Steve Irwin death

Like I was saying about Steve ripping the barb out being a problem, this guy just got zotted in the heart by the same critter, and left it in. He's still here to tell the tale.

Stevie was just a bit gung ho when he pulled that sucker out of his chest.
builder said:
Like I was saying about Steve ripping the barb out being a problem, this guy just got zotted in the heart by the same critter, and left it in. He's still here to tell the tale.

Stevie was just a bit gung ho when he pulled that sucker out of his chest.

There is a thin line between courage and stupidity.
builder said:
Like I was saying about Steve ripping the barb out being a problem, this guy just got zotted in the heart by the same critter, and left it in. He's still here to tell the tale.

Stevie was just a bit gung ho when he pulled that sucker out of his chest.
I'm not sure of all the specifics of your mate but Steve had the barb pierce his heart. I don
snafu said:
I'm not sure of all the specifics of your mate but Steve had the barb pierce his heart. I don’t think I mattered if he pulled it out or not.
Probably just another heroic deed he wanted to accomplish before passing away. I bet he is flipping those alligators in heaven all day long. Crikey!

PS. Whoever made that video should die for this.
snafu said:
I'm not sure of all the specifics of your mate but Steve had the barb pierce his heart. I don’t think I mattered if he pulled it out or not.

It mattered big-time.

Doctors were able to remove the barb during surgeries Wednesday and Thursday by eventually pulling it through his heart and closing the wound, said Dr. Eugene Costantini at Broward General Medical Center.

He said Bertakis' case was different from Irwin's because the barb stayed in Bertakis' heart and was not pulled out.

If you get stabbed anywhere in the torso, by anything, the smart thing to do is to leave it in, and seek medical help.

I saw a documentary of a busload of American tourists, all speared through the chest with the top rail of a safety guard. Like a piece of water pipe. They shot everyone up with morphine, cut the pipe off with a cold-cutter, and they walked off that bus, and nobody died.

That said, I got impaled in the guts with a drill bit that snapped off. I yanked that ****er out as soon as I saw it.

Knee-jerk reaction. :(

Article here.
I remember reading this article and thinking what I would do if a sting ray threw itself into the boat with me...I can't imagine...Especially after what happened to Irwin even with all his knowledge of the creatures.
builder said:
It mattered big-time.
If you get stabbed anywhere in the torso, by anything, the smart thing to do is to leave it in, and seek medical help.
I think that's the rule for any puncture/stab wound on any part of your body. Leaving it in keeps ya from bleeding out like a stuck pig :D
angie said:
I think that's the rule for any puncture/stab wound on any part of your body. Leaving it in keeps ya from bleeding out like a stuck pig :D

It's a tough call to say what you will do when confronted with a foreign object hanging out of you. It's a freaky thing.

You just wanna get it the **** out of you.

I guess when this gut-reaction developed, doctors weren't so commonplace.
builder said:
It's a tough call to say what you will do when confronted with a foreign object hanging out of you. It's a freaky thing.

You just wanna get it the **** out of you.

I guess when this gut-reaction developed, doctors weren't so commonplace.
I can relate. ;)
builder said:
It's a tough call to say what you will do when confronted with a foreign object hanging out of you. It's a freaky thing.

You just wanna get it the **** out of you.

I guess when this gut-reaction developed, doctors weren't so commonplace.
If only we could have a dr part to our consciecne
angie said:
If only we could have a dr part to our consciecne

I got the knowledge, but not the patience. LOL

I know not to pull the ****er out, but it's seemingly instincitive.

Perhaps at 81, my reflexes will be slower than my survival instinct. :cool: