyones problems here, I just like to listen....or I guess in this case read.

You can call me if you want sweetheart. ;) (j/k not gonna start another Builder/AIG fiasco)

chartreusechick said:
What is it about the show you hate so much? Although, I must admit, mindless babbling amoung creatures with televisions on their bellies is hardly stimulating. Yea, I guess I can see your point.


chartreusechick said:
I'll rally up the sharks.

I knew you would see things my way. :)
People can always learn something that is not from their core values.
I guess coercion might not be the word I was looking for. It wouldn