Suggestions for Fan Site


New member
If we need people to help write up-to-date news' date=' I will gladly volunteer to help get it started once it is set-up. I'm a good writer and experienced, since I've been writing for the school newspaper for two years now.[/quote']
That'd be cool, all good sites have that. I think we could take it a step further. Make it into one of those news caster type things. I can edit videos, people could send me their videos and i could edit them to a like 1 min newscaster that would be on the home page, a new one every week. It wouldn't all have to be about Linkin Park either, we could put LPF news on there too. For example: new mods, LPF awards (we could actually do a long segment on that), and getting a new admit. We could have people write the news, I think it would be cool. If it doesn't turn out that'd be ok and we could just delete it. I dont know, just a thought....


New member
I disagree with the mp3s of their songs. We should not put the music they have worked so hard to create, up for grabs.
We should have an entrance exam or something of that sorts, to be able to become a member of this site. With a website to go along with this, there will be more people who come in, and may not be the type of members we want here. Either that, or some sort of filter of sorts to control the amount of members and the type of people who come in. We dont want more spammers do we?

I dont know if this is possible, but a Linkin Park TV section. It will have a list of concerts and videos of Linkin Park and everyday, it will run down the list forvever. And when you want to upload something else, it will play those for a while and go over and over again. This way, ppl can watch all sorts of Linkin Park concerts.

Then, we should add a link to the Tsunami relief. Maybe some for donations to the site as well.

We could have a network of staff who write articles of Linkin Park and they could do their work.

We could also have a guestbook for Linkin Park. People would put in their names and email and whatever, we could filter out anything offensive or stupid, and then email it to Linkin Park every month or so. It would be interesting, if a bit repetitive and stupid.

We could host compititions and that sort which would include remixes, sigs, pics, wallpapers, music videos, ect....

As you can see, there are many ideas for the new site, and I hope to be a big part of it if you would allow it. I want to assist you any way I can.

This could be achieved simply by adding a thread to the Elite Section.

A thread only to post LP download where only Elite members could view it.

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