
I agree with the things that o0SugaxNxSpice0o is saying, and I know how it is to be "suicidal". My parents put me through therapy and lately my dad had been trying to put me up in an assylum. Hey lpp if you ever feel the urge to throw yourself of the roof of your home than throw your favorite CD in and listen to it for a while. It helped me stay alive and im kinda glad im still here.
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Please don't do anything irrational. Suicide is not the answer I promise. You really need to talk to somebody. Anybody! Same with what everybody is doing, I will point you in Majinkamahls way (He should definately be the LPF Psychiatrist). That something holding you back is a good thing. Please just have the courage to tell your parents at least, they won't yell at you! They're your parents, the people who made you and raised you. They will care and try and help you. You're young and haven't even experianced what life really is about. Don't kill yourself. Live!

hmm i'm adopted though......but why would my mom care i have threaten suicide so much she doesn't believe i have the guts to do it so it wouldn't matter to her if i was gone anyway
I think about it. It seems blissful, yet at the same time, scary. I don't want to loose all the happiness in my life, even though there is so much pain and confusion. I want to see where my life leads me. I want to see my dreams come true (even though they most likely won't) Those thing overpower the seductive urdge to end my life.
I can't speak for anyone else, but If you look hard enough, you can find somthing that's worth living for. and if you can't than I truely pity you.
There's one thing that I think would change your mind about suicide. What if you kill yourself, what happens when you die? If you believe in heaven/hell, where will you go? If you killed yourself, then God might as well send you to hell or something. That'd be worse than living.
[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
There's one thing that I think would change your mind about suicide. What if you kill yourself, what happens when you die? If you believe in heaven/hell, where will you go? If you killed yourself, then God might as well send you to hell or something. That'd be worse than living.
I believe that if you take your own life, you will go to hell. But I'm a Catholic, and that's what we are tought. But I strongly believe it.
I'm Catholic......but I don't know anything about my religion. I just assume my own beliefs. I would be personally scared that God would send me to hell just because of it. Or anything else I did for that matter. suicide for me.
I'm supposed to be Christian, but my family THANKFULLY does not practice religion. I am SO greateful for that. I make my own rules. I believe that if you take your own life, you will suffer in the afterlife. I guess its those physics again, Misery, lol. I seriosuly think that if you give up, you're not doing yourself any favors
Guys, seriously. If you are thinking about doing this please don't, you don't realise how great you are and what you have left in your life. Guys, don't feel that this is the way to escape, because it truly isn't.
I've attempted suicide before, so I know how it feels. At the moment though I wouldn't dream of doing it again because I know what it would do to the people around me. Avoiding suicide is a matter of self-control.
I've been told my whole life, that EVERY single person has a reason he's living, and i mean with that, that if you kill yourself, like because of your karma you reincarnate again and you still will have to "finish your job" but it can happen that you'll be born very poor or sick or it'll be a harder life...i just heard that a friend of my moms got cancer..this is so horrible...but it has some reason she got it, like destiny, maybe she did sumthin wrong in her past life.
try to find the reason you're so depressed and do something but DON'T KILL YOUSELF!! that's not the solution!
even if you think you're alone WE ARE THERE FOR YOU!! *hugs*
what to do ..

i have been thinking about it alot..

and last night and today i was talking about what to od on
twilightcrimson7 said:
I'm sorry to hear that *hugs* I'll be here to talk if you want


first thing first i had choose the song to kill my self to
korns i'm done..

and still think what i should do on to rid myself
lpp said:
but it will get rid of everything though

No it won't. It's a misconception that suicide solves your problems.

The way I keep myself going is this... whatever your problems are, you have to rise above lpp. If you commit suicide you're just giving in. Don't let them win. It sounds cliche but it's true. Look in the mirror and say, I am a strong person. I'm better than this, I can get through this.

You're worth far more than a bottle of pills hun.