Super Smash Bros. Brawl

rainbow six 2 is basically rainbow six 1...nothings changed, gameplays still the same...AI can kiss my nutsack, its annoying, but still, its still a good game and multiplayer rocks, but they didnt much with RS2 did they...

im trying to worm my parents to get me a ps3 with backwards compatability to play some of the old games i loved, or a DS cause i need something to do on the train for an hour before i get to uni...
Hazi[LP]Tonz;558894 said:
rainbow six 2 is basically rainbow six 1...nothings changed, gameplays still the same...AI can kiss my nutsack, its annoying, but still, its still a good game and multiplayer rocks, but they didnt much with RS2 did they...

im trying to worm my parents to get me a ps3 with backwards compatability to play some of the old games i loved, or a DS cause i need something to do on the train for an hour before i get to uni...

backwords compatibility is no longer availbile with PS2 on PS3 (until the new 100+GB model is going to be released) I have a 80GB with 80% backwords compatibilty with PS2 but I have only ever played 1 PS2 Game lol All PS3s are 100% compatibile with PSX games. I will just keep PS2 and buy the 40GB PS3 (If I could do it again I would do that and just pay like 100 dollarsr and put a 200GB HDD in it since its cheaper to buy a hardrive seperate since any hardrive works with PS3

RainboxSix2 was better than the first one in my opinion. Like they fixed a lot of things I felt was wrong with the first.

Vegas 2 is like RS5 i think lol
I don't have a Wii. :(

But all my human friends have one, so I never really have to buy one ever.

Brawl is fun. This sort of goes with out saying. Brawl is better than the first two. That sort of does too.
they had a backwards cpability one ageesss ago, til they pulled it off the market, i scoured ebay for one, and was on the way to buying it til my parents said no, i dont have the funds >=/

hehe and i agree, brawl is AmzING1!!!1!11 as smash bros are always
Hazi[LP]Tonz;559234 said:
they had a backwards cpability one ageesss ago, til they pulled it off the market, i scoured ebay for one, and was on the way to buying it til my parents said no, i dont have the funds >=/

60GB that was availible till Nov. was 100% compatbile. I would get a 40GB since there are enough good PS3 games and just upgrade hard drive to 200GB for cheap and u got a better deal than an xbox elite for cheaper