Super Smash Bros. Brawl

I'm pretty aware of that...
You should see the lag we go through at the beginning... *dies*
It usually smooths out after a while >.>
Ooh I want this, but it's not out in UK yet! :(

I'll buy myself a Wii when it is lol. Btw does anyone know what controller is better? The Wii-mote or the normal controller?
hehe i need to buy a wii first....but ssb is worth the price, i heard theres tething issues but those are suppoed to go away once u play long enough, definately cant wait when i buy a wii im getting ssb with it for sure!
If you own a Wii, then it's a MUST buy. The Wii lacks good titles... this one is at least decent. It's also pretty fun when you're playing against three other people. The ambient is just so freaking great =o
If you own a Wii, then it's a MUST buy. The Wii lacks good titles... this one is at least decent. It's also pretty fun when you're playing against three other people. The ambient is just so freaking great =o

Indeed but it will get old. I would love to play it every now and then but not to much. Oh well I got Rainbow Six Vegas 2 :D
Heh... it will get old if you play it by yourself and don't have any friends =P It's a good party-ish type of game. Multi-player is where the greatness of this game lies.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2? How's that game? I LOVED the first part.
Wii pretty much suffices as a party machine. I mean mario and a couple other games are fun on it, but like FH said it lacks a plethora of titles. but i mean if u have friends over a lot, this system and SSBB are perfect. unless u have GH
Heh... it will get old if you play it by yourself and don't have any friends =P It's a good party-ish type of game. Multi-player is where the greatness of this game lies.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2? How's that game? I LOVED the first part.

I said that assuming it was great but didn't get to movie place to rent it in time (doing it first thing tommorow)

Wii pretty much suffices as a party machine. I mean mario and a couple other games are fun on it, but like FH said it lacks a plethora of titles. but i mean if u have friends over a lot, this system and SSBB are perfect. unless u have GH

Rock Band > GH > Wii

when it comes to party titles
Heh... it will get old if you play it by yourself and don't have any friends =P It's a good party-ish type of game. Multi-player is where the greatness of this game lies.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2? How's that game? I LOVED the first part.

I am probably buying it tomorrow, but I heard it's like a continuation on the first one.

One interesting thing I heard was that it has a map like a gaming convention with all these game ad's, sounds cool.
I am probably buying it tomorrow, but I heard it's like a continuation on the first one.

One interesting thing I heard was that it has a map like a gaming convention with all these game ad's, sounds cool.

yeah all i have read are bad things about it but i loved the first one (besides the PS3 version was glitchy wo the patch) I played it one 360 and had tons of fun