SpongeBob Square Pants GAY?

Vortex said:
you detect gayness....yet there really isnt any actual gayness going on?

exactly how much of the media are you buying into?

and if there was any gayness going on.........how is that going to hurt your children!???!

trust me.......kids dont become gay, they just are

i know...........

I know kids dont just "turn" gay...i just stated that i get from the little cartoon charater being very feminin (sp) and acting well as in one episode motherly and Patrick was the father. I see nothing wrong with it cause i let my kids watch it and my hubby likes it but i think the little sponge is gay and maybe doesnt know it or what...you know some cartoons have things in them that goes over childrens heads but not their parents....
spongebob is not femenine, he is inocent and naive (much like a kid) He is a sensetive character who never hurts anyone, is always polite and well mannered and always the first to want to help. He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he is not overly stupid (that goes to patrick) he is not aggressive (sandy) he is not greedy (mr crabs) and he is not pessemistic (squidward). If that is what you consider "GAY" I would hate to see what you considered a gentleman or a well mannered child. So in order NOT to be gay a character must be agressive, smartmouthed, rude and crude? Ya that's what I wasnt MY kid seeing. GEESH!!! When did polite and inocent become a sure sign for gay?

Ya my kid has been watching this show from the start and I try to keep up on what she is watching for the most part
tizz said:
When did polite and inocent become a sure sign for gay?

Probably about the same time that holding a gun sideways and talking like you had a 1st grade education in the ghetto became the signs of being a "MAN".
Outlaw2747 said:
You can call me if you want sweetheart. ;) (j/k not gonna start another Builder/AIG fiasco)

Yea, lets not do that. Only because I know she will fight me to the death to protect her title. ;)
1. Everyone likes to point out possible homoerotica in pop culture characters. I don't know why. I think it's a waste of time and just shows that everyone has their heads in the gutter.

2. It's a children's show. I don't think a three year old will know whether something is gay or not.

3. Saying a TV show makes people gay is like saying guns kill people.
Spongebob can't be gay. If he was always trying to redecorate the Crusty Crab.... than maybe. I think sponge bob is just a stoner personally. Did anyone see the movie... They kept saying "Weeds!" over and over and laughing about it.... And that laugh is only one of someone who is high all the time. Just a thought! :D
Vortex said:
Agreed Snafu.....but i post from personal experience.......from myself and those around me.

And the general norm seems to be they always knew. and i know HUNDREDS of gay people..........and trust me its true. I work in a gay bar that sees 5-1000 people an evening.....perhaps more....

Now my question for you is. How many gay people do you know that you came up with your thesis?

before i came out i always thought gay people were overly feminine........infact my roomate in college was very feminine.....a few VERY WASTED EVENINGS i thought woo i could get a bj tonight because im sure he is gay.......

...never happend. He has a wife and kid now (granted those arent good clues on who is gay or straight)..but hes very faithful. and i have never received any "gaydar messaging" from him....other than straight ones....becides his girlish hand jestures.

Everyone needs a hero...from all walks of life.........

Well I didn
According to the technical definition, gay or straight depends on sexual preference. Straight men/women can engage in homosexual acts, but at the end of the day, if they prefer the opposite sex then they are straight. Homosexuals can be married and have kids, but at the end of the day, if they prefer the same sex then they are gay/lesbian. From what I have read in studies most people who are heterosexual, or homosexual, exclusively do not understand those who claim to be bisexual.

I have a friend that is the gayest straight man you could ever meet. He still has not completely convinced me that he is straight. He is soooo prissy, well dressed, intelligent, funny, and constantly optimistic and upbeat. You know, the type of guy you love to go shopping with. Now if that doesn
ToriAllen said:
According to the technical definition, gay or straight depends on sexual preference. Straight men/women can engage in homosexual acts, but at the end of the day, if they prefer the opposite sex then they are straight. Homosexuals can be married and have kids, but at the end of the day, if they prefer the same sex then they are gay/lesbian. From what I have read in studies most people who are heterosexual, or homosexual, exclusively do not understand those who claim to be bisexual.

I have a friend that is the gayest straight man you could ever meet. He still has not completely convinced me that he is straight. He is soooo prissy, well dressed, intelligent, funny, and constantly optimistic and upbeat. You know, the type of guy you love to go shopping with. Now if that doesn
Being gay isn't about being well dressed, optimistic, funny, etc. Being gay is about being attracted to the same sex. Hell, I thought girls liked guys who were funny. After all, every girl and her dog tend to have "sense of humor" on their list of things they look for in a guy.

I've also seen guys who dress ultra-classy who get ***** by the truckload. (or so they claim)

You can be a typical real man and still be queer as hell. And a lot more believeable, since anyone that obsessed with all things macho would likely have a sexual fetish for it.
phreakwars said:
Probably about the same time that holding a gun sideways and talking like you had a 1st grade education in the ghetto became the signs of being a "MAN".

Damnnnnnn ZING
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Being gay isn't about being well dressed, optimistic, funny, etc. Being gay is about being attracted to the same sex. Hell, I thought girls liked guys who were funny. After all, every girl and her dog tend to have "sense of humor" on their list of things they look for in a guy.
Why do you think most women complain that all of the good men are either married or gay?