omg in the newspaper today there was this article about how star wars was like religon, i was like omg,
here are some of the key points:
Finding Religon
Some other religious references people have identified in "Star Wars"
Qui-Gon Jinn-
The Jedi hero from "The Phantom Menace."
"Qui-Gon" is similar to "quigong," the chinese "medical" practice based on detection of invisible energy fields. "Jinn" is a word found in the Quran and refers to a spirt or demon.
Darth Maul-
The villan from "The Phantom Menace." He has red skin and horns, much like the classical images of Satan.
First name of the hero/villan who becomes Darth Vader. The Anakim are a race of giants in the Bible.
Rejection of attachment-
An ideal cantral to Budhism. In "Revenge of the Sith", Obi-Wan says: "The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. Attachment leads to jelousy. Prepare yourself to give up everything you fear to lose."
The Universal nature of the Force-
This may reflect Taoist or pantheist beliefs. In "A New Hope," Obi-Wan says: "It's and energy field that is created by all living things. ...It binds the galaxy together."
what a load of bs, why so people have to over analyze everything, *** , i'm tired of it, people really need to get a life and stop picking apart every little thing, do you think for on second that maybe Star Wars is just here for our entertainment, and to make a bunch of people geeks, lets just let it lay, PLEASE!!!!!!!!