Stupid female bitching


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2005
I want everyone to know i am a jealous bitch. here is what i wanna say:
I get so MAD when i even think my husband is interested in another female. I dont care if she is ugly, fine, short, tall, skinny, fat in real life or on the ****IN INTERNET. But i cant ****in stand it.
I know that sounds retarted and i should trust him and i do but i "think" TOO much! I dont know its like why would you even say some of the things you say to other females if you werent sorta interested. Are guys always looking...huh?
Why look? When you got the best **** at home.....but ya never know the best might not be what your looking for....sorry had to vent
Well it pisses you off so this IS the appropriate place to complain. All I have to say is try to instill a little trust into the situation. As long as he isn't hitting on anyone...forget those other jokers.
:( I don't think he'd have married you if he didn't think you were the cream of the crop :) I don't have an answer as to why guys do it. I can understand why you're annoyed if he's always looking and commenting. A wandering eye isn't the greatest. I hope it gets better, for whatever reason he is doing that. Talk to him and let you know what you think. He'll realize he's got his real woman right in front of him.

//edit// And what Outlaw said :D
Gray~Gal said:
I want everyone to know i am a jealous bitch. here is what i wanna say:
I get so MAD when i even think my husband is interested in another female. I dont care if she is ugly, fine, short, tall, skinny, fat in real life or on the ****IN INTERNET. But i cant ****in stand it.
I know that sounds retarted and i should trust him and i do but i "think" TOO much! I dont know its like why would you even say some of the things you say to other females if you werent sorta interested. Are guys always looking...huh?
Why look? When you got the best **** at home.....but ya never know the best might not be what your looking for....sorry had to vent

What with the statistics on spousal cheating, not all concern is paranoia.
Marriage tip to guys: "all of your wife's girlfriends are not dying to sleep with you. Flirt with your wife instead of them and yes you will get laid."

That being said... Harmless flirting is fun. It adds a bit of a lift and inner smile to the day - "married but not dead", "married, but not worthless" When someone kinda nice flirts with me I flirt right back - kind of an airy light thing -it's just fun and a bit of an affirmation of "yes, I'm still desirable to others". It's akin to someone saying, "wow! what a great hat! Where did you get it?" Admiration is a very fine wavelength.

I don't want to be put in a cage with a blanket thrown over the top. My husband married me because I was facinating and wonderful to him. He appreciated the way I was interested in everything, was outgoing and made friends wherever I went. If all that has to stop now, and if all my admiration now has to flow to him and I can't even smile at a baby in a stroller, I'm in a dark black cage - put there by the one I love.

You marry some guy, and he's wonderful! You like all these cool and unique things about him - does all that have to stop now that "he's yours"? You're the only wonderful and cool thing in the entire universe he can ever even look at?

That's about my only disagreement with jealousy. It's such a ****ing trap. It's such a cage.

Now...if he IS slobbering all over every fat ****ing waitress in an apron bending over to take the order - he gets a Severe Reality Adjustment and needs to find out really quick that a little of that is fine, but daily meals of it means that's all he's gonna get.

And if he cheats? If he goes follows the puppy home and beds it? Kick the ******* out and take every red cent he owns.
I dont think you should get jealous about looking or talking to someone else as long as it does not go further than that. My ex girlfriend was extremely jealous of me for some odd reason. I had no idea why because I was very faithful to her. A good example would be this one instance: A good friend of mine and his girlfriend invited me and my ex girlfriend to their house. My girlfriend didnt want to go but I I went. It turned out there was another girl over there that was visiting my friends. As soon as she found out about this other girl she came right over and acted bitchy the entire night. When we got home she was saying **** like "You are over there with 2 bitches without me being there. What was happening. Ect." It was so stupid. This made me so mad to the point that I decided: If she is going to be so jealous, then maybe I should give her a reason to be jealous. I mean, if Im already putting up with all this bullshit, I might as well be getting some cut-up.
See now that's a shitty attitude. Because if you DO decide to just "give her a reason" to be jealous then you're just validating her paranoia. Instead, you need to sit down and talk to the person about it, and if it doesn't seem like things will ever change, and they will never trust you, then just leave. Don't add fuel to the fire. My ex was the same way. But not just with guys. If I was ANYWHERE without him, I had to be doing something wrong. And plotting against him. If I was out with my girlfriends, we were obviously talking **** about him and smoking crack and having orgys. And I NEVER cheated on him. That is just the way he was. He finally told me towards the end of the relationship that it was because I didn't just bow down to him, do what he wanted when he wanted, wouldn't sit around and wait for his sorry ass all night-because I had a mind of my own and wouldn't revolve my world around him. He wasn't "used to that". ****in' psycho.
And to add to the original topic:
I don't see a point in being jealous. Okay, so I might have a twinge if my man thinks another chick is hot. But he is HUMAN. Like I don't think other guys are attractive. Doesn't mean I'm going to go out and cheat. I love my BF and no one else. Other people may be attractive, but that's all they are. I love HIM not them, and vice versa w/ him. Hell, I went to see male strippers a couple months ago but it was just fun. Night out with the girls. Go out and watch hot guys take their clothes off then GO HOME TO HIM. And same with him seeing strippers(he's done it once in a year...If it was all the time I might worry a bit, but it's a just a once in a while fun with the guys thing). As long as it's LOOK AND NO TOUCH once in a while it isn't a big deal. I don't like being jealous, and I don't want him to be jealous either. We trust each other, there is nothing to worry about, so why waste your time and energy getting all pissy cause' he's checking out some chick's ass?
I just want everyone to know i was like in a weird MOOD when i posted this. But i still do get pissed. I guess its like if it has happened once to me it will probably happen again. But i know thats a crock. I dont know. Like i said, i get suspicious and then make up **** in my head that only hurts
so its a lot of wasted time and thinking. But thats just me....
I know he isnt gonna do anything its just my thoughts
QUOTE: Why look? When you got the best **** at home.....but ya never know the best might not be what your looking for....sorry had to vent. END QUOTE.

Don't put yourself through hell! For goodness sake all your concern, your worries, nagging etc. are just going to drive him to do what you 'think' he is doing. Leave him alone - he comes home to YOU! There are too many beatuiful women in this world - face it women ARE sexy. Nothing you can do will change that. You're making YOURSELF miserable. How can you blame him for looking - you are with him because of who he is. Now you want him to change? You can't have it all. Let him be - as hard as that is. Don't give him the silent treatment, don't ruin the dinner party, don't deprive him of sex. If you really want and love him - leave him look. Looking does not cause harm and as a matter of fact if a pretty girl looks back and flirts with him - then he will feel good and sexy and YOU will benefit. Come on - you cann't change everybody around you - so change the way you deal with things. Not easy - but you can do it, you'll both be happier as a result. Good luck!
Hey BE pissed, my cousin left his wife for some wierd chick he met online then did it again to that one (ok so he has issues LOL) Honestly though I don't think have anything to worry about, you are an amazing chick and I am SURE with so many kids at home you could KICK HIS ASS!!!!! ;) The internet is a scary place and DAMMIT how is it that I know so may MARRIED poele that **** around online and all I ever get are phycos that scare the crap out of me even befopre they hit on me. I am a ****ing freak magnet!!!!!!! If he does it again KICK HIS ARSE!!!!!!!
I couldn't resist to chime in on this thread... I love to flirt with young ladies and love it when they pay attention to me... I've been married three times and my curent relationship has survived for over 14 years without an affair...

My first wife was faithful, great in the sack and took great care of her body and I messed around with other women because she changed her priorities after we were married... She wanted to live in a people factory in the suburbs and I wanted to live in the country and I couldn't deal with the people factory suburbs... Then she announced people grow and decided she wanted a career that would separate us for a couple of years... I aggreed people grow and met a 19 year old and divorced her.

The second wife did to me what I did to the first wife. I didn't like it and I divorced her. My repalcement stabbed her 27 times but she survived...

I have had many opportunities to cheat with other women including my wive's younger sister but refused insisting that it would not be my fault if this relationship fails...

I live in PR and don't have many friends and last week I had to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine and I couldn't resist telling my wife how pretty the new girl at the pharamcy was... how horney she made me and that maybe she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen in my life... after saying that I told her I miss my male friends and just needed to share the pure joy of witnessing the new model knowing it was for viewing like a Lambragini out of reach I just enjoyed the experience... She had the same strange look on her face as you have on yours now... so go figure... If I hit the lottery I wouldn't hit on another woman and my wife knows it and SHE COULD TAKE A LITTLE BETTER CARE of me if you know what I mean but I guess she feels as secure as I do that we are stuck with each other and don't worry about other pretty people...
8_BALL said:
ugh huh. okay. key word, PARANOID.

Hey well there is sometimes a reason to be PARANOID
Its ok i think i will be over it. It just an arguement that will go away. Happens from time to time.
Gray~Gal said:
Hey well there is sometimes a reason to be PARANOID
Its ok i think i will be over it. It just an arguement that will go away. Happens from time to time.
I think in your case.... wait let me rephrase that....I KNOW in your case you are blowing it just a little out of proportion. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Seems in your case it
You should trust your significant other until they give you a reason not to. I'm not talking about catching him in bed with someone; I'm talking about late nights with no alibi or closing the computer screen when you walk into the room. Suspicious behavior requires investigation.

I didn't read 8 Ball's responce before I posted my first reply. It still stands though, for males or females.
ToriAllen said:
You should trust your significant other until they give you a reason not to. I'm not talking about catching him in bed with someone; I'm talking about late nights with no alibi or closing the computer screen when you walk into the room. Suspicious behavior requires investigation.

I didn't read 8 Ball's responce before I posted my first reply. It still stands though, for males or females.
Logical. Flawlessly logical.
leave him.

But you know we can't help it. Our main goal is to reproduce as much as we can.

That's basically the 99% of our goal in life.

The world is too civilized, or mechanical, or even plastic. There's no boundary anymore, since anyone could take their money and goto the grocery store and get food.

Imagine if we all went back to the stone age, where men still hunted for food and women cooked them and pleased men.

too much technology is not always a good thing.
by the way, if you love them, you should end everything else right there.

It's called understanding. Play his game, don't get mad at him. That's just bound for a divorce.
sovikolp said:
by the way, if you love them, you should end everything else right there.

It's called understanding. Play his game, don't get mad at him. That's just bound for a divorce.

I am good....I dont need to reproduce ANYMORE...LOL 4 is enough
We dont need a divorce..just him home..think i just needed to get laid....its outta my system...he said he wont be home until feb so its on hold 4 awhile :(