Sunday wash drags......



So Sunday i get out the lawn equipment... No not the Rhino.... the actual lawn mower and was just getting down to business with Matt from dynomite performance says.... Hey, we are headed out to the wash for drags load up the quad and get it out here..... So I say cool, no shocks. But we are headed out anyways. LOL

We grab a cooler with beers, and lunch and head on out. This place literally will get 50 fast quads on a given Sunday. Depends on the day and now that the heat is picking up it will be less and less LOL

Matt from Dynomite Performance had EL Cheapo out there and it was running good. It was without a doubt one of the faster quads out that day.

* Everyone I ride with wears helmets and always will. I dont know most the no helmet wearers and take no part in the no helmet riding.... So does Matt. He always has a helmet on. There are a couple people who rides his quad with no helmet.










this guy right here in the teal shirt is the scariest shifter I have ever seen in my entire life. He literally lets go of the bars COMPLETELY with all fingers to do a slap on the clutch lever to shift. TWICE he almost ate crap on Sunday pulling back on only one side of the bar.

VERY SCARY to see him shift. You can see him just letting go of the bar to shift in this pic

Sweet ! Are you guys running 300` drags ? I dont get the no helmet thing either !! being the speeds those quads go !! Nice pics Man !!
i kept banging the laptop with my club till it give in!! then i drug it around by the cord!! was the black trx with you guys!!