Staying the course.


New member
Nope. I'm an aware civilian. Does that trouble you?
Not at all, like to see smart people questioning things

All tanks and armoured cars, all artillery weapons are made with DU.
OK, you're talking about 'reactive armor' it's high explosives, it destroys the incoming RPG or what have you. And yes, artillery and tank munitions are DU to melt through tank armor, some bunker buster bombs and other kinds of large munitions are DU for penetration reasons, BUT OUR 'SMALL ARMS' ARE NOT DU!

So that's why the Israelis had to bail out your arses in Iraq when you ran out of ammo? I've got the hit/miss stats. It's not pretty.
The marines are incredible shots, but when you are being shot back at, and you can't see the enemy, it's pretty ******* hard to hit them. Ever hear of 'suppressive fire' ????? Or 'covering fire' ??? It is a waist of ammo, but it keeps people alive, it has nothing to do with being a good shot, the point is to not care if you hit, but to put as many rounds in one direction as possible, much different from spray and pray where you are trying to hit someone.

I don't have to surmise, the stats speak for themselves. Your history in the conflicts that we've been involved in are embarrassing.
and what statistics are those? (i'd love to see them)

You've not yet encountered an enemy, nor been involved in a firefight. So STFU.
Have you? In fact, have you even seen any of the DU small arms ammunition you're talking about?

Three rifles and two guns. Why do you ask?
Because, if you own several guns, you know what shooting depleted uranium bullets would do to them, the barrel would melt after one magazine.



New member
You're still believing what you are told, 60.

Don't believe a word of it.

The principal DU munitions used in the Gulf War were tank-fired shells containing 4-or 5-kilogram DU penetrator rods and 30-millimeter rounds (each with a 0.3-kilogram DU penetrator) fired by the A-10 "Warthog," a "tank killing" aircraft later used over Kosovo.

About 4,000 large-caliber rounds and about 800,000 small-caliber rounds were fired. An additional 10,000 large rounds were used in practice in Saudi Arabia or destroyed in accidents--including a fire at Dohoa, Saudi Arabia. In all, about 300 tons of depleted uranium were scattered in southern Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.



New member
Read em and weep. You're all gonna die. Just not this week.

Rokke himself is on a 40% disability pension and has been diagnosed as having “reactive airways disease due to his occupational exposure to U-238”. Tests showed that he has 5000 times the normal level of radiation in his body; he also has problems with his breathing, immune system and one eye. He has had 15 surgical operations to his liver. Thirty members of his DU clean-up team have died.
Rokke emphasised that the purpose of war is to kill and destroy enemies, with little regard for long-term environmental or health consequences. DU munitions use a solid rod of uranium-238 as a high velocity, kinetic energy penetrator. They can pierce tank armour “like a hot knife through butter”. The DU ignites upon impact, resulting in a shower of burning DU which causes secondary explosions, fires, injuries and death; 60% of the U-238 penetrator remains as a solid piece of uranium which can be picked up by children or adults.

In the 1950s, the US DoD became interested in using DU metal in weapons because of its extreme density. The US military uses DU in M-16 machine gun rounds, cluster bombs, tank shells and even in the huge “bunker-buster” bombs. DU weapons are also contaminated with plutonium, neptunium and americium. An A-10 “tank buster” aircraft can fire over one tonne of deadly DU into its targets every minute.



New member
M-16 machine gun rounds
that is what, 1950's? the M16 is not a machine gun, or even full-automatic, and you have not proven that the 5.56MM is DU and not copper like you claim.



New member
I take it you can read, 60?????

The US military uses DU in M-16 machine gun rounds, cluster bombs, tank shells and even in the huge “bunker-buster” bombs. DU weapons are also contaminated with plutonium, neptunium and americium. An A-10 “tank buster” aircraft can fire over one tonne of deadly DU into its targets every minute.


New member
I ******* QUOTED IT!
but it only means we tested it on some secret base somewhere, not standard issued it like you claim.
You're a non-combatant, and a National Guard.

They don't tell you ****.

Don't be pretending you know what the **** is going down.



New member
Just some miscellaneous information...

An M-16 is an assault rifle. Why that source says machine gun I really don't know. And the only thing I know about DU is that it is commonly found in M1 Abrams ammo (usually APFSDS rounds) and in the armor and is mostly dangerous when on fire.

Okay carry on.

P.S. None of the things I have said is classified. The internet tells all.



New member
Just some miscellaneous information...

An M-16 is an assault rifle. Why that source says machine gun I really don't know. And the only thing I know about DU is that it is commonly found in M1 Abrams ammo (usually APFSDS rounds) and in the armor and is mostly dangerous when on fire.

Okay carry on.



New member
You're a non-combatant, and a National Guard.
They don't tell you ****.

Don't be pretending you know what the **** is going down.
I was prior active duty, now currently National Guard. I am a combat MOS (a scout and a tanker) and I STILL don't know everything that is going down. ****, if you went to a place like Iraq and asked some of the sergeants "Hey Sagre, what's going on down here?" a handful will probably say, "I don't ******* know, they just sent us here to secure such-n-such."

In the military, it is rare if you hear the WHOLE story.



New member
I was prior active duty, now currently National Guard. I am a combat MOS (a scout and a tanker) and I STILL don't know everything that is going down. ****, if you went to a place like Iraq and asked some of the sergeants "Hey Sagre, what's going on down here?" a handful will probably say, "I don't ******* know, they just sent us here to secure such-n-such."
In the military, it is rare if you hear the WHOLE story.

Thankyou, Outlaw.




New member
You're a non-combatant, and a National Guard.
They don't tell you ****.

Don't be pretending you know what the **** is going down.

and you are in another ******* country relying on anti-usa media and 'green left' websites, don't be talking **** yourself. :D

you don't even know the basics of the hardware we use, and yet you are making clames you know the intricate details of how we work and what we use, i on the other hand know what i'm talking about, ****, i even know about your military weapons (good job on the AUG btw, one of my fave assault rifles)

i am not however claiming to understand how your military functions, just how the guns do...

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